When's the opioid epidemic going to end?

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It's only been 200+ years. You in a hurry?

When Jews stop suffocating Americans and let us have our culture.

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As soon as we get our shit together and start sanctioning the Chinese for the mass production of this bullshit. They are being allowed to peddle all sorts of obscure, untested drugs and drug dealers in other countries are buying up their products because they can use them to make cuts that make their selling of known drugs normies love a lot more profitable.

See: All the fucking fent analogs with names too long to bother spelling out, the so called "bad" psychedelic blotters which are really manufactured analog garbage that received no real human testing...

when opioids stop being the best things ever in the universe

Where can i buy those small glass containers that you have in the image OP?

well, what EXACTLY is causing it?

when it's not Jewish magic occulted by everyone else down the chain who saw $$$

when USA gets out of Afghanistan. So never.

As soon as people stop being drug-seeking degenerates. All those junkies got addicted by choosing to abuse the drugs in the first place.

try in a drug store

Attached: drug store.jpg (924x520, 154K)

what the fuck is a opiod? animal?

lab supply

Will try looking there, thanks for the tip bros.

1. It's cheaper to just synthesize than grow+harvest+synthesize
2. It's more economical to smuggle small quantities of more potent chemicals
3. Increased market
4. Increased prohibition

Giraffes might be a better comparison.

Not yet! They make life a living hell for children in small rural towns as they see everyone and everything fall to pieces so they end up moving to cities. We need to keep shrinking rural America.

When all addicts are dead.

When the whistleblowers who let the word of the carfentanil in the heorin get silenced.

you missed my point... whats causing the epidemic?

Starbucks will declare bankruptcy and the tobacco mafia will release their WMD tobacco

Those are the causes. The appetite, or market if you will, has always been there. Opium was legal in this country, as was cocaine, for many many many years. What is happening today is super potent synthetic opiates are flooding the market because the flow of organic opiates that were protected by the US military for the last 15 years is being constricted.

It's never gonna end. All people crave happiness and those who fail to see a normal way to reach it will reach for any drugs that may work. This will happen regardless of the drugs available.
Some people actually can't get over some things without dosing themselves as the reality they perceive feels like an empty place. Some people can use the experience as a driving force in the future - many great people had a strong drug-induced experience before they got somewhere.
All in all, sometimes the sensations provided by reality are not enough to make us interested in it or makes us hate it. Then people go for drugs with hopes of feeling something which will make them want to exist.

>Profound meaning
Yeah, some of them want that, but it's more like...
>Drugs that make me feel good so I don't have to think about anything bad
>Redefine bad as nebulously as possible, do drugs to compensate for more and more fragile mind
They're just whores.

When the death rate is higher than the birth rate.

we are all better off, for awhile.

The Sackler family is making shekels of the opioid crisis.

When people will stop trying to escape reality aka never.

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once we hang the chinks from the streetlamps

anybody know where i can get some oxies?


Until the second opium wars are fought. But now it is the west being flooded with opiates from China and not the other way around.

>Drugs that make me feel good so I don't have to think about anything bad
yeah, this may be the end result. Drugs can either serve a role and expand your perception - which may make you later seek this experience without the use of drugs. Or you may just give up on life and stay medicated till the miserable end.

By containing China to its shitty piece of land.

You can synthesize fentanyl on an industrial scale anywhere in the world. It's not geographical anymore. It used to be that vast parcels of irrigated farm land would be planted with poppy, protected to harvest by an army, and them a bunch of slaves harvests the shit and truck the pastes to a truck/plane/boat. Now they just skip all that nonsense and make bioweapons in a lab with two guys breaking bad style.

Aka weed.
Anything that relieves pain is very dangerous as it will prove how poor your countries willpower is.
After all, why feel pain?
Why feel pain?

>super potent synthetic opiates are flooding the market

you don't suppose that's a ploy by the pharmecutical industry to drive up sales, is it?

opium was one of the first psychoactive substances ever cultivated for ingestion, i think its been a bit more than 200+

Never you fucking moron.

It'll end when demand ends. A black market operates despite any attempts at stopping it. So long as demand is present , so shall it be

when life isn't that shit anymore

Are opioids really that good, or are they overrated?

The chinks.

Can't argue with that.
It's like a chicken/egg thing. Certainly they aren't going to alienate market share or eliminate their business anymore than the triads/cartels/mafia/cia etc.

What is the connection between these pharma families and these cartel organizations? They're eating from the same trough, regardless of precursor chemicals or poppy fields.

You already know the answer.

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>The chinks.

that's a strange way of spelling jews.

When everyone accepts that pain is part of life, stop running and just deal with it.
So never.

ive done everything available to me and i can say its up there, im just more of an upper guy and meth was the best for thay

whenever they make pizza free.