/OURGUYS/ out on bail! They’re free pol! Litter bugs BTFO.
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Wyatt Burp
Tfw you show up to jail with no shirt on so you have to wear a prison jumper on your way home because arby's has a no shirt no service policy.
And his sidekick Doc Hollandaise
>Litter bugs BTFO
Classic case of bat vs shotgun guess which one won
Top kek. These guys are absolute legends.
>unironically defending single digit IQ violent white trash
literally on the same level as niggers
>Defending a litter bug
Fuck you pasta nigger. That’s how criminals are handled in the USA you may not like it but this is what peak street justice looks like.
>FFVII fanfare plays
Wyatt Burp, and his pedo father are pieces of shit
It's a petty overreaction, you don't fucking shoot a father in front of his family because he littered and call it "justice"
One of the best versions of this meme lol
Leaf cucks can not understand self defense
the father was accosting them with a bat. a bat will kill you pretty quick, or turn you into a vegetable. The father should have left the second a gun was pulled but instead he kept escalating for some reason.
the only thing they did to the jumbo tard was refuse to be cowed by his sperg rage. If he had mental problems, maybe his wife should have tried to calm him down instead of spurring him onward.
Did you even watch the video? The dude threatened to kill them like 10 tiimes and tried attacking one of the men with a baseball bat. Any one acting like that toward police would be shot without any hesitation. Why should a citizen not exercise the same precaution?
Dumpers btfo.
>Max penalty: YOUR LIFE!
This makes sense
When you’re in the land of the gun, you better know how to act. Litterbugs will be disposed of by force.
Seconding. Fuck anyome that says bludgeon or knife attacks arent as deadly, i know people victimized by both, and both times doctors said that gunshot wounds were preferabke
This fucking country
>gunshot wounds were preferabke
Unless your head gets peppered with buckshot.
You have been visited by the garbage disposal duo. A Clean environment and lawful orderly streets will come to. Only if you reply Fuck You Cock Sucker! In this thread.
Speak for yourself pasta
>faggot phone poster
anyway did anyone notice this? you hear two shots fired and the old man puts his hands up he threw the baseball bat at him
>irony this video could get them off murder charge
Well yeah, but a bludgeon of knife stab to the head will kill you too.
Based! Japs respect the environment
someone make a gofundme for these blokes for being total legends
Eurofaggots revealing their craven nature again.
Hey Joan, check the catalog next time and don't post duplicate threads.
>respect the environment
I don’t understand how respecting the environment become left leaning thing. The right should push for it some more. You can’t have lebensraum if you treat the environment the same way third worlders do.
I was once told that environmentalism was a right wing (maybe far right) thing, that environmentalists were strongly opposed to third world immigration, not sure if this is true.
How fucking stupid are you? You fell for the shittest low energy meme in history. Fuck off back to /b/ how is it possible that cunts can become so fucking stupid, do you have to try or did your mother just use your infant skull as a wheel chock
cleanliness is next to godliness.
>italian sees nothing wrong with dumping shit anywhere
Why am I not surprised?
Fair point.
I would want to go to US just to hang out and chill with southern men like these. I would think they are warm, welcoming and comfy dudes.
Any burger can confirm?
If their lawyer isn't shit, they'll get off
>t. Spaghetti nog
So what sort of round did he use in the shotty?
>Fuck You Cock Sucker!
quick rundown?
That is what dumbass rednecks and white trash tend to believe.
Just because you’re comfortable flooding your streets with human trash doesn’t mean we want ours that way. Now go help anchor that incoming migrant boat
This would never have happened if women werent give the right to vote. That whole relationship existed because the female felt empowered and that roid raging was a result of all the emasculation he felt every day with her but could do nothing about because he was a cuck at heart and the law punishes cucks.
Southerners are the nicest people there are. I am from the north so it is a bit of a culture schock going down there. Random people come up and talk to you like you are friends since grade school. I didn’t understand what was going on until about the 5th time it happened. If they see your license plate is from the north or hear you don’t have a southern accent god help you they sit there and talk your ear off.
See about a Jow Forums hangout or something
Pretty comfy but you probably cant just say “hi lets hang out” with a stranger if ur just in for a weeks vacation
I worked in public service for years, these people are no better than niggers. Ifanything a lot of them are worse because they’re somehow even more entitled and self righteous than even the loudest nignog.
>some dude was dumping shit in an alley
>shirtless neighbors appear, tell him to stop
>dump monkey chimps out
>shirtless duo gets guns
>they're super calm considering the situation
>tell dump monkey to back off, but he increasingly chimps out.
>back off
>bang bang
>dead dump monkey
If the fatty fat fat had of shot him in the leg with the pea shooter there would have been no need for fatty fat to shoot him with the shot gun.
Are you retarded
Well he through the bat, he was still a threat
Inbreds on the loose....
How many people will they kill?
why is the US justice system so tolerant with white trashes?
>shoot him in the leg
>1 year later he comes back and shoots up your house while you sleep
Good job, retard.
They got arrested, even though they shouldn't have
you can still die from a shot to the leg you brainlet
You seem pretty angry at the success of Cletus and Peepaw mon ami.
Don't forget that this was not a 2 on 1 situation.
The raging dudes wife and brother were also on scene, the brother can be heard threatening the shirtless duo several times, too.
fucking cringing at you right now
she was too busy creamin her spinach at the though of her husband taking on two armed men
You will soon wish you had those laws pierre.
Lmao no they aren’t, they’re probably scoping out your shit, this is a meth town in the middle of nowhere.
Who is that semen demon?
he should have shot the bat out of his hand
It's illegal to do what you just mentioned. Why do people not know this?
> Lmao no they aren’t, they’re probably scoping out your shit, this is a meth town in the middle of nowhere.
Abeline Texas? Lmfao. Shut the fuck up. You don't know shit about the south city slicker.
That's an insane argument, he could get run over by a bus when he leaves hospital too.
Yeah a shotgun blast to the chest or a pistol bullet to a limb, you choose.
Yet you can put a deer slug through a nutcases liver?
>i have no idea what I'm talking about
ok ok we get it
he should have shot a tree branch making it fall on the bat
ch- checked
So what do we know for sure about what started this? Do we know that Mr Ragey was illegally dumping? How did this confrontation start? Any definitive statements?
best meme yet
>bail only $25,000 for a murder charge
yeah I think /ourfatties/ are walking
Not as stupid as it sounds, blasting a few rounds in the air might have diffused the situation, did they wan't to kill the nutter or make him fuck off, this is the question.
Dub's decides their names
>So what do we know for sure about what started this? Do w
Not for sure I don't think. But it doesn't matter
Ever have a matress dumped on your property? It's enough to make me want the nuke codes. Trash I can pick up. I can paint over vandals tribal markings. Im not going to load up a matress and pay the dump $35 dollars because some meth head is too fucking cheap to have it taken away. You dump, you fucking die.
hope these fat bitches will be executed and show isn't ended yet
>innocent man gets shot to death
>I'm laughing
I'm so evil, my god. I shouldnt be laughing, its terrible
Fat bois rented the dumpster for a specific purpose like lawn waste and it wouldn't be emptied with shit like a mattress in there
fuck you
He dumped the matress on their property 3 times. Each time they threw it back. Then the fucker tried to stick it in a trash can. Knowing the city wouldn't take it. He was being a piece of shit and they had enough.