>Why won't those damn millennials move out of their parents place?
Because 1 bedroom apartments cost $72,000 a month
>Why won't those damn millennials move out of their parents place?
Because 1 bedroom apartments cost $72,000 a month
>actually wanting to live in NY
my 1 bedroom costs $755/m in Des Moines, IA. move elsewhere if you don't like it.
(((Greenspan))) and (((Bernanke))) started the neofeudal era. now serfs are living under wall street bankster mega-landlords-- the ones who started the ponzi scheme and then came in to steal the assets from the goyim.
Ever since 2011, banksters, thru their private-equity hedge fund firms, are buying up all houses and monopolizing the housing resources.
This big business of buying massive numbers of single-family homes and financializing dwellings got started in late 2011, initiated and supported by the Federal Reserve as part of its efforts to monopolize the housing market. Bernanke pitched this scheme inorder to monopolize housing resources.
The Federal Reserve directed private equity firms (controlled by banksters) to steal millions of homes for cents on the dollar.
tl;dr (((they))) created a collapse to enslave goyim and usher in feudalism ruled by the Master Yid
Its a bank scam......the Fed creates a bubble crash which their cronies rush in to steal the houses from the goyim
once they foreclose on all those taxpayer backed homes, they sell them to rich investors (cronies such as REITs, Private Equity firms, Institutional investors), who in turn open huge rental businesses that charge exorbitant rent......
And if you dont think its a scam, then splain why mortgages charge most of the interest up front on the loan.....
People don`t realize in a fiat money system, their taxes and costs of living keep rising, while their incomes go down do to the intentional depreciation of their currency........scam
Washington has doled out low-interest money to Wall Street and home builders in an effort to kick-start the economy by building new housing to generate the illusion of growth and rising price
The federal government ia subsidizing these corporations, since they also receive substantial tax breaks due to their status as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
my house is made of stone and I just own it. I pay $900 a year in property taxes.
>"one bedroom"
>in the middle of Jew York
Are you fucking retarded?
Are you retarded?
There are literally houses, 3 bed 2 bath houses, for rent around me that are 550 a month.
And other houses for sale for 30k
must be nice living in a place with zero job opportunities
Dont fucking into cities and dont fucking control the rents.
real estate prices now exceed their early 2008 levels. 10,000,000 people have already lost their homes. That’s what economists call housing moving from weak hands into strong, and they applaud that because instead of families buying homes that are way beyond their ability to pay the mortgage on, these houses have already been lost or foreclosed and Blackstone bought them, and other hedge funds bought them. They bought them with crash-cash scheme eniterley designed and subsidised by the Fed.
about 10,000,000 families lost their homes in the 2007-2008 crash, and most of these homes were bought by Fed cronies like Wall Street hedge funds such as the ones organized by Blackstone. The hedge funds didn’t resell the housing that they stole for nothing, but hung onto them and rented them instead.
These Wall Street landlords have an achilles heel. They are vulnerable to property damage by the enslaved goyim. The future will see a revolt of tenant serfs who extort the banksters by constantly damaging the property of the Wall Street landlords.
The housing assets of the Wall Street landlord is the exposed belly that will get disemboweled by the enslaved goyim tenant
globalists exported our industries, technologies, and jobs to Asia and third world countries
then (((they))) imported turd worlders to White land to take our jobs and houses.
Now we go in debt to afford products and houses we once made.
The globalists gutted White industries and turned us into serfs in order to industrialize Mongoloids and Poos.
Now we don't have industry our own country to afford living in our country. Good job, play stupid games win stupid prizes.
(((slave opportunities)))
oh, that's what all the immigrant trash is for?
My 1BR is $300. Try not living in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country.
>What are odd jobs and handymen
Make your own work faggot and learn something other than cock caressing
jews did this
>one bedroom apartment in one of the best locations in the most expensive and arguably desirable places to live on the planet
I mean, I know you're trolling, but at least put a little effort in.
My 2 bedroom house on 7 acres in a town of 100k costs $660/mo
Real redpill is that moving out is meme to get you in debt
>zero jobs
Actually theres quite a bit of jobs. High paying ones too.
>high paying jobs are in expensive ass city
>city have bad traffic
>an apartment in nyc one block away from central park is expensive
oy vey
I'm not even in a big city but some small shitty condo costs $150 grand plus $500/month in condo fees.
To rent something similar costs over $1000/month. And I'm talking about a place in the ghetto with 1980's fixtures and like 500 square feet. It pisses me off because I work hard and this is all I can afford, meanwhile they have all the Arabs on gibs and bringing them here in droves.
Yeah Goyim, leave all major cities and move into the middle of nowhere and become a tool and dye maker! That is how you ensure the power of your white race.
Leave New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, and LA to all the non-whites so they can move up into positions of political, economic, and cultural power.
Where? I'd like to go there. Sounds nice.
>not making 7 figures a month to pay for a home like this
Poorfags the lot of you
i left the house when i was 17, while i was cleaning up i jumped in working with ironworkers and got free housing with 14an hour starting wage, blue collar work is the only thing worth it at this point
The Irony:
In the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies—before US and European offshoring sent 6 million breadwinner jobs to cheap-labor nations, like China—Westerners could pay off a house over 30 years on ONE income, removing the impossible expense of housing in their less-employable, elderly years.
Now, most Americans cannot even afford the rent for a crappy, one-room apartment on one, earned-only income stream, and most will have an unaffordable housing expense when elderly despite the fact that all mommas now work, not very hard in their absenteeism-gang “voted-best-for-moms” jobs and their flextime-momma management jobs, but that is another story.
In march rich people from the “poor,” cheap-labor nations, where so many jobs in US-owned corporations were shipped, and they have no need to chain themselves to 30-year house notes since they can pay in cash for million-dollar ranch homes
Median family income: $3,300
Median house price: $7,300
Median family income: $49k
Median house price: $755k
Keep in mind that in 1950, usually only the man in the house worked. A house was around 2x annual income. Today it's around 20x. And everything else today is a lot more expensive.
Globalists sent our industryies to locusts overseas.
And replaced the productive, manufacturing economy with a fake, ponzi economy based on asset (houses) speculation.
To increase price of house they import millions of shitskins.
Housing is one of the reasons (((they))) keep pushing immigration. So the ponzi economy keeps growing. So bankssters keep getting paid. Its sick and fucked up
demand increases because of shitskin migration, rents rise, and pressure on infrastructure rise
At the same time, the entry of immigrants increases downward pressure on wages.
immigration has a negative, hyperinflative effect on the housing market. specifically, Whites are paying a heavy price as a result of overcrowding by shitskins
Where’s this at friend?
I'm 23 and I still live at home. I just lie to girls and say I have my own place just so I can fuck them. Then I stop talking to them completely the day after.
Midwest. If you have some technical skills, we have jobs. Not much of a market for white collar gigs
Tool and die is pretty top notch job, mate.
I'm a tradesman
Midwest. Ohio river valley to be exact. You need technical skills, but its here. Also you can get big lots of land to build your own place if you want
Mass immigration and housing bubbles, they are closely linked. It is not a bug, it is a globalist design feature. Until goyim in the developed world understand that and vote Nationalistically, their standard of living and quality of life will continue to detiorate and decline to 3rd world standards.
the banksters and globalists are creating dangerously unstable housing bubbles and promoting speculation propped up by mass immigration to the detriment of society and stability
In 1985, I bought a house in NYC for $50,000. My entry-level salary was $45k. Like most people in those days, I would buy with savings, which would require 3 years to accumulate. Other people would buy with 90% down and take out a mortgage for the rest (10% of the price).
The interest rate on my savings account was 16%.
Historically, a house in any metro area in US cost 2X median income. That all changed in 2000, with the Fed’s “wealth effect” scheme
unfortunately rents are surging just like home prices, thanks to politicians doing everything they can to drive rents even higher-- by importing millions of migrants, subsidizing Wallstreet Landlords (REITs)
Which trade? We have a need for HVAC and welders
>irrevocably damage the demography because you want cheap pink slime
>transform once great nations into open air shopping malls
>crash the economy because you want stuff you can't afford
>suffer no consequences
>whine about your children, who now have to pick up your tab
Boomers should be gassed along with their Gen X enablers. These "people" are not humans, just pigs stuffing their face with no thought beyond getting more slop in the trough
How much XP?
Sounds comfy. What sort of technical skills do I need?
If you can afford that, why would you (((rent))) instead of buying your own place?
I'm pretty sure that's located in one of those newly "fuck you" money buildings that's considered a super skyscraper.
Regardless, pricing in the area is ridiculous. I live in a pretty nice nice place on the Jersey side, and I'm only able to afford it by splitting the rent of $3500/mo.
35% of your income... my ass. Don't live here.
It took 15 years of ramen and wal-mart clothes
welding is gonna be oversaturated in less than a decade, when you work with them all the time you see constant layoffs and new welders just about every week at this point
Depending on the job, you can make potential millions in New York
Well white collar work isnt really a big thing around here, so if you have some logistical training, maybe robotics repair, well I guess their are some engineering jobs. But there isnt a lot. Mind you it is mighty boring if you like the fast pace of the city. But if you can enjoy the comfiness of small town life, you'll love it
Well theres always a need around here
Well that sucks. Just bought a 3,000 sq/ft house for $290k
I adore the small town life, though sadly my skills are lacking. Best logistics skill I have is being able to drive semi trucks.
Globalists sent our industries overseas and imported millions of shitskins to take our jobs and prop up a debt-based ponzi scheme.
Once you move an economy from production to debt-based consumption, it shouldn’t be surprising that nothing is really done to rein in housing bubbles-- its the focal point of the immigration ponzi scheme
WHO THE heck is pushing prices up?
The corporate REIT’S, foreign money launderers, and millions of smuggled immigrants. Whatever it may be, its borrowed money, and no bubble cant fly through the air without oxygen (possitve cash flow) for too long; money needs to be repaid, business loans dont work without repayment!
The problem is the moving of manufacturing overseas and the US economy being nothing but non-productive finance, insurance, and real estate. An economy that can only exist due to the USD being the currency that oil is traded in, which is only possible due to US military supremacy. Once, the bubble pops, the Fed-backed Hedge fund cronies repossess the goyim's houses and assets.
Hey plenty of guys looking for people with cdls someone gotta drive the grain trucks
>doesn't even drive a full truck
>still stuck on semi trucks
But with a salary like that there has to be ways to get a great mortgage.
The only way I see a rich person settling for something like this is if you think there housing market will crash within a year or so.
i could be wrong about rural work, but nuke plants, boilermaking, and big building structural is just about fucked from what ive seen, luckily nobody wants to be an ironworker for some reason so im all good
Yeah but you're not gonna get that job unless your name is Hymie Shekelbergsteinfarbstein.
Goyim, pick up a trade.
Leave all that boring big city stuff like finance, law, politics, media, and tech to us. Trust us, we'll take care of it. Nothing to worry about. You'll have it better than ever. These boring jobs should be filled with immigrants anyway. You don't want to do them.
Make sure to leave big cities, too. Nothing important goes on there. Just bad traffic. Goyim, I heard Montana and West Virginia are great. You'd love it there. No jobs in any of the super unimportant industries I mentioned, but there are lots of great opportunities in ditch digging. Have fun! I heard there is a 3 bedroom shack in Des Moines for $200K. Move there right now. I'll give you a great interest on your mortgage, I promise.
Mainly factory welding so its constant work, just not as high paying as the others. Still you get benefits and a constant paycheck.
Usually if it’s a rich person renting this it’s only for a month or so at a time, otherwise they’re living in their multiple other houses across multiple countries
>leaving the city is bad
Oh boy
Full trucks scare me,
How much does a hotel room cost per night around that area?
>cherrypicking this hard
You know this only undermines your argument, right? I am significantly less likely to believe any claim you make about real estate being too expensive now.
Please, make a career out of screwing a fucking bolt. Make us both happy.
That's right, Goyim. Move to Duluth, Minnesota. Get a job in HVAC and that's how you will secure your races existence and make sure you rise to the top!
There's nothing important that goes on in big cities. The decisions made in big cities don't affect anyone! Just a bunch of boring financial and political stuff that has no bearing on the destruction of your race.
Wow, my cousin Ari just told me that there is a hot deal on a 4 bedroom house in Little Rock, Arkansas. I can give you $300K at 8%. Buy it now. Make sure to tune into your TV at 7pm to watch my nephew Seth's new TV show.
It's only expensive if you stay in Jewed out liberal paradise cities. The average income in my area is $50k and the median house is $180k.
The flyover states suck dick. Now what you're probably reading there is
>I'm a faggot and I love urban shitholes full of vibrant diversity
But what I wrote was
>The flyover states suck dick
They're cheap because they're an endless flat expanse of fucking nothing.
factory aint bad, but who wants to do factory when you get paid an extra 15 an our just for having a pickup on pipeline
Beats me, I don’t live in or anywhere near New York. I can imagine it’s astronomical though
You’re implying that’s a bad thing. The city really does suck nut my dude, sad thing is it’s a necessary thing to go into if you’ve got no where else for work
Don't forget goy, white collar work is onions and blue collar work is manly! You want to be manly, right goy? Using your brain lowers testosterone, and we know how much you care about that! Just leave all the white collar jobs to us.
>working remote
>still living in one of the most expensive places of Madrid
Im a fucking idiot
NYC is $300 average for manhattan
You can stay by the airports for $100 economy and pay what you saved in transportation
Megalopolises suck dick harder how is that suburb life treating you?
>incomes go down because of depreciation of currency
they go down because corporates don't raise wages according to inflation targets, not because muh fiat FED you absolute retard
Even then, I lived in San Jose for 5 years and it isn't that expensive if you have an ounce of budgeting skills.
>i'd rather be poor than own property
You are really butthurt about living in a shithole urban area. What do you do for fun there?
Hymietown. Imagine my shock.
>Getting a hotel in Queens or Jamaica
Hope you like Pakis and bed bugs user
..and that's a good thing !
Get fucked zoomers, you ruined what we created, what else can we do but laugh at yur impotent rage ?
*sip* yep nothing like zoomer tears and monster ultra
nyc was a massive shit hole in the 80s
>thinks real estate in the middle of NYC right next to central park represents 90% of America.
NYC Home Sellers Are Slashing Prices "Like It's 2009"
sellers realize they must lower prices to the point of demand, because the days of foreign (mostly Chinese) buyers willing to pay the "Chinese premium" are over.
Just keep advocating for white men to cede power in white collar industries like finance, tech, law, etc to go and become plumbers goy. Being a tradesman is much more important and way cooler than controlling the institutions that underlie your society.
>this is what Jow Forums ACTUALLY believes
Then move to Topeka, you entitled bag of fuck.
>Jew York
I liked my time spent in Kansas. Lovely wide open state.
>live in NY
>wake up in your 71k/mnth studio
>go out on your balcony to smell the fresh smog and feces as your survey the rusty metal and dirty concrete
>go to the gas station and buy yourself a 15 dollar pack of cigarettes
>have a gun shoved in your face as you walk out
>have no gun to defend yourself with because gun laws
>empty your pockets
>get shot anyway
Weird, I have family in Topeka.
I'm well over a hundred miles from the nearest city with a paltry 200k people, let alone one of the sprawling urban centers.
You guys sure seem confused.
The only thing I'm saying is the great basin is the first circle of hell. If you're going to choose to not live in or in the orbit of a big city do it somewhere that sucks less dick.
I would bet $72k that’s a typo and was supposed to be $7,185/mo. Still outrageously high but there’s no way that’s real.
You don't need to move to new York
dat cherrypicking of toppest of top expensive places in the world tho
Literally next to billionaires row.
I lived on 57th st near the Hearst building when I moved here for a few weeks and you will literally see Guliani around, foreign prime ministers, billionaires around the place.
Live in the countryside, work in the city.
Lotsa money, low rent but the 3 hours commute every day are a bummer.
What you have in all those places you mention is a thin layer at the top that can afford to live there and enjoy all the benefits of having Luxury close at hand. I worked for a time in the building next to Oprah’s pad in Chicongo. If you are fabulously wealthy you can live in a large urban hellhole without having to suffer any of the down side. Everyone else, however, has to suffer the constant exposure to feral savages urban hellholes have in order to occasional take in a ball game or Symphony. I grew up in the Great SouthWest where space is almost infinite and feral savages rare. On the few trips I had to take to NYC I was shocked that people could live in a place that reeked of piss and rotting garbage.
It's more about laughing at retards who romanticize living in the middle of a nowhere, working a retarded trade that will be automated in 5 years and then wondering why his country went to shit as every important institution got taken over by everyone else in a major city.
You're either a Jew shill or a retard. You think whites got to the top once upon a time by working in HVAC or construction?
Whenever I read one of these "move to the country and pick up a trade" posts I just think of some Jew trying to further ruin the white race and strip them of their last positions of power. And it's working telling by all the retards in this thread.
I advocate white men learning law, medicine, and accounting as well. Not everyone is cut out for those though. I am white collar, live in a rural area, and I see the honesty in blue collar work and trades. Why are you shitting on that type of work?
Fuck off we're full.
Your points are gay and so are you just stop posting ok
I actually live in a giant fucking city and can tell you it fucking sucks.