ITT things Americans can't have because they're afraid of socialism
ITT things Americans can't have because they're afraid of socialism
When will Americans wake up and embrace socialism
free bullets
Not going bankrupt if you get cancer
Empty Venezuelan shelves
One of the worst examples you could give. The public transport system may be fast, but unreasonably expensive, inefficient, crime-ridden and overall dirty as fuck. I'd rather go by food than use the train in Berlin or Hamburg
Bread lines
>public transportation
>forced to be in close quarters with other disgusting human beings
>less control over my individual situation and at the mercy of more outside forces
>pay more money for this privilege rather than just drive somewhere myself and stop where i want, when i want or leave when i want
>tl;dr eurotrash fundamentally doesn't understand freedom and just how brainwashed they really are
aw shucks. too bad.
As if you'd give a fuck about money when the chance of death is 90% (let's be honest, most people don't give a fuck until they piss blood)
oh wow you solved it, can't go bankrupt if you have no money, good one bongfag
>ahah our public transportation is great
>surely immigrants will not cause problems on it ahahah
Europe was a mistake
So we're supposed to pay for dead men walking?
I'd rather have an affordable cost of living. If you get cancer you're already fucked. Quit trying to ruin the lives of the healthy.
>Posts pic from Suoth Carolina
What did he mean by this?
Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!
The U.S. must return to the gold standard now!
The U.S. must adopt the gold standard again now!
The U.S. must decrease its military-budget to 100-billion-dollar per year now.
Or, the U.S. must decrease its military-budget to 1% of its GDP now.
I love American99% and the U.S.
China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
Japan and Germany must reduce Germany's, Japan's and China's taxes now!
The U.S. must tighten its monetary policy now!
As a result, Dollar value will rise!
The U.S. will have trade surplus!
Japan and Germany are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, FRB, Top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Japan is the country which has been promoting Globalization!!!
Allahu Akbar!
American Revolutionary War!
We American 99% have the 2nd amendment!
American Revolutionary War!
Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Japanese-bureaucrats are the main largest promoters of FTA.
Wall-Street, American-top1%, American-Military-Industry are colluding with Japan and Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
>when dying from cancer isn't the problem
Twenty-five years ago, I felt safer in a german train station without a gun than being in an American train station with a gun. Nowadays, I wouldn't step foot in or near a german train station. They're filled with feral subhuman shitskins. You guys really fucked up a wonderful country. I'm glad I got to experience western Europe before it went to shit.
Thats from the GDR
Car transport causes pollution and around 50k dead people yearly due to accidents. Also not everyone has a car. Studies show people with access to public transport are MORE free and have more oppurtunities. If you live in a suburb and can't afford a car and there is no public transport available (like in many American cities) you're basically fucked. You fundamentally don't understand public transportation, a network covers most areas of interest and and business hubs, anyone can travel there, there are trains and buses every few minutes
>Get on a plane and have you asshole poked at the airport by security everytime you need to go to another city
TLDR American retardation.
My city's urban/suburban rail is nice. The dirty ones all take the bus.
No it's not, are you too retarded to google?
show them all the Abdul niggers you have to call German now, Hans.
did mumy gib you permission to post faggot?
German Rivers
Germany has a whole per capita homicide rate of 0.8. That's better than your SAFEST states. America as a whole has a per capita homidie rate compared to third world shitholes like Ecuador
Made you look
not every city is a tourist trap senpai, even in Italy
public transport sucks and clandestine immigrants are making it even worse
As if the german government would give you all the real stats
Fucking got him
>public transport sucks
Yeah in Italy. Even your motorways suck, bridges falling and shit
>Less than two dozen shootings in 6 years
You have more shootings than that on a weekend, faggot
didn't you guys just have someone get their head cut off at the train stop
lol STUDIES SHOW! Surely STUDIES would never lie to me! all those words and all you said was "i'm eurotrash who doesn't understand freedom."
Your homicide rate is higher than ours, greece's and spain's, which you consider shitholes.
You're swamped with more clandestine immigrants than we are, both on total number and pro capite
On top of all that, you've taken to fixing your numbers and tooting your horn at how you're so safe of a country.
I'll keep my shitty public transports over all of that, thanks
learn to read kraut nigger, the US stats on there too
Public transport is better objectively for a city, you're just too low IQ to understand transportation networks, stay mad faggot
>ITT things Americans can't have
KGB Churches
Stalinist purges
>der spiegel
enjoy your fake globalists news kike faggot
sooooo goooooood
Garbage and false stats, you have more homicides per capita than any other first world nation, you have more niggers shooting each other than anyone else, PLUS if you include the definition of "at least 4 fatalities" you have literally thousands of shootings since 2009. Stop trying to manipulate stats, it might work with your low IQ functionally retarded population but it doesn't work with anyone else
>take subway
>get set on fire
welcome to doucheland
We have public transportation in the US, it's s*** and most people don't bother to use it to the extent that of the entire rail network only two lines actually turn a profit and in order to prop up this god-awful system were forced to shell out a billion per year because dumb f*** want to be like Europe and use the least efficient method for transporting low mass High Time sensitivity cargo
>Be America
>Get on freeway
>Get shot
Welcome to Muttland
you have no stats. you won't arrest criminals. or let people file complaints, and if you speak out about it, you are the one going to jail for hate speech
It's shit because Americans are unwilling to invest in infrastructure because "Muh socialism bad". You have to leave the constructure and infrastructure work to the government
>So we're supposed to pay for dead men walking?
>If you get cancer you're already fucked
i thought burger education was a meme but holy fuck
You must be a nigger, Germans are infamous for their methodic approach to cataloguing and thoroughness when it comes to data. Stop linking Infowars headlines about completely different topics and talking about things you know jackshit about
>be german socialist cocksucker
>try to get on autobahn
>it's closed, no money
welcome to islamaburg
it's time to stop posting mama merkel
haha why do you need such huge cranes for road construction Hans. Is your road crews even more lazy than burger road crews?
Go eat another Twinkey fat faggot
honestly, eurotrash, I have to thank you. You've inspired me. A friend of mine told me about this fucking awesome burger place a couple states over. I mean, he really raved about it. I've been meaning to take a trip to try it. I have the day off and, I have to tell ya, it's fucking beautiful weather here today. Perfect day for a drive. So I'm going to stand up from my couch right now, walk 20 feet to my garage, get into my car, my own personal motor vehicle, a literal majestic creation, and back out of my driveway. I'm gonna roll the windows down and turn the radio up and step on the 4.4L V8. It's gonna take me right to the front door of this supposedly dynamite burger joint. Right on the water, too. I'll probably wash it down with a beer, maybe have a smoke, and talk with some of the locals about how much we love Trump. Then I'm gonna get back in my car and come on home with a little light left to build a good fire in my back yard. Might need to put on a sweatshirt tonight. Crack a couple few beers and just enjoy the sound of the crackle and the wind through the trees. As I said at the beginning. Thank you. I'm actually really fucking excited about this day now.
Later, user! Don't wait for me in your next reply, I know you have a train to catch.
Someone's getting triggered. looks like this thread didn't turn out the way you hoped.
Didn't read that wall of text
Looks like your country didn't turn out the way you hoped
the US had railways, and viable public transportation in most cities until about the 1920s when the dupont family started shilling for cars. the result today is montonous strip mall wasteland from coast to coast, shattered, nigger-infested urban centers with very few exceptions.
>t. St. Louis
i think it's also worth mentioning you dont have trains in germany and europe because of socialism. That is a ridiculous thing to say.
>Links article from (((bloomberg)))
>Provides no context
Again you prove that you have a single digit IQ (like most Americans) and only read headlines like a retard. The article is about repairs on the German Autobahn. These repairs are the reason why we haven't had major catastrophic failures like your nigger country has every year
>Looks like your country didn't turn out the way you hoped
this is what you hoped
neither did yours
ignore the non-passport holder
>elects merkel
>no catastrophic failures
pick one
>Click here
>wanting shitty modern architecture and rapeugees
no thanks ahmed
We're 90% European, Sanchez Goldberg. You weren't that white even in the 1950s
Europoors have good infrastructure but will never own their own home , they are their boomer ponzi slaves.
>Lazier than our road crews
This is actually impossible.
you have always been a nigger
If you get non-metasticized cancer, treatment doesn't cost that much
If you get metasticized cancer, you are 110% fucked in almost all cases
Lol no. Your country has horrid birth rates and took in 3 million refugees in 2 years. Plus all the Turks that have been there for 50 years now.
>Not going bankrupt if you get cancer
This is easily remedied in America by not being a lazy nigger and getting a job.
You are not white and will never be
>Citation: your (obese) ass
>You are not white and will never be
what hans says to his wife's kid
Turks born in Germany are considered European in your census.
You guys took over a million in less than a year back in 2016. It's been three years since then
>3 million refugees in 2 years
False stats again, stop reading Infowars you retard. You are moving from single digit IQ to negative IQ. We took in 1.9 million in 5 years since 2013. And we are STILL 90% European dspite that.
Turks don't automatically get German citizenship if they're born here. We don't have laws like Muttland. The vast majority of them stay with Turkish citizenship their whole life with a indefinite residence permit
>Shitting on someone else for having 1% niggers when you elected a nigger as your president
I don't believe that but if it's true that makes it worse as you allow people with no loyality to to your country to take your money in jobs and welfare.
Fake news even trash rags like the Washington Post abmit that you guys took in over a million in a year
Only destitute sand criminals use public transportation in America. Most even our poor have cars.
Those stats are official stats from the German government. Any other numbers that Washington Post and others might have put out were all inaccurate estimates. We took around 2 million refugees since 2013, the vast majority of them came in during the 2015 crisis. And before you say that German government is faking stats, those are the number of asylum APPLICATIONS that the federal authority has received. You cannot fake that.
Functional healthcare, social mobility, an improvingly developed population, competent politicians, a military that isn't an inefective and overhyped social service provider, decent media that aren't aimed at manipulating the surpluss if retards, etcetera.
>shitting on US for having niggers
>imports millions of niggers
wow you showed me
>only socialist countries can have railway stations
I wish making those little scooters illegal was possible. Make the fatties actually trudge thru the store to buy their sugar and fat. Might be the only exercise they get.
Even more shamefu is seeing healthy, lazy niggers use them.
sì, il nostro paese è un covo
Niggers are going to turn this into Hotel Rwanda in like 30 years
>and around 50k dead people yearly due to accidents.
That's the price of freedom and not needing to be shuttled away every day in my government funded gerbil-tube
>Germans are infamous for their methodic approach to cataloguing and thoroughness when it comes to data.
Their also infamous for starting racewars now shoo
German Autobahn is probably the best in the world, but it doesn't mean we don't have public transport. Japan has excellent public transport and road network too. It doesn't have to be either or. America is not the only country which has "freedom"
That looks exactly like the Denver airport.
a... train station...?
It is also a train station.
>meanwhile in america
Seeing this loner German sperg out in this thread made my day.
Looks like a prison.
Now I know why niggas are always taking the bus.
We can also have Steel eyesores and do.
To add to that, between roads and the automotive industry, carniggers are just as reliant on the government as public transport niggers.