Boy, 13, Arrested, Cuffed And Dragged From School Over #MeToo Allegations

"According to Keith and his family, it all started a week ago when Keith and his friends were sitting around his house talking about online anonymity. Keith decided to change his Snapchat avatar into a black Bitmoji character. One of his friends, a girl, immediately noticed and within minutes told him he needed to change it back. She said it was insensitive and racist for a white person to use a black character as an avatar. Keith, stubborn as any eighth grader, laughed it off and said he wasn’t going to change it. The next day at school the girl, according to Keith, then started telling everyone he was a racist. The harassment and accusations persisted for days. Other students began threatening to beat up Keith, saying they were going to jump him after school for being ‘racist.’ Then the girl and three other female classmates took it to the next level, appearing to take a page from the Feinstein handbook on how to destroy your political enemies, they appeared before the vice principal to accuse Keith of sexual harassment and assault stemming back to the summer."

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This shit is exactly why Gen Z aren't going to reproduce. This kid will be traumatised for life about ever making contact with women again. Is this what their plan is? To make white men and women hate each other so the niggers outnumber and replace us?

There will eventually come a point when nobody believes rape allegations or cares. The race card has already largely been maxed out due to Obama and BLM. Now MeToo is maxing out the rape card in record time since that's what women do, max out cards.

Hope this redpills him from a young age and he makes generation zyklon real

post the full story and make sure its actually real you stupid shit. this is a watershed moment if true.

Government schooling is child abuse.

If you send your kids to a state-run school then you've shown them you do not give a fuck about their well being.

There's a link to the story right there.
Are you retarded?

>this is a watershed moment if true.
No it's not, this is just a different twist on the "Boy arrested for biting pop tart into gun shape" story.

Young white boys (and sometimes girls) doing absolutely innocent things being treated like adult perverts and murderers because these indoctrinated administrators have an unquenchable lust to hurt their perceived oppressors, including their children (FUTURE OPPRESSORS)

>The next day at school the girl, according to Keith, then started telling everyone he was a racist. The harassment and accusations persisted for days. Other students began threatening to beat up Keith, saying they were going to jump him after school for being ‘racist.’ Then the girl and three other female classmates took it to the next level, appearing to take a page from the Feinstein handbook on how to destroy your political enemies, they appeared before the vice principal to accuse Keith of sexual harassment and assault stemming back to the summer
Fucking NPCs. I detest this fucking society

That place is a shithole. It's Portland, but a state.

>metoo fuckery is so obviouse tactics even 13 year old girls are mastering it

Jesus, fucking nuke us all already

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Depends on the school. The ones that are well funded (not just with money thrown at them) do pretty well.

We're already there I'd say

Have there been any gay #MeToo? The Left seem to think the LGBT are above questioning in society without being labeled homophobic but does that count for those molested by gays?

It's mostly young white females that get white boys into trouble. Most of my suspensions dealt with white girls claiming sexual harassment when I was just singing heir favorite rap music. This was in Washington State.


Kevin Spacey.

>the ones who are white do pretty well
my wife grew up in a lovely little town in eastern Massachussetts (basically New Hampshire) and attended small public schools her whole life. They were supermajority white and she had a pleasant and friendly school experience.

Meanwhile I was closer to NYC growing up, my experience in public schools was heavily diversified, there were fights constantly, I was made to tutor black kids who had "ADHD" (I have ADHD, these were just dindus with no impulse control, it's different), and even in affordable private schools the mix and personality of the school was prison-ified by the absolute state of things.

spread this b4 (((they))) get wind of it

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Yeah, little girls are bitches, we all know that.
If you're going to send your kid to school, sex segregated education is better for everyone.

Wouldn't mind seeing this fat little piglet with his pyjama bottoms removed showing off his bare rump. Praise Trump.

Brought it together like a 90's comedy bit.
Have a cop throwing a roadblock at a muslim friendo.

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>be me
>be in middle school
>the group at my table talking about mundane things
>everyone talking about the type of underwear they have
>everyone shows by lifting the side of their shirt by their hip and showing
>ask me what I'm wearing
>say boxers with a pattern I can't remember
>show it
>later that day called into office
>three of the girls said I was showing my underwear
>explained the scenario
>explained that they did the same and even asked for me to do the same
>lol doesn't matter suspended for 10 days
>get 10 days out of school and a lifelong lesson that women are cunts
Everything went better than expected.

This is literally Obama's legacy. The Feds made sure that every school conducted these kangaroo trials and that no evidence was required whatsoever.

So I googled this story and I can't find another article about this situation. I also googled the kid's name and found nothing. I googled Colorado Springs news and found a Where's Waldo event, which is dope, but nothing about this story. If this story actually happened, it would be huge and more than one website would publish the story. If anyone could find me evidence, like photos, video, or any other credible sources that this actually happened, that would be great.
OP is a faggot

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all niggers are the same, this happens to every white boy and its why white men wont fuck black women. when i was a kid a black girl asked me to tutor her after school, i showed up and we studied. next day at school she told everyone i broke into her house and threatened her. niggers are fucking retarded and they are not human.

Fuck off rapey

Anyone who would harass a racist instead of celebrating a racist is a faggot

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>be in middle school
>before homeroom, kids joking about how to say "fuck" without saying "fuck".
>everyone going "-UCK"
>I say "you can also say 'ffffk"
>tells the teacher
>I explain what was happening
>don't care I'm calling your parents lol

Government schooling system is the same atmosphere as prison: a few unrelated authority figures trying to corrall a mass of peers, many with severe behavioral or cognitive issues, who are there against their will.

Kids(prisoners) end up flocking to cliques(gangs) to protect themselves, but the ties are artificial and tenuous, and the weak or those who do not fit in to any particular clique/gang are singled out for abuse and exploitation.

It's a nightmare system. I don't know how any humane individual could consider it "socialization". My wife and I are gonna homeschool or Montessori school our kids.

Wow. What a bullshit source, OP. It's pretty embarrassing that you read that garbage, let alone actually think it's credible.

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>and 5 years later he commits a school shooting
>liberals are shocked and demand gun laws


Good. Your degenerate civilisation deserve to be destroyed. The Jewish America is the future of a white man.

>Keith decided to change his Snapchat avatar into a black Bitmoji character. One of his friends, a girl, immediately noticed and within minutes told him he needed to change it back.
Over changing an emoji avatar? You have got to be kidding.

Someone needs to humiliate the little girl who made this kids life a hell

Fake news. Find a source that’s not just some guy telling his story to that fag’s website. Until then it’s fake, gay, and a scam.

Those girls should be punished by actually being raped.

PoundMeToo is obviously part of the depopulation, effeminization, mind control NWO agenda

The family has already been destroyed, now you make it so that even more loose bonds between men and women are no longer possible, you destroy the future and you destroy young men by making them demoralized and pacified

Alex Jones, David Icke, etc were right all along, the present is literally worse than any science fiction/dystopian thriller and were just sitting here shitposting

>be me
>9th grade (about 10 years ago)
>some girl I don't even know claims to have been sexually assaulted by someone with the same name as me
>have a relatively uncommon name so only me and some other kid could be the alleged rapist
>had an alibi so they though it is the other kid
>kid gets in trouble and it more or less turned out that she wanted to pin it on me

Not sure why but I think she thought she could get some money out of it or was just jealous since I was one of of the few non-poor kids at school. Of course nothing happened to the cunt and everything was buried but last thing I head from her is that she is a prostitute now.

It will backfire. Families and jobs are keeping white man in check and pacified. Take this away and you'll get a second 3rd Reich.

Sounds like he learned the truth about the West at an early age:
It's women's fault. Every time. Every collapse.
It's women.