Lend Jow Forums your energy - Linux Happening?

Linus never uses unicode. He did in this message that introduced the big tranny feminist CoC.

Attached: bigcoc.jpg (1000x667, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you give me a quick rundown on whats been happening?. All i know is some man hating feminist was put in charge of writing a new code of conduct or something?

It's going to be probably used by Intel and MS to kick people out who have opposed their corporate bullshit and glownigger commits in the past.

Ted Tso is already being called a rape apologist (pic related).

Linus in the past has never written emails containing smart quotes, he always has used the ASCII charset.

Attached: the tso.png (2328x1500, 222K)

we warned them. they told us we're retarded right wing crazies. well, they got what they wanted. I enjoy the drama. I hope the nerds get raped 3 new holes

SJWs pushed out Linus and forced them to adopt a Code of Conduct that essentially says "gender identity is real and everyone who says there's only two genders isn't allowed to contribute to the kernel and/or visit linux conventions". a day later they went after the 2nd in command calling him out as a rape apologist.

I don't think you realize that this will kill people, literally, if crazy purple haired faggots run things. AI, aircraft, routers, internet backbone equipment. Most is Linux based.

I thought (((she))) was going to get out of kernel dev, and there it is?

are you serious?

I'm not a computer.
Can you explain what's going on?

Meh. Most of those devices are using ancient-ass kernels anyway and just aren't gonna get upgraded, ever. It takes a bit of effort to backport fixes and somewhat more to backport drivers, but we could run 4.18 basically forever if we so chose.

>I don't think you realize that this will kill people
implying I care

The stupid CoC tranny? She and her crew of unfuckables are here just to pick people off for fun, validation, revenge, and maybe profit since I wonder if MS and Intel, the gov could be funding them.

no. you can read up on it on Jow Forums, phoronix, lwn or even Jow Forumslinux if you want to get that kind of cancer.

These degenerate faggots are seriously so insecure about themselves they feel the need to be in control of everything because they know they wont achieve anything otherwise with their mental illness

oh, this one is fun: lwn.net/Articles/765674

I suspect this is true but that they are also useful idiots so that MS, the feds, etc can put their own dicks into the kernel further... DRM, etc. Maybe more systemD can penetrate the Linux community too.

Good. They need to ruin society so a backlash happens and they all get thrown out of helicopters.




Stallone is Jow Forums

De Niro is Jow Forums

Unironically the logo of the CoC they've introduced looks a little...jihad like.

Attached: dirka.png (980x184, 16K)

That's just a pure cohencidence.

Listen I used to be a nerd to care about shit and my current laptop has Debian stable because it came with Windows 8.1 in 2014 and I couldn't update it to Windows 10 so I just wiped the ssd and put Linux on it.
But I am somewhat tech savvy. The average guy uses the Android phone without knowing that it runs the Linux kernel 3.18 or something like that. The iPad just works, who cares if it's some meme tier BSD mutant?
All that will happen to the Linux kernel that Amazon, Google, Microsoft will take over and clean it up because it's just fucking bloated it still contains binary blobs for tech that doesn't even exist anymore and the whole shit needs to be properly audited for corporate tier selinux.
If my next ultrabook comes with Windows 10 and it just works I will not give a flying fuck that the NSA and Microsoft knows I jerk off to trannies or zooskool etc. Until the EU and my goverment lets me post here, nothing that I do on Jow Forums is classified as illegal for me.

Probably. Linux was the last bastion of free computing. Now it's all out war on digital freedom.

Attached: neverchanges.gif (500x284, 929K)

Trannys are the embodiment of the Satanic Baphomet Jew religion.

How the fuck did they let this freak in their in the first place?

Trannies/jews infect and destroy everything they touch.

Attached: Satanists.jpg (447x1066, 134K)

I believe openBSD is yet to be cucked.

Either RWDS throw them out of helicopters or Muslims will thrown them from roof tops.

Its a win/win either way.

>How the fuck did they let this freak in their in the first place?

quotas probably. we live in a truly totalitarian (((civilization)))

I don't think that will be too troublesome for the control freaks. They'll just impose their code of conduct on them or #metoo the project leader into taking feminist "advisors" to prevent "uncorrect" code.

>sending support to any OS users that isnt TempleOS
you guys should probably just end your suffering now and kys. is anyone here FUCKING SURPRISED THIS HAPPENED? do tell me.............

It's a one man show and he regularly tells people to fuck off...he accepts contributed code but runs it with an iron fist

God, I hate these twitter addicts who make threads so long. It's like they vomit their every piece of shit thought onto the Internet.

Sounds good, but if they cucked Torvalds, they can cuck anyone.

>no bluecheck mark
>writes twatter essay anyway
>thinks anyone cares
even twatter users ignore no checkmark users.

Good point.

Theo de Raadt doesn't have college-age children, last I checked.

It used to be a woman. Now it's a political football.

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Unusable on modern machines. You need FreeBSD clones with extra firmware support.

>"Hell no, I'm a white man, I wrote my own fucking compiler i'm not a nigger like linus, I'm a professional"

RIP Terry


damn. i was getting ready to switch to some babby linux distro since i dont play vidya anymore.

the earth is a lonely place without terry

There's gold for the digging in the comments.

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Your Android phone already is. Also good luck finding a working distro without the glowinthedark systemd while it is usable too.

Don't forget the goy who closed the backdoor and just got sent packing because (((reasons)))

I go to uni in Oxford. This is bullshit. This person has never been to Oxford. There is a black man who literally walks around Oxford screaming swear words, due to being mentally ill. Anyone who has spent any longer then a day in my city, should know who i am talking about.

LOL as if jews know anything about computers.

(((Terry Davis))) knows as much about computers as (((Mark Zuckerberg))) knows about computers.

Both CIA niggers and frauds.

They already have their own CoC
GhostBSD is the one to choose, it has a nice desktop for newbs

Linus should make good on this promise.

Attached: linus quote.jpg (575x467, 204K)

>Linus stepping away from Linux for awhile
>The SJW vultures are circling to destroy anything they can
Yet another example of leftist SJW trash spreading their AIDS infected cancer. If Linus is going to allow the infestation of Linux kernel development by SJW trash he deserves destruction. Time to move away from Linux if this is going to be allowed to happen because Linus no longer has a spine. Fuck him and fuck Linux under SJW control.

isn't Linux free? I'm not an expert, buz why not just take that shit and develop a fork? why would you be forced to accept their stupid code of conduct?

OR like (((Kevin Mitnick))) the biggest code cracker jacker of all time LOLOL.

Y'all got duped by da jooz.

Attached: Kevin Mitnick.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Linus is pulling a Trump card. He's forcing all these faggots into revealing themselves so he can have them executed off the project.

He looks just like sam hyde.....

Attached: images.jpg (229x220, 8K)

i dont have the heart to hope for something like that.
he could have picked any other CoC but went with that tranny things one.
they have something on Torvalds and he finally bent the knee to globohomoschlomo.

amen. never let a tranny in your workplace. if your at a workplace with trannies, try and get them fired if possible. If its impossible, run away.

Naa, just watch.

>this will kill people
Nah, (((they))) just want to infiltrate the kernel development, so backdoors could be installed. These rabids SJWs are just their pawns.

>isn't Linux free?
Linux is free and open source.

>I'm not an expert, buz why not just take that shit and develop a fork?
>Why doesn't someone just fork 20 million lines of code and continue development? Com on bro it is just 20 goddamn million lines of code across many platforms used by thousands of companies and billions of users. Just do it bro.
Goddamn you idiots are stupid.

>why would you be forced to accept their stupid code of conduct?
Why would anyone ever follow any organizations rules, codes, laws, or otherwise? It is the code of the project. Either you follow it or you can be pushed out.

Please to see your licence to call bullshit, suh

They're not leftist. They're liberal bourgeois capitalists and they hate the idea of anything that doesn't have a coinbox on it.

aside from a bullycide campaign against these trans freaks, what else can anyone do against these people?
the Linux panel just rolled the fuck over and took it.

>SJW trannies pushing leftist SJW agenda
>They're not leftist.
Nigger you have lost your goddamn mind.

Gates laughs at your four winds

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>anything I don't like is leftist
How is it leftist? Define leftist.

My suggestion would be to write a kernel module that pops up a dbus/toast message any time it intercepts/keylogs you using an inappropriate pronoun, racial slur, or offensive speech...submit it as a pull request masquerading as a tranny freak.

So this plus DBUS/toast:

They don't merge, throw a tranny fit. They do, write an article about how not only does it replace "mean words" but it is also, essentially, a keylogger.

So when are we organising a march in Oxford in protest of this new CoC

>How is it leftist? Define leftist.
SJW infiltration of especially with tranny trash has been a hallmark of Leftist political agenda. What goddamn rock have you been living under? First time on Jow Forums?

That's not a definition. That's an observation, and a false one based on the self-identification of bourgeois neoliberals, which is no more reliable than that of the gender of a tranny.
So, answer the question, because you're wrong and I want to watch you squirm.

>Glowies get Terry the same time as Linux gets pozzed

>is highly unorthodox leftist
>demands everyone recognize him as the 'TRUE LEFTIST' and SJWs as fakes

you do realize meaning is derived from usage, right? when we talk about leftists we ARE talking about SJWs because that's how the majority of them are. And if they aren't, they pay lip service to it anyway.

Everything is full of aids, and if it's not full of aids now it soon will be.

>you do realize meaning is derived from usage, right?

Well, fug. If true, we socdems and commies and anyone else who looks at politics as a solution to the collective action problem instead of a competitive (((sport))) are gonna have discard the left-right paradigm as shit-tier corporate branding.

>Going to plant your flag on a defense that a leftist SJW tranny looking to infiltrate and undermine is not a TRUE leftist even through they are going goddamn down the SJW list of steps to undermine and destroy
These leftist SJW goons rely on morons like you to run cover as they continue to push their leftist agenda. Sounds just like the "that was not TRUE Communism/Socialism" crowd.

The video games industry has already been completely infected via this technique and now the open source projects with the Linux kernel being a prized target are next. You will be there to reminded everyone that despite the total goddamn cancerous leftist SJW agenda being spewed that these trannies are not TRUE leftist. Sure every goddamn word out of their mouth and action taken are in line with leftist agenda but these are not TRUE leftist. Insane.

Sharp is so angry, he just needs a good hate wank.

>he thinks SJWs are leftist
And you can't even define the word. Leftists = whatever SJWs do. You seem to be cucked to your ech chamber. They extend the logic of the market to every facet of human relations: you can be any gender brand you can afford to buy. They seek management positions in corporate America and love corporate America.
These are fucking CAPITALISTS, you mongoloid crippledick.
They want NOTHING of communist economics.
Prove otherwise.

Attached: 1537517984108.png (734x1481, 129K)

Two words:


Yes, that's literally a thing they're pushing now.

The meritocracy was a lie in the first place.
A brief investigation of the origin of the word is most instructive.

I just want a non poz'd OS
do I really need to run OpenBSD or whatever now or what?

Are you in Oxford too? Anytime is fine with me

beware the trojantrannypony

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Eyebrows raised. I had not aligned these events

Agreed, fuck them.

Good, more people have to feel the effects of getting what they wanted.

>I will not give a flying fuck that the NSA and Microsoft knows I jerk off to trannies or zooskool etc. Until the EU and my goverment lets me post here

OK, cool.

Fuck off NPC.

So you intend to continue to claim that an obviously leftist SJW tranny who is openly pushing leftist agenda into open source code development in this case via the code of conduct is not a leftist? Are you in some way in denial that this person is left leaning? Are you familiar with political talk or is this your first time on Jow Forums?

Obviously, you are full of goddamn shit or just being a troll but let the leftist SJW tranny freak speak for itself.

"I can’t wait for the mass exodus from Linux now that it’s been infiltrated by SJWs. Hahahah"

Attached: 347598734985734.png (1260x854, 629K)

>gonna have discard the left-right paradigm as shit-tier corporate branding
Yes you should, it's a garbage 17th century French metaphor about where you sit in relation to Monarchy
It's absolutely shit at describing 21st century western politics

"Leftist" is an umbrella term, referring to people who are concerned with economic/social equality and the well-being of disadvantaged/marginalized groups. Given that so called SJWs are preoccupied with minority rights and can't shut up about inequality and systemic racism, it's perfectly reasonable to categorize them as left-wing. Of course you can tote your own specific definitions, but this is how the overwhelming majority of people (including academics) understand the left-right dichotomy.

FreeBSD was cucked before Linux with this atrocious CoC.

> longer then a day
Go to uni in Oxford do you? Do they still teach English in Oxford, Mohammed?

>pic related

How can you look at this and not consider it a problem?
SJWs have come for every group now that never bothered them. Fucking linux nerds man. A lot of these people don´t even talk to others. Most of them are apolitical and don´t care about trans rights as long as you let them play with their kernel.

The reason the linux kernel is being used in almost everything is because it is rock solid and stable. If they fuck up the kernel the whole world is going to notice when computer based systems stop being reliable (pro-tip: everything is a computer based system nowadays).

It's not a leftist if it's attacking communal open source in favor of corporate (((IP))). That's pure right-wing individualism. Suck it and like it.
Obviously, you are an americuck who lets jews define his political terms for him in terms of a false polarity based on (expressed) feels over reals. You americucks need to stop being jewish.

>SJWs are preoccupied with minority rights
>and can't shut up about inequality
Oh, but they only care about equality along the identity axis, not the class axis. Never the slightest action about economic inequality or class-based society, and only rarely a peep. The bourgeoisie are inherently right-wing. Their exalted position in society depends on it.
Pro tip: people lie. Watch their action and ignore their self-justifying blather, and you'll get a much better idea of where they stand.

Fair enough. So I should beat the crap out of people who say leftists are communist?

Instead of that bullshit verbosity, how about you explain it?

Or is the research necessary because it's some convoluted "power+merit=patriarchy" deal?

I do, indeed. Would you like me to post some of my Oxford Union things for you to look at Sheila? The Mohammed meme is weak, considering the demographics in my area...........

Yes, they're that fucking stupid.

Attached: meritocracy.png (760x509, 212K)

>A leftist SJW tranny infiltrating to spread its leftist AIDS infected agenda and laughing about it on twitter is not a Leftist
>You americucks
I see. Troll it is. This leftist SJW tranny will be added to the list of leftist SJW infiltration attempts to spread its AIDS infected leftist SJW agenda. Niggers like you will be added to another list.

>Fair enough. So I should beat the crap out of people who say leftists are communist?

You said something very communist. "He said the truth and we can't refute it, GET HIM".

Forking something is easy.
Forking something and getting the community on your side and enough maintainers to actually maintain your fork is a whole different story.

>that tweet
They don't even hide shit, these "people" are just plain scum

A simple Wikipedia lookup would have sufficed.
The word "meritocracy" was coined in a satirical essay about a future dystopia that supposedly practiced it, and was a pejorative for 15 years afterward until neoliberal shills made an effort to "reclaim" it.

I'd call it a troll, but it would probably take it as a comment on its physical appearance.

The absolute state of crippledick thinking, everyone.

Attached: 1517779287581.png (1457x324, 66K)

>The great beneficiaries of this situation are, on one hand, leftist intellectual and political elites; on the other, those I have called “metacapitalists”: capitalists that have grown so wealthy in the regime of economic freedom that they can no longer acquiesce to the fluctuations of the markets:
>“If the Medieval system lasted ten centuries, Absolutism did not last more than three. Even shorter will be the reign of liberal bourgeoisie. One century of economic and political freedom was enough to make some capitalists so formidably rich that they no longer wish to submit to the whims of the markets that made them rich. They want to control them, and there are three instruments for this: dominion of the State, in order to enact the statist policies necessary to make the oligopoly eternal; stimulus to socialist and communist movements that invariably favor the growth of state power; and the drafting of an army of intellectuals who prepare public opinion to bid farewell to bourgeois freedoms and happily step into a world of omnipresent and obsessive repression (extending itself to the last details of private life and everyday speech), presented as a paradise adorned both with the abundance of capitalism and the “social justice” of communism. In this new world, the economic freedom indispensable for the functioning of the system is preserved in the strict measure necessary to subsidize the extinction of freedom in the political, social, moral, educational, cultural and religious domains.

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