>blocks your supreme court nomination
Blocks your supreme court nomination
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If she doesn't go to the hearing they are just gonna vote.
this dumb bitch is pushing "recovered memories" garbage. why isn't this being reported.
Oh, I know why.
It must be a pretty serious case
>Imagination inflation refers to the finding that imagining an event which never happened can increase confidence that it actually occurred
There are studies done on this actually.
It's closely related to Holohoax Hyperinflation
just put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court right now, don't even vote, just march him over to the Court and put him on the seat next to Roberts
The democrats and MSM have ruined their credibility in the eyed of normies. Even my father said it was retarded amd he is a leftie.
It was already really obvious that the accusation was made up when it was made. That's why Feinstein sat on it. Then when the FBI got hold of it and decided not to investigate, they leaked to the media. This made it even more obvious that it was bullshit. But then when no one cared because she "wished to remain anonymous", they dropped her identity. Again, really obvious that this is bullshit since they're just trying to change the story enough each time to make people believe it's real. Now they're being offered a chance to speak in front of the Senate and she refuses to take the offer because she knows the story is bullshit.
At this point I'd say that a huge portion of the public knows that all this #MeToo garbage is nothing but a political weapon.
They better keep this hearing on Monday, but knowing Republicans complete lack of a backbone they'll just let her pick whatever date and terms work best for her.
This 37 year old "sexual aggressiveness?" accusation being a major new story is the most insane thing of the last 3 years...
This bitch is setting female relations back 2000 years. Just let her keep going
kavanaugh fucked her shit up. She can’t even use planes because the TSA just triggers it again. This man has no place anywhere near the Supreme Court
>doesn't want to fly
Nice meme flag Antonio
They said this. She needs to show for the woman of America.
Would not surprise me if she has been told that if it is a false claim she will be fucked
Hey guess what? She doesn't have the power to block anything.
>1 post by this ID
Obviously this revelation on Rosenstein has got the shills worried.
It doesn't matter. The longer it goes on, the better, really. The Dems will just look more suspicious to regular folk for dragging it out with more lame excuses. The news cycle will die and people will be tired of hearing about it, all continues as planned, and #metoo loses steam to boot.
>muh email
>muh yom kippur
>muh protection
>muh cross country road trip
Keep em coming.
>i need more time to memorize my story
>pls wait for me to walk over there, guise
trump should hang cuckservatives at this point for even entertaining this farce
noticeably, the price of an airline ticket is likely cheaper than the price of gas for traveling that distance.
They've stated they'll go to her. This is bs.
What a coincidence that every single aspect of how this was handled causes another delay.