Germany's education system literally results in a system in which only the best and brightest, from a young age...

Germany's education system literally results in a system in which only the best and brightest, from a young age, get to go to uni. That means that all you Americfucks you went the CC to Uni route and didn't do so hot in high school would be absolutely fucked. How can Jow Forums, filled with these supposed risers in the US who go the CC to Uni route reconcile with their own international mediocrity?

European education isn't free; it's only available to those who shined from a young age. That means that no matter how hard you worked, if you fucked up in high school, you can never get better in Europe. How can Europeans be ok with that?

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It's better than the American system which coerces millions of mediocre students to go tens of thousands into debt for a degree that they may not be skilled enough to obtain. Look at German vocational school vs. American vocational school. The Germans know how to teach kids skills that they can excel at. Americans just tell every kid that they can achieve anything, and then they fail en masse.

lookup "zweiter bildungsweg" you fucking retard

I don't like this system, because there are some very smart kids from the working class that don't get as much of a chance. While stupid upper class kids get better chances in life for no reason.

My American partner (who had parents tell them that school is "not needed") would have fucked their life up completely in this system.

Mind you, this is an individual with high IQ and who is going to college for engineering now. I don't think this system is a good idea at all.

shut up käskopf!

But what about the teeterers? There are many people with 1110 IQs who could be successful in the lesser fields: philosophy, history, etc. Those shouldn't only be left to those at the top. People get better at something the more they try it; look at video games, for instance. Someone who was born slightly mediocre but could still produce intellectually has the opportunity to do that in the US; you don't get that in Germany.

Don't undervalue hard work.

I meant 110, not 1110.

This, and also there are kids who de facto have high IQ, but their parents don't support them and they fuck around in school due to this.

They later find out that, hey, my parents were full of shit, and school is actually important. But in Germany and the Netherlands they fucked up their life just due to failed upbringing. I don't think this is fair at all. Pretty stupid imo.

I'm trying to give credence to the more mediocre, however. Hard work and tenacity wouldn't be valued in a system which only emphasis IQ as a unit of measure even if the tenacity required to be successful likely has some aspects in intelligence (namely, the capacity to think in future contexts).

Well, in this system, if you are mediocre but with high contentiousness you will still succeed. This system rather fucks up kids who are smart and have a lot of potential, but are disadvantaged due to other things (e.g. parents, family issues, low motivation etc.)

Basically your whole future is decided at age 9. I don't think that is fair at all, because by then it is not your own responsibility that decides over your life - the weight is in the parents hand, and I don't think you as an individual should be punished already at age 9 for having shitty parents.

>How can Europeans be ok with that?
As if anyone cares what we are or are not ok with

I think this is the way the system should work. University, by definition, is meant for elite minds. Other kids, who are not bright enough for quantum physics or linguistics, can got to technical school to learn other things, like computer sciences and other careers. Here in Chile, for the past 20 years, the governemnt has shifted focus from quality to quantity, meaning a lot more university students who go into debt and either get shitty degrees on anything, or they can't find jobs after. What's worst is that some universities are for profit, and when they go bankrupt, those students are left with an incomplete education and mountains of debt.

Please also OP, not every European country is like this. In Sweden e.g. everyone has the right to College access regardless what they studied in high school.

Said bright kids usually emigrate to the west/US, and the rest just get into trades/serfdom. That's how it has always been.

Lol, no, why the fuck would you emigrate to the US, most people in the US have a lower living standard than in Western Europe...

Meh, looks like they determine their destiny at the sophomore high school level. Sounds premature.

How do they fund that? Do they not have admission requirements?

>Don't undervalue hard work
Don't elevate it to holy cow status either, or you are going to become the very thing you oppose here.
Upper class emigrees =/= average Americans

Higher education and high school are both free, you actually get paid to go to high school and Uni in Scandinavia.

Denmark and Sweden both pays you "salary" to go to university/high school. In Denmark the "salary" is like 800 dollars a month (University is free on top of that of course).

But there has to be some limits on that. Do they have some sort of testing process, like Germany? Why wouldn't 90% of kids take that opportunity?

Hm, no. Higher class in most of these countries dont emigrate. The only reason I would move to the US is because my spouse is American. However i would rather have them move here instead, because life in America is really difficult and rough.

American's work extremely hard, long hours for much less benefit than we do here. You don't get free healthcare, and if you get fired (sometimes you can get fired at will, basically they don't like your face) from one day to the next, you can become even homeless... It is really hard for them to live there...

>high school ... free
... and mandatory
Creeping socialism

fuck germany

They don't take it, because they don't need it and they don't like studying. As a trade's person you can earn easily 40 000 DKK a month (6500 USD). So most kids just go after what they think is fun.

Not all kids like reading books you know, some kids actually like building houses more - so they opt out of University.

Western Europe doesn't have the rights to A) freedom of speech, B) privacy, & C) self-defense. The US still does.

>free healthcare

True, that is the thing that I like about the US. Freedom of speech and freedom of guns. This has made it more immune towards totalitarian leftism.

Nothing wrong with free healthcare though, especially if it is of great quality.. Why would it be socialist?

>be successful in the lesser fields: philosophy, history, etc
Those are hobbies not actual fields or jobs. You study them in free adult education evening classes just like yoga, name dancing, website building or how to use a smartphone.

t. PhD in history because I was bored for a half year and they offered it at my local adult education center

OI guess I can't relate. I prefer academics over physicality.

Yeah, also consider your "salary" for going to Uni, is only 800 USD. Which just buys you noodles basically.

Meanwhile if you go into trades you can start earning a "real" salary much earlier than your peers. So there is no real reason to go into academics unless you have a legit interest for it.

If you finished any kind of job training and worked the field for 3 years you can use the secondary system to get to study, too, so people who took the left route on your picture can upgrade at a later point

In the US, an undergrad in philosophy, history, etc. leads to law and graduate studies. There is quite a bit you can do as a quality writer that learns those skills through the process of the degree. I would argue that Biology and many other STEM-fields are equivalent, but you don't see Jow Forums bitching about STEM.

Do you know of many who did that? Are they judged harshly?

Free healthcare is the first step to socialism, you have to be willfully ignorant to not see that.

A simple way to avoid this would be to do IQ and personality tests. If you have a 145 IQ you get fast tracked. If you have a 115 IQ but are very conscientious (hardworking) you might get put into the fast track as well.

I like the idea of cutting off general schooling at grade 10 and starting an apprenticeship, or taking prep classes for uni. The German system seems pretty based. Everyone gets put in their place at an early age. No one wants to see late-blooming losers starting their undergrad at 25. It's pathetic.

It is especially important for conservatives to go into the social sciences. Conservatives severely underestimate the influence these fields have on society.

Then they complain that society is evolving leftwards.

Whatever, noticed how most countries without free healthcare are poor and more unhealthy? Why would anyone want you to be HEALTHY, when they earn money on you being SICK.

Socialized healthcare is the opposite. The state LOSES money when you are sick (you work less, pay less taxes), so they try to make you and keep you HEALTHY. Very often with preventative medicine, something which is completely lacking in the US.

private physicians earn extra money if they prescribe you expensive opiate painkillers you dont need.
- Meanwhile, if the state pays the bill, they won't prescribe you shit you don't need. They will give you what keeps you healthy, so you can go out and pay tax asap.

The IQs of MDs in the US have a low point at 104. Why should only 115s be able to make it to uni?

It's exactly the same in Italy, by the way.
Specialization in school starts at 9th grade and if you don't go to a technical school or gymnasium it's pretty much guaranteed you'll never get into university.

Also it's perfectly possible to live a good life without a university degree here. I just have a high school diploma in computer science and I make 50% more than the total median income in my region as a software engineer.
Probably closer to the 75th percentile for my age bracket.

>Are they judged harshly?
What for?

The average IQ for engineers and doctors tends to be in the mid-120s. That isn't very high.

Not the one you replied to but no, they aren't judged. The last big boss of the Commerzbank didn't have A levels either. He's now a prof at a private business school in Frankfurt.

Nonetheless, unfortunately not only the best and brightest go to uni anymore. The niveau of the German Abitur (= A levels) has been dumbed down in the past years so many employers in turn want perfect A grades to make up for it. To make things worse, many people who go to uni study worthless social sciences crap and become future unemployed people or minimum wage people anyway. Remember, Germans don't have a scene in which these SJW types can make money out of blogging their bullshit.

For going at an older age.

no lmao, many people travel to see the world, to thailand, to different places before they go to university.

I don;t know; I prefer people on the US being able to choose what they want at whatever age they wish. I think it's freeing, especially for late bloomers or those with high contentiousness but mediocre IQ.

Absolute bullsh*t.
Every year the number of PhDs rises. Every idiot can go to university. A bachelor degree is pretty useless and without much work achievable.

No, why? Worst thing is you might not connect with the edgy kids drinking themselves into oblivion.

I just gave an example. I'm not setting the rules retard. Clearly you would be sent to dig ditches from an early age

Well there's nothing stopping you from going to university even if you went to a trade school, but nobody does it.

Trade school just teaches you things related to your trade.
The idea is that there's little point in trying to teach calculus and the other fairly complex stuff that you learn in industrial technical schools to brainlets who can't even grasp middle school algebra.

Even as it is, the failure rate in ITIS schools is around 50% for both first and second year, then it usually drops by a ton because in the third year you have to choose a further specialization (CS in my case) and by that point most of the brainlets have dropped out and either switched to a trade school or even started working because they're already 16.

I think we overhype lazy geniuses for whatever reason. Conscientiousness should be listed as an important aspect in measuring intelligence.

Do Italians not value work ethic?

>Germany's education system literally results in a system in which only the best and brightest, from a young age, get to go to uni.
>Burgers complaining about meritocracy.
You deserve none of our pity.
Nature is aristocratic not egalitarian.

>there are some very smart kids from the working class that don't get as much of a chance. While stupid upper class kids get better chances in life for no reason.
Figured that.
What fucks up the "elites" every time is disenfranchising the clever.

>elite minds
>rich kids

>because there are some very smart kids from the working class that don't get as much of a chance. While stupid upper class kids get better chances in life for no reason.


As someone who believes that all education should be free - I can agree 100% with this

If you can't either be bothered to do well in school, or just can't, then I shouldn't have to pay for you to waste time

I understand that not everyone is going to be a doctor, lawyer, or scientist - I only want those who are smart enough to do well in school to do so.

That's the part of euro education our liberals tend to forget about when they claim every Tyrone and Shaqueena deserves a free colludge educashun. In theory only the actually deserving students get their free ride through university based on meritorious scholastic performance ie not getting a diploma exclusively because you kept going to school (to sell drugs and fuck thots) until you were fucking 21 years old.

>all education should be free
read a book fagot

This. I bet there are tons of guys like that who can run circles around OP and others who think like him.

>Germany's education system literally results in a system

Attached: 1498938831509.jpg (480x622, 41K)

I did....and they all pointed out the truth about you.....

Attached: faggot.gif (180x135, 137K)

IB/AP are inherently globalist in nature. Most of the things you learn relating to history concern worldwide events. I always wondered why about 10-20% of the time spent in those classes centered around the founding of the US and world war 2. While we learned about communism and the acheivements of people like Lenin and Marx NPCs in regular history and governance classes were stuck in a curriculum perpetually revolving around discrimination, racism, and womens rights. Ivy League social climbers come out of this this and people wonde why colleges and universities are inherently progressive.


I do.

The German system is bullshit. The 4th grade teacher basically decides who goes to the better school based solely on who she likes more.
Even though my marks were completely sufficient to go to a Gymnasium, she did her best to put me in the Realschule with all the white trailer park trash because she hated my guts. I still managed to get a place in a top 10 British University because I'm not a fucking retard.
Still, that bitch stole one year of my life.

And don't get me started on German universities.

If your marks are sufficient then you can go to the Gymnasium. It's not for the teacher to decide.
Our meritocratic education system is one of the few good things left in Germany. There are enough paths to get a higher education even when you had not the sufficient success early on.
And you don't have anything to complain either. You got where you wanted.

>Still, that bitch stole one year of my life.
Cry me a river.

I think the system is also fucked because it really puts way too much stress on all the students there. I learned german a long time ago and every student i spoke with was under so much more stress. Many wanted to become doctors or something but weren't interested in that "early enough," and so many didn't do as well in a class or two which ruined their chances. So many german songs are literally about how stressed out they are and shit.

America isn't perfect but I still like that we have more opportunities here and chances to redeem ourselves. Fuck up in highschool? get your GED and got to a CC, then transfer. Put the work in and you can go far here. In Germany not so much.

>It's not for the teacher to decide.
It was in my state. A recommendation (Lehrerempfehlung) was necessary. Don't know if it's still that way today but it definitely was when I was in 4th grade.

It's honestly probably a better system. At least the tax payers wouldn't be funding mediocre students, and affirmative action minorities. College was better when it was a privilege, nowadays every Tyrone, Jamal, and Stacy can get in for free.

>only the best and brightest, from a young age, get to go to uni
Are you retarded? We have like 50% uni attendance rate in some Bundesländer and 30% of people get uni degrees. This is way too much which means the standards are way too low and degrees aren't worth much anymore. Academics are facing decreased wages and much more competition when job hunting than ever. It's not as bad as in the US rn, but give us 5-10 years, we are getting there. Our system is also flawed as modern education values oral participation more than written participation, which means that dumb kids that tries hard and talk a lot in class will get better grades than the shy and smart kid who doesn't like to talk.

>people that go to Uni are smart.
Ayyy lmao the fuck you writing. Just look at all those BWL/Kunst etc. students they are dumb as fuck.

Yes but not in the same retarded "durr work 80 hours a week goy" way you do.
Also work ethic won't do shit for you in university if your IQ is in the double digits.

>That means that no matter how hard you worked, if you fucked up in high school, you can never get better in Europe
wrong I first visited the realschule and graduated there, after that I visited the Berufsschule and mastered the Berufliches Gymnasium there and got my Abitur. Now Im studying in a university. A friend of mine even started at the Hauptschule.

wait what? don't we have the same system?
i don't remember any of those things being a problem, i think the problems in education right now is the idea that sitting behind a desk and doing some pointless exercise is going to make you understand anything

Its a recommendation, you dont need to follow that recommendation you brainlet. But if you dont even know the diffrence between a recommendation and an instruction it was probably better for you to visit the Hauptschule.

Philosophy is among the top IQ masters IIRC with physics.

nah germans education system results in the best and brightest getting the hell out of this shithole as soon as they can, cause you cant earn for shit here

Shut the fuck up retard

Maybe a few extremely shitty degrees like art and such things, but the standards expected of students is WAY higher than in muttland.

You fucking retard.

Only when you have a shitty GPA or a shitty degree.

Otherwise, a degree will land you almost guaranteed a job.

You retard.

There's literally no reason to major in philosophy or history unless you plan on going to law school. Someone who can't or doesn't want to get into science or tech but is smart enough to not do labor should go into finance or learn a trade like one of the 5000 different kinds of mechanics

So many of my fellow students are just retarded when it comes to anything outside the study direction. That the standard is way higher is pretty straight forward to see, as all the high skilled workers coming from outside the us.

I was considered exceptionally gifted in primary school. Went to secondary school and just went off the rails. I hated school, hated what I was being taught, hated the teachers and hated the classmates. Never studied, stopped showing up to class etc.

Walked into exams day of and improvised and got C grades in everything or just failed.

Got into a university and I'm on track to get First Grade Honours and I find it easy. Secondary school system in my country does not reward smart people it rewards people who do what their told and follow the path the government lays out for you.

The problem is, that our education system is hellbent on sending as much people as possible to uni. This results in nearly bursting classes and absolute shit tier fields like gender studies ect and has caused an actual labor shorage in the lower and low-middle sector of work .... nobody wants their kids to be a mason or a craftsmen, but everybody wants to see their kids studie engeneering or anything else at the uni.
If we can't weed out the people who are not capable or willing to actually benefit our society by putting them in low and low-middle class jobs our whole economy could go belly up at some point, but nobody cares about this and the go to solution is "more immigration!" ...
A fucked up system to outline it in broad strokes.

There was a survey made for Polish and Russian students and it turned out that Russian students were more likely to have an ancestor who also studied than the Polish students. Polish educational system was very egalitarian or maybe it used to be because the current government might have changed that

school is for faggots
t.9 grades of education master race