How will their kids end up like when they grow up and go to the outside world...

How will their kids end up like when they grow up and go to the outside world? They don't know anything about popular things like Pokemon, Simpsons, sports, Christianity, popular music, movies etc. Some of those things are not good maybe, but i don't see how person who's knowledge of things is limited to Germanic pagans and placenta can function with other people. Having tons of children seems like a huge waste when they aren't going to find a partner and continue the bloodline anyhow.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I fell into a deep depression and lost interest in all of those things. I did nothing but read philosophy and listen to instrumental music while playing vidya that normies would never get like Total War and STALKER. I get in alright but it is really hard to relate to people when you talk to a grown man and he is are starry-eyed over some superhero movie that's coming out.

>not continuing the lineage in the family
>no based founder effect with your superior genes

If boys are strong they'll have no problems.
If girls are pretty their market value will be off the charts considering their purity.

Stefan Molyneux was homeschooled. He seems fairly normal.

I was ''socialized'' in the school system from age 6-18. Yet I became a social retard, and had to learn social skills through reading about them on books and watching YouTube videos. Knowing about Pokémon or any other ''common things'' didn't stop me from being weird.

I don't think homeschooled kids really miss anything.

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>He seems fairly normal.

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They aren't socially retarded and do have interactions with the outside world, he has a vid explaining when he brought his kids to a public playground. They do know you have to interact with the outside world still. Why do people make threads about him without watching his channel?


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Not everyone has time to watch every single vlog of their favorite celebrity

For now they can live "well" because France give a lot of money when you have lot of kids. But when their kids will be 18yo they won't have any gibs. The kids wont go to university nor highschool, they will become drug addicts and thiefs. Maybe some of them will work in a factory or in a chicken slaughterhouse. The parents will become homeless.

I don't either bud.

Doesn't explain deliberate misinfo due to willful ignorance.

>He seems fairly normal.

That's not how reality works, kiddo.

Just google homeschool kids study instead of focusing on one family.

Varg is deeply psychologicly damaged, he is like one of those boomers who can never change his mind, can never admit being wrong, he is severely fucked in the head, and his wife is not innocent victim but also psychologicly damaged cow who enabled Varg every step of the way.

Anyway, this is what will happen to his kids

>Oldest son will realize both varg and mom are sick in the head, see through vargs manipulative bullshit and try to escape by studying abroad, while youngest dont realize and still think its fun to dress up as vikings
>One son will be institutionalized due to insanity/schizophrenia
>Another Son will start doing drugs and commit suicide/OD and become pozzed gay
>His daughter will get blacked
>One son will become a christian priest and talk to Varg on his deathbed, encourage him to accept lord jesus as savior. Varg will be bitter and hateful, but since everyone disowned him, he will crave the attention of the only kid that visits him

TL:DR all kids will get fucked up in the head and there will be a documentary called "The children of Varg" which explains the disturbing, abusive and isolated existance of the kids. How millions of people watched and cheered on Varg, nobody of his fans had any concern for the kids wellbeing. Sad!

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Homeschool fag here. 3rd grade to 12th grade. I earn a 6 figure wage, have a strong work ethic, and more socially adept than regular school fags. Added bonus of being able to fix things and impress grills with my superior knowledge of the world. Regular friends still stuck earning 5 figures and going nowhere in life. Losing money because they have to pay others to fix their stuff. They know nothing of the world. The kicker: my family were poorfags almost on welfare homeschooled us to save money. My friends we're rich kids

>The children of Varg"
His daughter will be blacked by me. Varg wouldn't tell the difference between magyar mudblood courtship and blacking anyway.

>He seems fairly normal.
He's the definition of mentalcel.

>They don't know anything about popular things like Pokemon, Simpsons, sports, Christianity, popular music, movies etc
and that's a good thing, let that sink in

He rapes his kids. That's why he lives in the sticks, so no one will find out.

It's not just that they are homeschooled but that they live like stone age apes and don't know anything else than larping as vikings

>that normies would never get like Total War and STALKER

wow your so unique and different mr snowflake

The kids will be fine, they're learning practical skills that will attract a lot of potential partners

Errr it is unfortunately. Their dad is an unemployed Norwegian neo-nazi ex-convict who doesn't speak French. What career will they move onto in France? Varg is raising them to prepare for the imminent race war happening so they can become warlords and carve out their own fiefdoms. If that doesn't actually happen, they're completely fucked. It's not like they can become black metal memelord rock stars like its the 90s in Norway. Presumably Varg also had a good middle-class Norwegian upbringing if he had time to burn down churches and play gothic dress up, whereas his children are instead being raised to be French rural peasants, but without any actual family ties to the land or area. They'll go straight onto welfare like their parents and move into some Arab filled block tower and work at a meat packing factory as that's all they were taught to do.

>I earn a 6 figure wage, have a strong work ethic, and more socially adept than regular school fags.
But you can't string together a proper sentence without losing half the verbs along the way.

>Added bonus of being able to fix things and impress grills with my superior knowledge of the world.
I can do that too without being homeschooled. Probably has something to do with me actually having a father in my life, instead of having to be my own mother's man in the house.

>my family were poorfags
Single mommy confirmed,
>my friends we're rich kids
and a retard with no communication skills. You'd be diagnosed with dyslexia if the authorities got their hands on you. Show them on the proverbial doll where your mommy touched you, vain retard.

Cope more Varg.


>Having tons of children seems like a huge waste when they aren't going to find a partner and continue the bloodline anyhow.
Aren't most of them girls? Men are usually willing to fuck weird women, the son's going to have a hell of an uphill battle, but Varg managed okay.

Girls going to be multiculturalized in order to satisfy society

When I travelled around Europe as a kid, I got along very well with german speaking freaks etc. It's easy for kids to play around.

Wait until adolesence, thats when the freak behavior of these kids will start to shine through, and it will be almost irreversable to repair. If the boy gets their own moped, or if there are buses nearby to local town where other teenagers reside maybe there is a chance for reasonable normal socialization, the kids will end up smoking, drinking like normies anyway.

Still, you are brainlet if you believe Varg in anything. He holds the camera, he decides what his retard viewers hear and see.

Now thats a lie

At best, in pagan mumbo jumbo weirdo circles.

I'm more concern about what they will do when muslim in france start killing whites everywhere.

What will happen to Vikernes family ? Will they join white french ? Will they ostracized themselves, be overrun and die? Will they kill french christians?
Who knows ?

>Will they ostracized themselves, be overrun and die?
That's what it will happen.

White society has excluded, mocked and ostrachized Varg. Boomers with their materialism, furries, and other types he hates. I'm sure he would love to behead wh*toids, especially those arrogant smug norwegians.

I dont even think muslims would have a problem with Varg, his sons would be jihad soldiers and he would marry off his daughters to some powerful imam.

they make enough money off of their books, myfagrog rpg, and shitzum royalties to subsist with what they are currently doing.

Both Louis and Marie Ca$het received large inheritances

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Varg was raised in an upper middle-class family in one of the richest Nordic countries in the world and was able to travel the world as his dad was an engineer and his mum literally worked for Statoil, which is why he speaks such good English

"In a 2004 interview, Vikernes mentions that his mother "is working in a large oil company".[18] He also states that his father is an "electronics engineer,"[18] whereas his brother, who (according to the Lords of Chaos interview) is one and a half years older,[19] is a "graduate civil engineer".[18]

He LARPed as an atheist Nazi to piss off his rich parents, and still became a famous black metal rockstar in his 20s playing turd-tier edgy noisemetal, before he fucked it up by murdering his bandmate.

Now his son is growing up with parents on welfare with an opnely neo-nazi Dad in rural France. Varg didn't "manage" anything, everything in his life has been based on luck (rich parents, metal scene in Norway in the 90s, , the alt-right surge on the net in the 2010s, just in time for his prison release, even the murder that made him famous and got him his edgy aryan waifu wasn't his idea but his psychopathic bandmate). His son won't fit in in France or Norway, and he will have learned to hate the brown people that will soon become the majority in both of those countries and will rule over him when his dad is some 90 year old alcoholic dementia patient, if he's still around. Varg's son's life was over before it even began. Hopefully he will at least be able to speak English well enough to be able to post on Jow Forums

So a cuck.

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Did they stab anyone?

They don't need to leave to go outside to the world? they can get cheap land around his father and continue his life style? ever heard of the Amish?

It's way better then memeout and cod.
Fuck stalker is great.

Good for them. His kids won't have such means to survive though unless they also become ex-convict memes

his kids are going to end up incesting with each other because they can't relate to anyone else

>Pokemon, Simpsons, sports, Christianity, popular music, movies etc.
Why would they need to know any of that stuff? I'd love to marry a Varg daughter and get to pick and choose all the media she is exposed to while she tells me about Germanic Paganism.

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lol wtf are you talking about

Molymeme is not normal, but thats not a bad thing.

his music is actually good though. He is a very talented musician.

No he would be well respected amongst those circles, he also have european brain so he would help muslim strategize properly.

Honestly if he turned muslim and beheaded whites I wouldn't even blame him. Decades of white stupidity and faggotry, vs joining the muslims and become like pagan warrior, full of purpose. He would have so much fun beheading beauracrats, city officials, who sat behind their little desk, destroying his life with the warrents etc.

Opposite of cuck to be honest

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people like you are a different type of mentally retarded

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I don't function with outside world
Is there anything wrong with it?
Why should I talk with those shitty normie NPCs?

>fucked it up by murdering his bandmate.
wrong. without doing that he would be forgotten. now he lives in infamy


where do they get wives and husbands?

>No he would be well respected amongst those circles, he also have european brain so he would help muslim strategize properly.
That's being a cuck, you swedencuck, but I guess your love for muslim cock blinds you.

>its an episode where user has deep, intimate knowledge of the daily lives of varg and his family based on short videos where he sits in his car and talks about stuff
>its an episode where user knows what vargs kids do and what sort of content they consume and believes theyre literally ignorant of the entire world beyond their permaculture farm

really activates my almonds

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so you like normie pop metal like metalica and black sabath? varg was the biggest influences of Metal during the 90s and his sound was very good. Then in the 2010s he used his metal talent to create burzum.

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Possibly from people who are interested in primitive lifestyle and whatever else Varg promotes

lol the norwegian bm scene wasn't pure luck... his music and actions are basically the reason its notorious in the first place. Even though Mayhem is a better metal band, Burzum is probably much more listened to than anything that came out of that fad

Why are you people such fucking cucks?

Their kids will be so fucking repressed (supressed, oppressed? is that the word) they will go into porn. 100%.

>takes wife's last name
Jesus Christ, what a cuck

no one cares about face painted faggot gothic shit black mental

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>ywn bury your face in marie's blonde bush

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Did you honestly play Total War? That sounds pretty unique. Can you imagine being so conformist that you don't play Total War?

Can't imagine why you fell into depression if you disconnected and spent your time playing video-games, weird!?!?!?!

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how, they will have zero taboos because they don't watch Talmud vision. Its like telling a medieval peasant about porn fetishes. They will just call you a degenerate and try to hang you.

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All shilling on Jow Forums against him is done by either butthurt Christians or Jews
If you don't who he is go look at his youtube channel and don't listen what buttmads on Jow Forums tell you

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>Stefan Molyneux was homeschooled. He seems fairly normal.

No. He's a pathological narcissist with a god Messiah complex that lead(s) an anarchist cult that advocaded leaving family members. He also has an obsession with his mother that would make Freud blush.

>I was ''socialized'' in the school system from age 6-18. Yet I became a social retard, and had to learn social skills through reading about them on books and watching YouTube videos. Knowing about Pokémon or any other ''common things'' didn't stop me from being weird.

Not the same thing,he's raising his kids completely isolated from the outside world larping in the woods getting thaught autistic pagan shit. I would be surprised if any of his kids turn out well,I don't hate him and asked him once about his relationship with his older daughter and he politely told me they don't have any interaction aka she pretends he doesn't exist.

>I don't think homeschooled kids really miss anything.

Yes they do,social interaction is very important.

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I want sweden to go full poland nationalistic. But if Swedish people refuse to, and keep inviting more muslims, keep celebrating pride, being homos and marxists, then yeah... Maybe ill join muslims and slap around the faggots called swedes

>be jewish goyim (or christian, if you like)
>spend hundreds of years converting Europeans to an asiatic desert religion even though they mostly just pretend to convert while remaining faithful to their european traditions
>christian barbarians invade and collapse mediterranean pagan civilization
>murder thousands of white, european pagans
>ban practice of native european religion in favour of submission-worship of a jewish rebel, a virgin mother who cuckolds her husband and a megalomaniacal omniscient, omnipotent deity who sends people to eternal torture and damnation for masturbating
>tear down pagan temples and build churches in dedication to middle-eastern death cult
>destroy, ban and stigmatize all pre-christian religion, philosophy, science and statecraft, sending the entirety of europe into a dark age of oppressive theocracy, superstition and stagnation
>burn the library of alexandria
>burn women under accusation of witchcraft for keeping native european traditions, customs, medicinal practices and spiritual beliefs alive
>send thousands of Europeans to die in gruesome battles, starvation and disease in the desert, because the middle-eastern book of desert myths says jesus' people (the jews) must rule Israel, the holy land.
>do this while arab muslims are conquering parts of the mediterranean and roaming the spanish, italian and french countrysides murdering and raping white women, mongrelizing Europeans and preaching a slight variant of another middle-eastern death cult
>do this stupid shit for hundreds of years until monastics re-discover pre-christian pagan philosophers
>re-interpret scripture under the lens of this revived pagan philosophy and reform your death cult to resemble european paganism
>christianity now has pagan holidays, saints that resemble pagan deities, a cosmology and theology derived from pagan philosophy and a conception of the divine as formulated by the greeks

"oh those silly larping pagans"


>Jow Forums on the world: everything is fucked and kids grow up in an unhealthy environment which encourages degenerate behaviour that will turn them into failures
>Jow Forums on Varg: How dare he raise his kids away from the rest of society. Now they will miss out on all the wholesome interactions with the modern world and become failures.
You guys are retarded.

>These are my countrymen, im suppose to fight for these people

ehhh nooo

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You are still a traitor, you are just in denial.

I have read almost all of Vargs books and have watched all his videos and i have concluded two things:

1) Christian Vikernes didn't lose his mind in the prison , he was retarded from the beginning.

2) If i ever have a problem in my life i can just blame it on Christianity. ''shit , My dick is not hard enough , it must be those damn Christians''.

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So the people who think Kristian is a retard and have explained why are all shills, but the people advertising his youtube channel here isn't? Am I understanding you correctly? Does he pay you to advertise here or do you do it for free?

>go to the outside world


They travel within France on a regular basis & their kids play with Frog kids, so I doubt they aren't aware of the outside world like you're suggesting.

I'd much have rather had what their kids have rather than a modern broken home family when I was a child.

OP fucked up with the media bullshit. But the point is that those kids dont have any friends in the same age group( they are all 2 years apart) and dont have much experience with the outside world. Bringing them to the playground once a year isnt much. Why isnt he searching for other larper families so they can have friends?

>So the people who think Kristian is a retard and have explained
All your explanations are >implying something else, totally unrelated
> but the people advertising his youtube channel here isn't
Information should stay objective, there is nothing wrong with advertising when you stay honest
People look for pseudo-reasons to hate him and imply that everyone here agrees with those things

varg & vargina
Can't stand both of them.

Anyone got the version with his wife ???

>how, they will have zero taboos because they don't watch Talmud vision. Its like telling a medieval peasant about porn fetishes. They will just call you a degenerate and try to hang you.

Very true and they will be totally saved from modern influence which i think will help them but they need skills to be able to earn a living.

Like learning trades or something like that or farming

I still cant believe that there's people who unironically likes this.

angry incel detected, lol

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>Why isnt he searching for other larper families so they can have friends

How do you know he hasn't done that? He has on a few videos talked about how his kids play with some kids of leftists and how the leftists shouldn't be gassed. Also for most of human history people didn't have 20 kids their age to play with and humanity was fine. What Varg is doing is more natural. I very much doubt his kids would be better off going to public school with a bunch of "French" Muslims

>How will their kids end up like when they grow up and go to the outside world?
Either recoil and go full blown degenerate or become largely excluded from society. I have witnessed the latter personally, our at the time neighbours raised their kids "naturally" being the hippie freaks they were/are.

Has Varg actually ever created something that is of value, like actually crafting something and exchange it for something else? He preaches that he is almost self sufficient and that he "earns" his money while telling others to stop contributing to the system.
By selling his books he is still part of the system because the money he gets is still given by people who are part of the system.

Why doesnt he abandon the whole money thing in the first place and actually engage in bartering like pagans?

People who listen to these kind of things are almost exclusively retarded (literally). Black metal (at least original black metal or either most of it) is barely a genre of Music. It's just a fucking sound. A counter culture , sound for finest edgelords the mankind has to offer.