How's it feel to be on the losing side of history pol? Imagine calling yourself the Master race yet having no control or domination in anything.
Your banks are controlled by the Jews, your economy is controlled by the Jews, your media is controlled by the Jews, your sports are controlled by Blacks, America is 70% Mexican. Your women are controlled by black men, your jobs have fallen to Indians and Chinks. Your universities are controlled by the Jews and Chinks.
You control nothing, how do you feel about this? When will you throw away this blatant lie about being the master race?
i dont see the big deal about interracial sex. I have slept with black men and idk. I still hate them, but they have nice dicks.
Chase Johnson
Based insecurity projecting cuckposter
Jason Roberts
We love white girls. They're very sexy and naive at the same time
Ryan James
They can't manipulate the men to go brown so they manipulate the dumb ass thots who salivate at everything trendy and disregard anything that is not generally accepted or they didn't see it on the TV.
Adam Clark
I'm 90% sure that's pic that someone edited to make the guy black Anyway the straight hair makes him look like a dark pajeet lol
Ryan Peterson
Shit to make life interesting, the white race will overcome the way it always has. Wankers like you who think you are intimidating or dropping black-pills when all you do is spew a bunch of verbal diarrhoea are adorable.
Austin Harris
Or maybe brown is just the way that women want to go? Sexual evolution
Eli Brown
If we're losing, why are you so afraid to let us do something as simple as speaking in public?
Jordan King
>overcome the way it always has >managed to become 5% of the world population
Liam Martinez
Well, making up imaginary scenarios dont prove you right
Isaac Bailey
Can you actually prove your point using real science other than these vague statements that make you sound like a cuck fetishist?
Jayden Baker
Because you must atone for your sins of your ancestors
Lucas Ward
Yes, we shrunk our relative population by feeding the nonwhites. As soon as whites stop feeing them, there will be a mass famine among the shitskins the likes of which has never been seen.
Carson Rodriguez
Whitey mad bc he can't face the truth
Dominic Moore
We break the Jew media control that whole thing comes crashing down and we're back. Only reason the Jews took over is because we are trusting compared to them, being more deceitful isn't being superior.
Oh gawd, I need a pozzed, hung black bull to add to my wife's male harem, for breeding. While I love my wife's son, I think he needs another sibling to feel more social.
It's from a german government website dedicated to sex-education, it's got people of various colours because it's politically correct and presumably because shit-skins are the ones who need info on this sort of stuff whereas most germans simply grow up learning it because we are not a bunch of repressed retards.
You also have to do some deep digging to find these images, but retards like OP thinks the government puts them on billboards for everyone to see.
>Or maybe brown is just the way that women want to go? It's not how women think and it didn't happen until now WHEN THE MEDIA STARTED PUSHING THIS TRAIN.
Ayden Rivera
It won't last for long that's for sure. They won't be able to hide the murders soon enough.
Dylan Morales
ITT: mad whiteys
Leo Martinez
Lol americuck just keeps larping as a nigger and /bol/ cucked just can't stop buying the bait, shakingy fucking head at the actual state of /bol/
Joshua Murphy
>Loosing side of history Then why are you afraid of us doing something?
It's pretty obvious you are sacred of us you try to take away our guns internet free speech and trying to breed us with niggers to make us stupid sounds a lot like you are afraid we will do something
This isn't a battle between white and black, it's a battle between Nationalists and traitors, you talk like a traitor, and guess what? Traitors get the bullet first.
>implying your tiny guns would help you when your whole demographic is changed That's why Whites are always dumber than Jews. You don't think about fundamental solutions. Keep spewing tough guy words on a jap cartoon image forum, because that will show'em!
Easton Rogers
I hate them but LOVE BBC
My pussy is pushed to the limit and i shake in orgasmic pleasure
Chase Rodriguez
Shill detected.
Nicholas Rodriguez
You'd be surprised at what a few pissed off white guys with guns can do
I openly preach whites are inferior though. I am even a pay pig to a beautiful goddess that uses my money to fund dates with black guys. Believe me I know I am sub human.
Mason Cox
i fucking wish history was a game. i'd gladly be on the losing side if i just got to push some real people around.
Daniel Davis
I don't like race mixing but i love posting wmbf to piss of shills and nigger lovers
>a few pissed off white guys with guns >go to jail after they shoot some niggers on the street >jews are laughing at a safe rich hill areas Yeah please do. More white apes in the prison cells
What are the reproductive rates of niggers in the USA again? Which demographic tends to have the highest rat of abortions or rather, in what neighborhoods do they strategically open the most abortion clinics?
I keep/post shit like this exclusively to dismiss faggots like OP
Jackson Rogers
We would but though years of propagating and brainwashing you have made us ashamed to be white but we will find are balls again more and more people are waking up your days are numbered heeb I'm speaking historically Based
>tattoos that mean snowbunny >black dick >photo shooped in white only writing
Sad desu senpai
Charles Martinez
>historically What exactly have whites done in the U.S. to stop the Jews with their tiny guns? Also, you have some weeeaboo shit saved on your hard drive. Pretty pathetic thinking that some basement dwelling fat loser could do something other than jerking off to another man's drawings