What causes emasculation of white men?
> be Mia Khalifa
> shitakin porn star
>cuck captain savehoe white dude put the cap to save her
What causes emasculation of white men?
> be Mia Khalifa
> shitakin porn star
>cuck captain savehoe white dude put the cap to save her
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when you are taught you are the cause of the world's problems your whole life, many end up believing it.
Not enough time naked together
She has a fetish for white men, just like every other middle eastern woman
Is that DesTINY?
>This guy is banging Mia Khalifabecause he feels he has to pay back for colonialism
Do you guys really think everyone in the real world is a fucking polretard?
>every other middle eastern woman
you mean every other woman? do you go outside? we have it so good man.
t. Muhamudahmudmuahhamad
She have nice titties
Coping ain’t fix outbreeding your race out of existence faggots
>cuck captain save a hoe
he's probably an extremely based and blackpilled chad who knows her net worth and the pay off after divorce is worth getting called a cuck by virgins. personally, i couldn't stomach it, but different strokes for different psychopa- I mean folks
no she doesnt.
>yet another pornstar thread
psy op bait thread
lesser races make more babies because they are used to coming from shitholes where you need to have like 6 kids because you expect half of them to die
I know this may be world shattering to a lot of you but like 90% of modern western men don't even remotely care a woman being a whore in the past. I have literally never met a man under the age of 30 in real life who cares about that. Mia is hot and rich, this guy has probably fucked 25+ women in his life like a normal man (i.e. not a Jow Forums virgin) should, so he isn't insecure about his girl being an ex slut. There isn't any downside for him.
Mostly the inability to think properly.
You see, the Earth is convex.
why is everyone pretending like a man couldn't bash a female into oblivion if he wanted to
Big difference between ex slut and major league porn star
she got surgery on them after porn they look better than ever... but not anymore in porn to show them so bad for her
snowflake weakfags
that's both retarded and untrue
you are too degenerate and around others, i really hope and also think that we men are still smarter than that.
>took multiple giant black cocks on cam
>she has a white fetish
She has an everything but Arab fetish
she going to hell. white bo*s
what? It's like bunnies or sea turtles who have a shiton of babies because most of them die. It's a legit reproduction strategy but because of whitey providing them healthcare and food their population exploded.
your that fag that hijacked the Art thread aren't you
What is Arab about Anatolian dna? Because that's what Levantine Christians are. Arabs became more like the native populations genetically but that doesn't work in the other direction because of Islamic marriage laws. Mia is 'Christian' Lebanese so genetically she'd have more genetics in common with Turks, Armenians, and Greeks.
Alright, she has an everything but brown fetish. I'm sure she'd avoid Hispanics as well because they look like her family members who will kill her if they find her
>>This guy is banging Mia Khalifabecause he feels he has to pay back for colonialism
well if you look at it that way i payed for my grandgrand grand grand grand children's debt too
ooh boy, i loved every second of it.. anyone feel the need to pay their debt too? i can fall in for you if you're too impotend.. i mean too busy to do so
Nothing against you personally. Jow Forums just falls for labels over data. Know what really tripped me out? Jeanine Pirro is Lebanese. I always thought she was Italian.
look at those dead, glassy, beady eyes. the billion dick stare.
She's taken like 5000 dirty nigger dicks. Why would any dude shack up with her?
I'd say porn star is preferable, unless it's nigger porn.
The Lebs liked their European colonization anyway. They love French shit. It doesn't work even as a joke in this case.
i am serious
i bet
is she really? that explains a lot.
it's not a strategy, that *is* reproduction, and they're not lesser for it - the "problem" with the west is that our reproduction, as is our ability of self-sufficiency and ownership, is being suppressed and broken down
there still are people who operate as people should, as family, tribally, dynastically, the same as these "lesser people" - religious people, the Amish, take your pick
westerners aren't better because companies can get you to cuck yourself out of existence lmao
You were in that thread too?
I would kill to fuck Mia Khalifa even once, even if she cucked me after. She is seriously the hottest woman ever to me. Literally perfect.
gee i wonder who could be behind this post
I'm pretty sure the only thing he's interested in feeling is that well pounded puss and huge fake tits.
Every girl is a slut but if she's on the internet getting spanked to by half the world that's just a bit too far.
the problem is they cant provide for themselves
>implying men get alimony
yea I created it
It was essintially brought to life for the sole purpose of ruining the masculinity of western civilizations.
WW2 gave females full opportunity to work like men, and they did a good job. I mean, men could do it better and faster, but they worked well.
All this femanisim bullshit is a ploy by them.
They do, but it rarely happens
It was a good thread but that faggot had to ruin it for no reason
I think she's really pretty and I love the way she sucks dick. She's really good at it and utilizes the tongue-sticking-out method which is high level cocksuckery, and you can tell she really enjoys giving oral especially to hung white guys. But when it comes to sex she is kinda boring.
most boring overrate fuck ever
if it wasn't for the overhyping to get her known nobody wouldn't even bet an eye on her.
her pornscenes are boring as fuck
her facial exprecions in all her scenes are is-it-over-yet? the men pumping her seem top be bored aswell
her overhyped snapchat account consists of "nudes" semi teasers and a spambot telling you how to make easy money from home via a canadian online money hyp thing
"she cares about her fans"
you want to kill someone to tough that? she would be laughing at you boy
t. Roastie
No self-respecting man would want a gf of which you can find nigger gangbang videos in 10 seconds
30-something used whores cannot compete against a new generation of 20 yo trad QTs.
Real lack of standards you young cunts have.
Maybe because you have no actual standing in society or job of importance that the prospect of bringing your porn Star slut wife to a community fundraiser for children means nothing to you.
You don’t even recognise you have a loser mentality.
in commiefornia? i'd say its possible. like i said, not something i could stomach (obviously most of us here see ourselves as better than that) but i know a lot of normal good looking men (no homo) in their late 20s early 30s who are willing to settle on a woman in her 40's if she will pay the bills and suck dick to put it into perspective.
> a community fundraiser for children means nothing to you.
hahahahahahahaahaaahha fucking checks flag.
Christian values and the transformation of the female’s main evolutionary weapon (“love”) into a state/religion-sponsored institution that is sold as a key component of male existentialism.
10/10 post
Your addiction to modernism even to the point of sacraficing family is a negative trait.
Your idea that 2 children you obess over will end up better off than 8 you don't is the exact opposite.
Amish provide fine for themselves. Better than almost everyone else.
degen reddit roastie
yea how the fuck does a faggot end up on Jow Forums he was probably looking to "piss some racist nazi's off"
>What causes emasculation of white men?
chemical warfare, mind control warfare, psychological warfare, educational warfare, social engineering warfare, etc, etc, etc...
make it again i wanna see
my parents where divorced my dad could prove my mom betrayed my father, he had a wellpaying job my mom didn't, my dad had a house, my mom didn't.
my dad's lawyer founda way to turn everything in my dad's favour since the judge was a feminist
my mom had to pay alimony, but my dad said, i don't need any mony to raise OUR son, put it on a savingsaccount for our son so he can use it to start his life when he leaves home.
he put money on that account too and first thing i did when i was 18 was buy a car, tools and clothes for my first job.
but mothers paying alimony is very rare indeed
exactly, on cam, she's a greedy whore with a huwhite fetish
It is nigger porn, Hans.
Everything he posted was bait until the end where he got really mad and stopped replying to actual arguments that btfo him
I agree with her actual penetration scenes but her bj skills are pure porn kino
>and they did a good job.
The model for Rosie the Riveter quite her job at a factory roughly 2 weeks after posing for said art to go back to playing small wooden and string instruments. Every single time I'm reminded of that.
They do.
The laws are "equal" in a legal sense, even though they were made for the sake of robbing men.
>be Jow Forums degenerate
>be concerned by porn
you'll also get the rope OP
How could you even be happy with such thing?
She's a christian i saw so many comments on one of her porn videos.
Get over it.
i would fall asleep with someone like here though, but it's been a long time i actually seen her because once was enough for me after i looked her up to know what all the hype was all about, might be she levelled up her skills lately i don't know.
but even then.. not my kind of cake, specially because i hate silicon titties
Hmmmm yankies dumbness is mysterious thing to the rest of humanity.
Nigga Ethiopians are orthodox Christians does that mean they’re Greek or Russian.
she's cute, but here tits are fake
ok if you say so might take 20 mins
what illness does he have
yea someone gave him evidence he just goes your a rasist nazi.
Those eyebrows are a real boner killer for me.
you are the low IQ one here if you don't understand what "Christian" means in the grand scheme. or at least you haven't met any "Christian" Middle Easterners....
He's probably a porn whore as well. They date and marry in the business.
they're fake
>This entire thread
doesn't she have those fucked up plastic tits?
remember the art tread user
Pro tip for you /v/irgins
when a girl gets fiesta and wants to bitch at you and slap you just grab her and force her to the ground, toy with her a bit.
They will fucking drench. When they do that they want you to prove your power over them.
Just a tip
I know english isn't your first language, and I applaud you for trying...
But next time don't try--it's embarrassing us all.
Kill to fuck a prostitute? Why would you do that when you could fuck her by just handing her several hundred dollar bills? For 1500 dollars she'd let you piss in her rectum.
here is the link to it if you want to go on it or do you want me to recreate it?
yep I created it
and anime
yes but women are brainwashed these days to call the cops and the cops will always go on the womens side at least in Australia sydney they even admitted it to us once when they came to our place even if the women doesn't mean it she doesn't understand and still does it.
>I know this may be world shattering to a lot of you but like 90% of modern western men don't even remotely care a woman being a whore in the past.
HAHAHAHAHA! Not a woman they want to marry, no. Jesus christ, i know your kind are deluded but you must understand there IS a fucking difference between marrying a woman, and fucking a whore.
a pitty it got trashed by that faggot with his entartete artists though, i was thinking of posting some art of my country, but .. well
Can’t do it, she took nigger dick. End of story.
do u want me to create it again?
I would love to see some of your art
I just got done fapping to Mia. neat.