White men racemix far more often than white women. This is a fact

White men racemix far more often than white women. This is a fact.

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Yes and it's disgusting.

Show us the source, please. Until then, sage

That's not race mixing lol

When most women are passing Chad around, what do you expect the leftover men to do?

In France as well?

White women also fuck around more on average, usually targeting the 20% of males, leaving the other 80% fighting for scraps. Can't blame dudes dipping into other races desu when our women are whores.

Shitpost edgy nonsense on image boards, what else?

>White men racemix far more often than white women. This is a fact.
I sincerely doubt this, based on the desires I have observed from white women.

Attached: White women blacked in fantasy resort.jpg (971x804, 192K)

And I've heard about what actually happens in Germany these days too. It's incredible!

Attached: German sexy dance act.jpg (805x604, 133K)

>muh dick: the thread

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Yes some of us must BLEACH

looks like med male hapa female


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Strangely enough, the men seem to enjoy the sight even more than the women.

Race Mixing is the white man's natural past time. His highest calling is dying in foreign lands.


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>Strangely enough, the men seem to enjoy the sight even more than the women.
I'm not sure about that at all. Look at the expressions on the faces of each of these women who are about to get up close and comfortable with the mighty star.

Attached: German women.png (940x754, 834K)

Can you highlight the young guy in the middle of the picture with his mouth open. He looks like a very excited deutscher Mann.

Maybe if white women weren't such fucking horrid, screaming, unfeminine banshees that blow up at the prospect of men from their own race acting even slightly masculine, white men wouldn't have to dip into Asian countries so much to find actual women.

Yes. On Jow Forums and /tv/ you see blacked spam with a big nigger and a little white chick but in real life it's mostly 50-60yo white man with 20-30yo nigger or chink girl

Most white men go for stacies, they don't care about the other girls, all they want is a girl with big boobs, dress like a slut, and full make-up, they wouldn't date a shy girl with acne for example

Maybe if you salty virgins stopped using Tinder and started to look for real girls and not some 10/10 whores

>the two girls look 16
>the nigger is fat and looks like forest whitaker without the rotting eyeball
>at least 5 "men" present
wtf is wrong with germany

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actually 6, along with
this fag

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ach mein gott ! varoooooom !?

What if my chinese gf is a second generation, born and raised in spain as a catholic?

>What's wrong with Germany
They lost the war. Both of them.

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difference is white women are fucking disgusting, but white men are the highest being on earth

Men stick their junk into anything "pretty". I include myself. I love all women fuck that ethnostate nonsense. Bleach everything.

most men don't have their choice of women, they have to take what they can get, so if a decent looking non-white woman is willing to be with them you can't blame them for taking it. women on the other hand would be able to be with white men if they wanted to. for men unless you have super model level good looks, it's almost impossible to get with a decent looking girl so if an asian, hispanic, whatever girl is into you you can't afford to turn it down.

Only women can racemix

yeah, 70 years ago
you'd think the great grand children of the conquered won't salivate seeing a black dick solely on account of that

>provides picture of 2 people for proof

Here in the summer I see dutch guys with ugly black women all the time, they all look the same too, strawberry blond hair, tall and balding. The car plates say NL, the black women are from here thought.

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I have a theory that the reason HAPAs are all so beta is because they are the result of a low T white faggot and an asian woman the vast majority of the time.
I think I could mate with an Asian woman and have alpha HAPA offspring but why would I do that and not mate with a gargantuan white female beast woman and have barbarian conan the destroyer offspring.


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Things will get bleached. Look at Finns. Even Turks, who invaded from Mongolian lands, look nothing like Mongols or Central Asian hapa Turkmen.

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There arr more white males than ehitr females though

We can't depend on the Finn to save the white race alone, do we?

White women are far less desirable than women of other races. Therefor white men are more likely to race mix.

White men are far more desirable than men of other races. therefor white women are less likely to race mix.

This is a fact.

>White women are far less desirable than women of other races

But your post does not mention women control sex and date whoever they choose to. Men don't control sex and have less choices. So the point you were trying to convey is meaningless.

I'd take an asian over an entitled, unfeminine roasty thot any day.

It's not the sole reason, but you have to remember that Germany suffered a double whammy at the end of World War 2 - not only were they 'denazified' and made to feel guilty of what Hitler did, the Allies also made sure to deliberately destroy what most people would think of as "German" culture by dissolving Prussia and all that it stood for.

Basically they're now three generations deep into a massive guilt complex and have built a culture which is all about distancing themselves from anything that could be perceived as aggressive, assertive or masculine.

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>he black women are from here thought

i thought poortuguese were white

this is such a hot new meme. the racemixers really think they're onto something with this

The master race, everybody

They're from the ex-colonies.

white men are degenerates

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Also because when they grow up they realize that their mom was a gold digging whore as there's no way a woman in her 20s would have gone for a balding fat fuck in his 50s

Men can have way more offspring than women, so it's only natural that racemixing women stand out far more

wow, stop

you are giving me a boner while I am on my no-fap streak

get some new material dude this shit's stale
your mom's a whore too but you don't see me going on about it


Is this Croatia?
I have heard that some resorts in western Croatia are popular among Western-European / American race mixers

>Whites racemix
There. Short, concise, all-encompassing.

Well yeah, considering we've been proudly fucking over every race for a long time now... Why stop?

White women are foul sorry

>get some new material dude this shit's stale
Got some to share?

>Is this Croatia?
Caribbean, I thought. Jamaica.

I blame white women for my racemixing. They are all fat while every single Asian girl I see are qt3.14 skinny things that don't age.
I'm trying to get my Korean gf pregnant rn so more skinny girls can out populate lard scum

you should not get a boner. Poles grrom their own girls to low life Pakis and Africans as a "European Friendship Week" without having lost a war.

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>I blame white women for my racemixing.
let's all take a moment to consider this statement

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>Invade country
>Leave 200 women impregnated as your conquest
>Somehow this is wrong
You're just a homo Hans.

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white women racemix less than any other female race

Did you notice I blame them for being fat? Indisputable statement and fair to blame them.
Go to a fucking gym and eat less white whore

based and redpilled

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actually what happens today is
>get your country invaded
>impregnate invaders because "muh dick"
>now your country is filled with mutts

Fat men in their 50s aren't invading anything, they're bringing gold digging whores from Africa and Thailand here and their mentally fucked mutt offsprings will stay here as well

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>t. White Roasties
Stop voting for immigration and pushing social degeneracy and acceptance and tolerance and I might not despise you so much. Also, stop dating above your station. Pick a man, settle down, stop being a whore, raise some kids and mind the house.


The rest of western civ isn't much better off. Here in the states we get a guilt trip about enslaving blacks before anyone of us was born. Fuck that noise. I didn't enslave anyone and treat people with respect. Fuck off lefties.


I heard that recently some 40 year old French dude single handedly "invaded" Morocco and impregnated hundreds of women

just imagine being this based

by the time the average white girl graduates from university she's probably sucked off 50 guys and fucked 30 or more.

Asian chicks that didn't grow up in the states do this far less. There are always exceptions. There are always sluts in every culture. but white women are far more promiscuous in my experience. White women want to fuck around, build a career, and then maybe get married around 30 when their looks start fading a little. By that time, men their own age and older are looking to get with women in their 20s

He looks like a wog without a tan.

Of course you prefer Asians, you're a fucking virgin

>The rest of western civ isn't much better off.
Because it isn't about wars, brainwashing or propaganda

It is all about decadence
Basically, during the late 19th century some european intellectuals noticed that European civilization will sooner or later go to hell, and there's no saving it

In eastern europe, decadence was somewhat halted by communism

t. fat bearded loser

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I've never fucked an Asian, but I've seen some JAV. Their pussies look too small for an average White man.

white men settle rather than die alone, we get it.

>2 non-whites
>race mixing
pick one dickweasel

>Their pussies look too small for an average White man.
and that's a good thing

I work in a huge retail store (I know i am a failure) in melbourne and like 40% of all couples are mixed race and of those couples I would say like 95% of them are WMAF. Its fucked up. You walk past the park and theres granny CHing chong baby sitting her little hapa kid. Its not the worst thing that could happen (asian IQ) but fucken god damn so much miscegenation in Melbourne its scary some times. One time after work I went down to coles and legit there were so many mixed race couples (that day most were white female surprisingly cuz I hardly ever see that) but fucken christ Australia is going to be a hapa colony by mid century.

Gook incel detected

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white men marry the nonwhite women we racemix with. and that gets put into statistics.
>white men racemix way more
lol no dumb fucks. in every single study we have, it shows white men and women interracially marry at the same level.

but heres the thing. white women dont usually marry the niggers. most just fuck them and get constant gangbangs. later they settle down with some "1488 heil hitler" white beta faggot to provide for her.
white women raxemix 50 times more, but you cant measure every negro gangbang they have statistically

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> what is burden of proof ?

are you retarded friendo? i have an asian girlfriend

Nice attitude, I feel so much more like bedding some white whore.

Sorry I am high

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>> what is burden of proof ?
Mass scene pictures like this.

Attached: Sexy ladies getting blacked.png (1080x600, 1.02M)

dump all your wmaf pics for me. i have none

To learn what happened to Germany after the war, and the involvement of psychologists, check this BBC documentary. It is really interesting.

It has changed a lot of peoples views and really should be seen widely.


I can see that. We've never kept a moral code in my lifetime, it keeps moving, some call it "progressive".
You can’t have a united world without rapid transportation and communication, you can’t make all people love one another without sophisticated psychological techniques, you can’t have a “planned society” without the necessary technological base. Above all, leftism is driven by the need for power, and the leftist seeks power on a collective basis, through identification with a mass movement or an organization. Leftism is unlikely ever to give up technology, because technology is too valuable a source of collective power. - Ted Kaczynski

>Seen pussies in JAV
All I see is pixelated bushes.

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