The state of Amsterdam

>The state of Amsterdam

Where are all of the white faces?

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euromutts lol

Growing up I never thought Europe would fall to such depths. I thought hooligans and skinheads chimping out about shitskins were paranoid. Jews truly are the devil.

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Meanwhile in Holland



most of the whites are middle-aged or pensioners.
The new generation is >50% minorities, expect NL to be a majority shitskin country within 100 years.

>reports Britain set to launch £250 'cyber-force'
You won't be able to make these sorts of posts for long.

>The new generation is >50% minorities, expect NL to be a majority shitskin country within 100 years.

As opposed to anywhere else in the West?

Honestly people shit on France and Paris all the time here but London, Amsterdam and Brussels are ten times worse off now than we will be in 50 years

It is the future everywhere.

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These are neither mutts, nor euros.

purposely moved to the side

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>e but London, Amsterdam and Brussels are ten times worse off now
France doesn't record ethnicity data so I guess we'll never know will we then cunt

easy to proclaim yourself the winner of dying last when your government hides the truth on the matter

I can confirm netherlands looks like this

The jews can have it, I'm leaving in 2 months

>Woke Up

give it 20 years

The city has been a socialist hellhole for decades and is generally not a strong representative for Dutch city life

Where are you moving?

Asia ofcourse, I want to be happy...

(((I))) see no reason in keeping /your obese degenerate civilisation/.

You deserve to be hanged you fucking paedophile.

Better bring your magnifying glass. It's an open sewer, it's Sodom. and Gomorrah in one. A Babylon of races.

My wife is 24 how is this pedo

Fucking island Arabs....

Sick freak. Going to Asia to diddle children. Fucking state of you.

this is worse than CANADA LMFOA

>leaving your ancestors thousands of years old home because of uncivilized subhumans from the third world
final cuck level

I'm 25 faggot how is one year difference pedo

Fucking achmed


Krijg kanker, vuile landverrader. Of nee, word maar overreden door een riksja, al die verraders die kanker krijgen komen wel weer heel principieel terug voor de door ons betaalde gezondheidszorg, want die is in die apenlanden dan weer niet goed genoeg. In plaats van dat je een keer wat doet om het hier minder kut te maken, verlaat je het schip nadat je de buit binnen hebt. Walgelijk addergebroed met je nikkermentaliteit.

Jesus, this is worse than London.

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What was the segment about OP?

Amsterdam is over 50% non-white now, but I've never seen anything like this.

Is this a special school?

Wait this has to be some refugee thing

"""men""" like this are why the west is failing

I’m always fascinated how much I can understand written Dutch when I concentrate myself

Why are you all so sad I'm leaving boys

Would your Europe not be better if people like me left Europe?

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>I'm leaving

Nice try Joe56 but that mutt meme is for you and you know it.

Amsterdam is the bastion of degeneracy

what are you then

a jew?

Is it that bad? Where would you go if it becomes 60% shitskin?

I don't think he ever implied any others were going to escape this fate.

Strong projection there buddy. If the first thing that in your mind when you think of Asia is touching kids then it says a lot about you. Get help.

Images like this pull me farther to the right. It really fucks with me seeing my country turn to shit, but seeing this shit happening in bongland and other eurofag countries too, it makes me realize just how fucked we really are. I don't want to see the west fall like this.

Sometimes I think about what the world would have looked like if Europeans didn't expand out of Europe through colonialism, imperialism, etc. Maybe we would have been better off that way.

Like you or anyone else has the balls to stand up and do something, shut the fuck up

Stop fucking kids.

No I'm some part belgian and rest north netherlands the mother of my mother flee belgium in ww2 so who knows

>Population replacement is a myth
>muh diversity

look at the world map of 1914
That was the peak of white/western civilization
After that came the decline

There's a reason Jews were exiled from so many countries over a century ago. It's the boomer generation that really fucked us over with the multiculturalism going forward.

>Sometimes I think about what the world would have looked like if Europeans didn't expand out of Europe through colonialism, imperialism, etc. Maybe we would have been better off that way.

Basically Ukraine, which is the West frozen in time from the 1930s as they never recovered from the Holdomor and WWII.

Well not to Amsterdam, that's for sure. I haven't been there for years and I'm not keen on changing that. I come from a long family tradition of Amsterdam haters (I have Red Cross telegrams of my grandfather who was called for Arbeitseinsatz in Germany during war, he petitioned to be transferred to a Belgian dorm because he couldn't stand to be around Amsterdammers. His request was approved because the camp commander disliked Amsterdammers too like any sane person)

It's an enormous meme in the east of the country, where I live. Amsterdam is despised by everyone. A friend of mine even had one of those mid-contract evaluations at work where the only negative comment was that he was mean to people from Amsterdam and sometimes refused to pick up the phone when the number started with 020.(Amsterdam). I can't blame him, Amsterdam accents make your skin crawl.

Even low value whites are whites and emigrés are usually at least somewhat educated

What is the subject though OP I want to know

Seems like a refugee feel good op

I have high education yes and my wife too
She has her own clothing store after she finish school

T. Kankerboer

Looks like a pic of a missionary in Africa
Fuck Europe

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your are ashamed of your status jeroen

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You know that schools in the Netherlands are segregated right? So they went to this school to make British people feel better about themselves.

Why would you do that?

is this australia?

No its the UK.

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We learned from watching you

so diverse.....

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Isn't this where the apartment building burned down and many shitskins died as a result?

Do not cry for us it is the future we have chosen!
Oh Lord I pray to thee just let me live long enough to see the collapse.

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Im not sure.

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I like Dr Hillary Jones.

>To tackle Russia
how about you post the full headline young lady? Bit of fake news stirring from you, gon have to report you to Hilary Clinton and get you arrested huh?

If you niggers ever paid attention to stats you'd realise this.

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god help us

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No they are not, most whites dont live in big cities, especially not Amsterdam

>t. Kankerrampstedeling
Geniet van je Marokkanenplaag vriendo

it's like a sad Sergeant Pepper's spoof

I can't even comprehend this. Jesus Christ I thought it was bad here... I'm so sorry Eurofriends

The future belongs to those who get up and take it

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Also that is what we call a "Black" school in the netherlands



>The terms “black” and “white” schools refer to the high concentrations of either ethnic minorities or native Dutch students in certain schools. We place these terms in quotation marks to suggest that they are socially constructed definitions used to represent the children in the schools but have no clear meaning on their own. Black and White have no clear meaning because while white is the term for the native Dutch, black is used to describe children of Moroccan, Turkish, Surinamese and Antillian descent among other ethnicities.

Htiler should have won.


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LOL Berkeley

Hitler was a response to the struggles of the great depression and international capitalism under imperialist economies. He has nothing to do with modern issues and has no solution for modern issues. Hitler is dead weight which will do nothing but anchor white nationalism moving into the future. We need a new generation of nationalist thinkers who can address modern problems, and be politically active in today's world.

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I do find it fascinating how once again the shills spasm when it's exposed how bad the mainland is and shill the thread good to try and bury the disturbing news.

Many such cases, very SAD!


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We learned it from you, dad.

>multikulti shithole
>not an accurate representation of the randstad



>meme flaggot

Fuck off

Swamp niggers

Diversity is your strength

Israel is your father. Deal with it.

How can you call natives "traitors" for abandoning their decaying nations?
Our countries are democratic, and the majority has agreed to let their culture and people die in exchange for comfort and hedonism.
What are you going to do about it, other than stay here and eventually die in the Islamic uprising?
I've gone to gatherings of political parties who say they oppose these atrocities, but I feel that their figureheads are disingenuous and just leveraging the cause for wealth.

>0-14 years: 16.41% (male 1,434,919/female 1,368,437)
>15-24 years: 12.07% (male 1,051,319/female 1,010,969)
>25-54 years: 39.52% (male 3,387,716/female 3,364,010)
>55-64 years: 13.28% (male 1,128,484/female 1,139,703)
>65 years and over: 18.73% (male 1,449,752/female 1,749,410)

>Dutch 77.4%
>EU 6.2%
>Turkish 2.3%
>Moroccan 2.3%
>Indonesian 2.1%
>Surinamese 2%
>other 7.7%

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Tower Hamlets was a Jewish area for a couple hundred years and it's now it's a tiny Bangladeshi enclave with 10 people per room. Part and parcel.

Swamp Germans