Those whores should be tortured in public

those whores should be tortured in public

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>those veiny feet

They're old used-up roasties. Nothing of value was lost.

wow incels

said the fat virgin

Wow... Why didn't they go for "queen of friend chicken" or "queen of waiting for your man to get out of jail"? Seems they picked the most racist term they could get away with.

They always pay the toll, don't you worry.

They are used up already,thx for taking our sloppy-seconds stinkin' nigger.


>They always pay the toll, don't you worry.

>assblasted incel jealous because he dosnt have a QOS gf

literally less than 5% of white women. And most are uglies and fatties.

lol racist idiot im a girl smfh

Who the fuck cares? It's just a degenerate sexual preference. Like fucking a black woman in a Nazi costume for example..

>less than 5%
get out of your basement little boy

This is what I was thinking

I'm not even certain that this is true, if anything these women just have this thing tatoo'ed and it's for a completely different reason that the autist who wrote about it.

Digits confirm

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Q predicted this!

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Show bobs

So?You know the rules.

This. They will be lucky if they don’t get OJ’d.

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Tits or GTFO

go ahead and get the nig herps from them. I stay away from women who have burn the coal.

Also that picture is 420% shopped

To have Queen of Hearts is Racism

No, you're a faggot 99% sûre about this.

meh they will grow old without family and retarded as usual

queen of spades = coalburners.

Race traitors should be tortured

I actually think that any woman that sleeps with a nigger should have to get one of these mandatory.


Fun fact: Chances are if she's a "queen of spades" you can bet she also has a few STDs.

Why don’t you google it :^)

Fake and Gay

>I stay away from women who have burn the coal.
Same here.

If a white chick has had a history of laying with nogs, I avoid her like the plague

Let's see their asses

It's a form of virtue signalling. Any self-respecting man will know a woman with tattoos is a huge red flag


Q predicted this.

Do you have a queen of diamonds tattoo?

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Marking themselves for the day of the rope.

because im not into this shit, but im sure you must google this every now and then

black women who are married to or date white men often rock black and white clothes.

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people falling for these threads
more memeflags

When it comes to taboo sexual preferences, there's often a ton of code involved. The gay community is very famous for having all kinds of strange codes for starters. There's also the BDSM community where collars and stuff indicate your preference.

The most hilarious example I know of is the dog paw tattoo which tons of people see as a sign that you're into fucking dogs basically. Tons of girls end up getting them and don't even know the meaning and the tattoo artist often just sits there going "Are you sure you want this particular tattoo?" and the girl just responds with "Oh yes I LOVE DOGS! :D." Smash cut to a week later when they take of the tattoo patch and walk around and tons of dudes start creeping on them.

digits confirm

Shame these traitorous bitches publicly. If all white men got on board, they could create an anti-feminist revolution just through social circles alone. Be polite about it and don't use the usual vernacular associated with MGTOW or incel stuff or Chad lingo. When women realize no white man will ever marry them after they had their "fun", they will go back to being decent females. Women ate social creatures and very motivated by other people's opinions. They must be openly shunned, reminded that they will be perceived as bad people if they behave badly.

Just a matter of time before they get punched for believing and acting as if they were queens...
the chimp will remind her that she's a chimp's whore, nothing more.

They're marking themselves LoL. We should promote this so we can easily identify them

gtfo tranny

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she a cute

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