There are two way for Japanese

There are two way for Japanese
1.Open border and become superpower like America
2.Close border and became shithole like North korea

Which one do you prefer?

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Either way you go extinct. Please make anime producing robots before you do.

Pls reissue the Yamaha CS-80

you make good motorcycles, keep doing that and i think you will be good.

>become a land of mutts getting short
>become a land run by a supreme leader like Chad Kim

Gee i wonder user

>doing steroids just to shrink your dick

Please dont let the browns into you're country. The culture there is important, I'm planning on moving there in a few years.

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>Super technological civilization
>Better bring in thousands of niggers who can't even set their wristwatch


You just need to hold out for the robots. I dont know how people think China will be making our shit once they exist.

Dont let this fuck in either.

>1. Open border to people with radically different values as you become a minority in your own homeland
2: Keep borders closed as you workout solutions to your problems and keep your country your own country
Gee, I wonder which one user. If you hate your country so much, leave, don't fuck it up for the respectable Japanese people.

America is a shithole tho. The people there would be better off getting nuked.

I should add that we need you in case multi racial societies turn out to be un workable. If white people burn asians are the only ones who can get us off this rock before it burns.


Accept our niggers then

Export all qts to US in either case.

OP is a retard.

the US become a super power when it was white
it declined in power when it opened up the borders
get fucked kike

we japanese

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geez, user, just build a fucking wall around the country and make immigrant pay for it


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Don’t open your doors to anybody with a pulse Japan.

3. Stop watching anime and start having Japanese babies to repopulate your work force naturally without parading in hordes of mongrels and shit skins.

what is the time span for both? strict migration enforcement?

only let whites in who flee from diversity. We have a big Japanese community in Germany in Dusseldorf and you hear nothing from then (unless they celebrate cherryflower fest or whatever) Germans and Japanese get along quite well.


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gee i wonder who could be behind this post

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Fucking this, the reface CS isn't nearly as good

i prefer you kill yourself

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You can be like Japan or Taiwan or Norway or Finland or Poland or old Britain and Germany and France
or instead be like South Africa, Pakistan, swathes of America, Afghanistan and Brazil

how about becoming Apart of America( 51st state)? you get guns, nukes(not nuked again) & a fucking Space Force.#makegundams real

But also a free flow of people from America making Japan non Japanese

I wonder who is in charge of this post?

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would be other way around: weeb's would be begging japs to turn the west Coast into a happa demography. Plus most burgers wouldn't want to spend all the money moving there and lose all the open space we have here such as big ass houses with a nice yard.

>Close border and became shithole like North korea
>Close border
You mean like you do now? Doesn't seem like a shithole to me.

WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.

>Elon knows how bad it is

The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod

This is a warning from the future.

>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system

Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead

Relax and enjoy

>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW

>bonus stream
Enjoy some Bants about today's happenings, sunspot walnut sauce fakeout,,,

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Japan already has a declining birth rate how are they going to do that when their own birth rate is low

t. vpn liberal faggot from reddit

3. initiate pro-life legislation which subsidizes jap women to have children
4. ban porn and public displays of salacious imagery including the cleaning up the media and pop culture and other forms of degeneracy which subverts the libido of the youth

Why would anyone want to end up like the USA?

Fucking awesome shirt though :-)

You need to embrace Christianity. Embrace Logos, the inate word of God and son Jesus Christ. Only with and under God we become perfectly ordered as individual but also as society.

We are here to honor God, multiply and enjoy his good fruits. God loves every one of us and wants everyone of us to be saved.

There's two ways for English teachers
1. Leave Japan willingly
2. Get the fuck off Japan

Which one do you prefer?

Come on English teacher