Not suspicious at all

Attached: Mars Fossil.jpg (432x576, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

any source that its actually from NASA? in the meantime
This here states on page 7 that NASA basically is just the public sector of the military spaceprogram and pretty much underlies it making me think its even more likely that NASA is mostly just a front to cover up the military program

Why hasnt this (pic related with adjusted contrast and brightness) been closer looked at? This very well could indicate that at one point there was sophisticated life on Mars, yet they seem to just ignore it. Here is the original pic from the NASA website

Attached: Mars UFO.png (1017x543, 125K)

By the way, threads about NASA usually come with a 3 day ban for off topic, even though NASA is a government organization making discussion about it political
This is a thread i managed to not get deleted with all the weird shit on NASA i have

appearently NASA gets really pissed when trying to sell a moonrock
this one stated they let the old lady pee herself and sit in the pee for quite some time just because of some moon"rock"

However considdering this about the moonrocks
It may explain why they are so furious about it

Also im not saying we didnt go to the moon, nor that we cant go into space or anything like that. All im saying is they arent showing is real footage, or at least often not real footage. Some possible reasons:
>van allen belt would have destroyed the tapes either way, and a moonlanding without footage wouldnt be good propaganda
>they feared it could go wrong and thus made fake footage in order to cover an eventual failure up and still sell it as success
>something is on the moon we arent supposed to know about
>we really didnt go to the moon

at the very least it seems they dont want anyone to look into the tapes

and the astronauts dont seem like people that are mentally stable enough to be send into space

Also what is that in pic related?

Attached: Mars Rodent.jpg (3926x2218, 3.24M)

Link in nasa archive?

post source bitch

What am I looking at?

You are all overthinking this.

It could be a massive lie.

I posted in pol because it has to do with the political cabal censoring the information.

And never ever mentioning it.

im not going to get involved with this thread as i dont want to get banned nor do i want the fbi parking down the street from my house monitoring my every move

Jow Forums is full of salt today what happened this morning

Also talks about mars

thread reported

final warning to cease all nasa discussion.

Swamp gas. It reflected off a weather balloon.

Human life has existed for thousands or tens of thousands of years. Life started on mars, then as earth became more habitable or was terriformed it was populated by mars humans.

Subsequently there was a political feud between mars and earth and a Great War ensued, resulting in the nuclear or unknown cause of destruction, stopping the pressurization at the core and removing the atmosphere.

I’m beginning to think the oracles story of halo is more akin to our history.

>final warning to cease all nasa discussion.

NASA is part of the US Government. Government = politics. Scientific coverups and theories by government = politics. Irrelevant reporting, you stupid dumbass.

>Irrelevant reporting, you stupid dumbass.
Hey, hey , hey!
Don't you dare talk like that to the self appointed fun police.

just noticed that i messed up, actually meant to post this pic here which is the on linked in that post, the pic in that post is this on here

Attached: Marsstatue.jpg (600x485, 80K)

pic related again zoomed in and altered contrast and brightness

Attached: mars spider.jpg (1968x1127, 217K)

Basically same thread, by the same guy at the same time with the same sources (non)
makes me think

earth is flat

uhh... guys

Attached: uhh.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)

What am I supposed to be seeing in that last link?

He has this one too

its the original of the pic i posted. look where i marked the pic in the upload and see on the link that its not faked, at least if faked done so by nasa


good thinking, lets all get some rest

is mars flat?


>old senile guy miss speaks

Attached: fuckingretard.png (539x178, 18K)

Mars was once like early Earth. It had an ocean. But Mars didn't have enough gravity and magnetic field so it's just a blasted desert today.

Given the timeframes it's possible bacterial life would have formed in Mar's early ocean mirroring Earth. It likely would have taken the same form as it did on Earth - stromatolites (clumps of bacteria that emit oxygen)

Now what's interesting are the methane puffs coming out of Mars's soil today. It's possible a similar form survived on Mars to this day.

I highly doubt you'll see any complex life I don't Mars's ocean existed for long enough.

Attached: Stromatolites_in_Sharkbay.jpg (220x164, 14K)

hey faggot, care to tell me wtf im looking at here?

Its obvious something is on the moon.

I think we landed but found intelligent life and thus the film is doctored maybe fully or parts are cut out to hide signs of life.

The government knows people would go mentally unstable if alien life smarter than us was found, but intelligent life is of use to us.

I think most of the world governments know life exists and its smarter than us by millions of years.

I dont think alien life is 100% peaceful, but would abide to the duality theory of good/evil.

We're possibly working with them to better our species hence all the alien shit in movies,tv,art,everywhere really.

They are slowly trying to get the dumber populace de-sensitized to the fact smarter life exists.

Wars still happen in the universe no doubt, but we may be an experimental design for them and they're building us up.

After the 1930's technology has rapidly changed so quickly that i find it impossible aliens arent involved.

Its possible we're protected and made pacts with some life and we're being built up to merge with AI and certain alien races to take on the evil forces themselves.

The government wishes to tell us in tidbits and leaves crumbs for those with enough brains to see what's happening.

Normal people wont ever get the full picture, but im 100% confident alien life exists and we're being guided.

Hence the push for a world government, but evil forces also lay within our own home to.

My biggest fear is shapeshifters and A.I.

I think before most of us die, we'll see part of the picture and understand how complicated of an issue this thing really is.

Attached: IMG_0832.jpg (1024x884, 248K)

I have noticed that if I feel like shit, Jow Forums is like shit. If I feel good, Jow Forums is full of good discussion. Today I feel bitter, so Jow Forums is bitter too. How is this possible?

Fucking faggot. I hope the good aliens rain karma hell upon your soul.

Nasa is apart of the government, we just arent 100% sure of their intentions. This is 100% politics and you're glowing so hard it looks like you took loads to the face for breakfast.

How's it feel to be an evil force? Remember god is why anything exists but he has 0 roles on earth or material items but can effect your conscious, just like satan could.

The reason anything exists is because of god, but God also needed satan.

Its all duality. There cant be good without evil, so its an never ending war but in the end god is all.

Praying to god wont do anythinh but the universe works in magic ways, which ever side you pick.

Karma will get you. The universe will get you.

I know you're larping anyways but dont be that faggot who ruins the only fun threads, you fat sack of shit.

Attached: IMG_0833.jpg (1125x808, 70K)

Reminds me of Coral!

just a petrified brapp

I wonder what color it was.