>The most popular and influential open source project, Linux, adopted a code of conduct
>The original author of the project, Linus Torvalds, used to be known as someone who doesn't give a fuck, since he frequently insulted people who contributed shitty code
>He was somehow mindraped (possibly by his SJW daughter) into leaving the project
>The project then adopted a Code of Conduct written by a mentally ill transsexual
>The code of conduct is retarded, talks about dumb shit like inclusivity
>The problem is that is casts a wide enough net as to be able to make anyone a 'criminal' and to be removed from the project

>If we get the Linux devs to reject the CoC in the next few days, that will be a MASSIVE loss for the leftists in tech, possibly the biggest one so far.
>It will give us the initiative, and throw them off. Then we might be able to get many other projects that adopted the CoC to abandon it as well.

Now will you fight with us, or will you let conservatism in the tech industry die an agonizing death?

Days after adopting the CoC, one of the main linux devs accused of 'rape apoligism':
The CoC:
The kike trannie who made it:
CoC linux commit:

Post more links, send out emails, do whatever you can to wipe this shit off, or we are done.

Attached: terry.jpg (1469x1102, 320K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm keen to help but I know not where to start

Find open source projects that have accepted the CoC, find their email, and contact them, citing the problems with it:

Include the postmeritocracy.org/ which was written by the same person

Nothing can be done until we accept that all the major platforms are in enemy hands who have the funds to do nothing but delete us wherever we pop up.

We need to change from a system of linking to content to sharing (as in re-hosting) content, making is so that there's so many implementations of our content that it would be impossible to ever remove them.

Take on the BBS model, since the centralised internet model leads only to defeat.

Attached: e7e0.jpg (2047x1403, 306K)

No giving up breh

I'm not talking about giving up, but fighting them on a playing field that we control rather than them.

big bump


Instead of one source getting linked and referenced by masses
Masses hosting it with the "link" being commentary as open as you want it

Why don't we fork Linux? Anyone know how to do a fork?

We also need to be doing false flag efforts as well.

See bugs.python.org/issue34660

This is an incredible template, copy this and add to every single opensource project you can think of. Make them hate the sight of SJWs

from bugs.python.org/issue34660:

It has come to my attention that CPython's source code contains problematic ableist/saneist terms and/or pejoratives, namely

sanity check 144
silly 26
insane 13
crazy 13
stupid 6
lame 2
lunatic 1

> do this to every single open source project


We need to go after Gimp, too. That able-ist garbage needs to experience inclusive culture. Then we need to go after GTK for using the word "gimp."


That fucking thing is absolutely disgusting. Where do these mutants come from?

That's a fantastic idea.



Attached: 7fe.png (600x411, 68K)

>time to maintain Jow Forums version of linux


Actual insanity.

can we really do this?
If so how can i help

OK, I'm sorry I hit Terry with the train. You're not all bad.
But one of his underlings was pissing me off with T-O.S. Discord Trap raids on Jow Forums.
Someone had to be made an example of.
This post is Satire.

Attached: terry marijumbo.jpg (938x800, 253K)

Yes we can. Anyone can fork Linux. I don't know how to do it, though. I would be willing to help. I can do some dev stuff.

Yes we fucking can. We just need 10-20 people


Naming suggestions:


Yes, we need a new website. Even more, a new platform. What would it look like?

>ban all Israeli IPs
>ban all Canadian Ips
>ban all vpns and proxies
>ability to host multiple images per post, various formats of ebooks, audio and video and more
>no namefaggotry ever in any way
>special invisible ‘identity’ that tabulates all your MAC addresses and IP addresses
>Gotta pay the toll to see the boards and post
>Banhammered faggots gotta pay the toll again to even get their ‘identity’ back
>create OC regularly or face the banhammer
>various tests to get an ‘identity’
>no phoneposting ever
>extreme free speech zone
>real peer to peer encryption
>crypto only
>special new process for mods. They are up for review every quarter. Other peer-based evaluations. Give them something more than coupons. No newfags allowed.
>some kind of automatic archive of news pages to not give them clicks
>super rad text based bbs style references for those old time feels, but actually a new and highly advanced board style– a metaboard?

Attached: Neon2.png (784x292, 9K)

Polix is pretty good

Ditto. Can I print a RWTS t-shirt and wear it in my commie land city to provoke the pink haired commie bas-turds?


This is how it will have to be for a while, until we gain some control in the wider web world.


Attached: ebin.jpg (474x474, 21K)

Yes, make it available for sale too, I'd buy one

also why tf are you faggots not in the chat tapnoble.com/s/rwts


This is noice.

it will be a slow process, like it was firefox
most people use an age-old kernel anyways so they wont even be efected until 2020 or so
and then its finally time to move to openbsd

Here’s something you may not know, sharp is involved, sharp used to work for intel which worked with the CIA to install back doors, she also started the ada iniative which was a social justice bullying platform to get unqualified people as gate keepers and also tried to
Frame Linus for rape , this is sharp now

Attached: 4CD4EA16-73A5-4E56-B277-F1E21CA39E1E.jpg (1080x1920, 787K)


You know what would be really based? Making the OS function partially as a tor box, so there's inbuilt tor support for browsers like chrome and firefox.

what a disgustingly ugly fucking cunt

No, we need to fight back and purge the kikes with violence. But first we must awaken the masses as much as possible.

Attached: FreeYourHate.png (600x599, 312K)

type random chars in both fields


Attached: palm.jpg (350x263, 62K)

Does this movement have any actual contacts from within the Linux Dev community?

Attached: 1484549364930.jpg (355x460, 20K)

probably, but rwts has a broader scope than just linux

works for me, try reloading

Also, let's focus on a single project at a time and work up, ok?
Look at this:
It is an open source programming language with the CoC. It is not mentioned on their site or anywhere else, so it was probably an afterthought. Contact them and ask them to either delete the CoC, or replace it with a better one. But be respectful, we don't want the on the defensive, ok? The language seems promising and I don't want it to go down the shitter because of a dumb CoC
Company that's making it:

Attached: proxy.sdfasdfasdf.com.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

She wasn’t much prettier pre transition. Also realize intel and other platforms are behind this Linux take over, Linus was a stumbling block for plenty of “THEM” and alphabet niggers and they are using the outrage mob of gullible idiots to get Linux full of more holes than Swiss cheese

Attached: 8D9A27FE-EA00-4009-866E-3B44986ECC50.jpg (800x915, 204K)

See my posts they have been lurking for yrs

Attached: 347598734985734.png (1260x854, 629K)

Looks like shit, gravity seems better


Attached: 1517616822395.gif (600x338, 588K)

What can a brainlet with no tech/programming experience do to help you guys out? Where is the contact info for some of these people, and what the fuck could I say to them that would have any effect?

If you don't make that clear in the OP, no-one will be able to contribute to this.

Ehmke was always insane and treated as an oddity he can’t find work now yet they still use his coc

Soon fucker.

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Funny enough, that’s also been something that was tried in the past by the crazies. The people who manage GIMP didn’t give a fuck.

I can get some twitter bots to shill for us, possibly the best i can do

I'm really good in assembly so if someone's going to be starting a chan os I can be used for really low level stuff under the hood.

>they are using the outrage mob of gullible idiots to get Linux full of more holes than Swiss cheese

I prefer to think of them as weaponized faggots, but you are clearly correct

This is a sign guys.
A sign that we are meant to migrate to God's chosen operating system.



Attached: 03a.jpg (1134x836, 68K)

>fight back
Can we out-spend them? No. Can we out-man them? No. Can we out-manoeuvre them? Yes.

We need numerous sites. Go for sheer quantity. Of course this means that we have to always ask ourselves, when we put data on the internet whether it can be easily downloaded at short notice, then re-hosted conveniently.

I've been thinking a lot of how BBSs used to always spread by people putting things they liked on their own BBS. Back in those days it was easy because everything was text files, but for an example look at the Anarchist's Cookbook. How many hundreds of thousands of copies of that book made its way around the BBSs and early net? It's impossible to count.

We don't really need a new OS to do this, just a wget script is all you need (and a website that's small and mobile enough that it can be saved quickly).

We need to start thinking about ourselves online as if our bags are always packed. "If I had just 24 hours left before all my content vanishes, how likely is it that it could be saved by others and then reuploaded by them later" is what we need to start asking ourselves.

more than conservatism in tech is freedom.

What a repulsive creature.

But the sub-human abomination is correct, they are trying to scatter the Linux devs to the wind to break up and destroy it as a viable alternative to big tech. SJWs are just being used as a smokescreen for (((them))) and alphabet agencies to mask a silent coop.

My BBS had two nodes bitches.
I had all the good shit for download. Hacking, Cracking, Phreaking, Anarchy, Warez.
Ah the good old days filling tennis balls with match heads in my backyard and customizing my WWIV.

This wide-spread nature of important (and "important") information was one of the defining aspects of that time, as well as the FAQs from UseNet.

Every single one of our sites should have the GnuPG manual on it.

Legit question for FOSS fags that work with graphical design:
Why the hell after all those years the FOSS community wasn't able to come up with something better than GIMP as an option for Photoshop?

Even with 999+ plugins you have to install just to uncuck GIMP, you are still forced to do 5 extra steps for every action you do in Photoshop, this is just retarded.
Even something as simple as Layer management is unnecessarily retarded in GIMP.

Isn't there groups focused on creating a new and decent open source Photoshop alternative?

Attached: dude.png (253x320, 34K)

Yeah, Gimp is pretty terrible. The devs are stubborn as fuck, too, and treat every "feature" as ideologically immutable.

>Linux is no longer a meritocracy
hey maybe now I can get involved

>Why don't we fork Linux? Anyone know how to do a fork?

Right-wingers are too retarded for that.

Sure, they are now friendly and inclusive to everyone regardless of age, level of experience and education, of course in addition to mental disorders which goes without saying.
Not even making this shit up.


been liking these threads but...
> will you let conservatism in the tech industry die
> conservatism
"conservatism" was invented by CIA niggers in the 50s. A better word is liberty.

>defend open source project
>dismiss a cucking code from a community

Not sure who is the commie here.

Should it? An operating system doesn't have to be all things to all men, and this is without even mentioning the issue that I have highlighted: we can not out-spend and out-man these companies.

Depends what you want to do? Layer handling by itself is a non issue when you get used to it. Paths and such are a mess tho, but then you are better off using another software

Still best open source image editing software. PS is pretty expensive.

just clone the source and upload it into a new public repository on a git host of your choosing. Can't be bothered tho, any halfwit can do it. just download git and check the manual. basically 2 commands...

>>The project then adopted a Code of Conduct written by a mentally ill transsexual

You know you can fork linux right?

Go after GTK for using the white supremacist acronym "Gay/Transgender Killer". In 2018? How fucking dare they.

nice bait. think we wouyld have Jow Forums without open source? doubtful. Ze fuhrer approves of open source.

Attached: DljWpOKU8AAXHKK.jpg (576x1024, 39K)

Of course the problem with forking Linux is that nowadays it is to a large extent developed and funded by cucked companies like Red Hat, Intel, Google.
It ceased being a hobby project many years ago and hence it's only logical that the original developers are losing control of it.
To fork it, you would have to somehow get shitload of programmers, replicate all the infrastructure and then get anyone to use your fork.
And if you succeed, the raging SJWs will come for your project too.



now you know why goy boy got filtered. that it rang true. what happened with Jow Forums proves that fact

This is why TJ, when he made FidoNet, wanted to keep it small enough to fit in a .COM file.

Because none of you morons can code and it'd be a fucking embarassement to anyone who's against this SJW bullshit to be a part of such a community

What the fuck are you guys talking about? Don't fucking fork it, make them remove the CoC

Attached: CyHa.jpg (1280x720, 182K)


I thought everyone knew that

This. Also a more useful thing might be a website that catalogues which open source projects have adopted a CoC.


I hope that faggot TheTemple dies of AIDS

Good luck overpowering IMB, Microsoft, Google, etc.

There is already one on the CoC's page: contributor-covenant.org/adopters

not sure how i feel about this new murdoch look lads.

This. There should be a meme campaign to raise public awareness about the SJW ties to alphabet ajencies and how the push for CoC is not about inclusivity but about removing principled developers who kept Chinese style backdoors out of open source software.

no shit. Everyone assumes we need the bells and whistles of the (((infrastructure))) to work on a thing that originally relied on a mailing list. Slow development is a good thing. (((progress))) has introduced vulns and (((sponsorship)))

>blogging like you're a philoshpical genius.
You mean i2p?