Love wins shit lords!
Love wins shit lords!
Im married to a black woman. Im half white and cuban. So i guess the waters will be muddied even more for our family. Oh well. Ass is fat as fuck.
Love wins but your genes lose and your kids will look like jamal and not like you
Sage bestiality threads
>the face of that progeria zika mixed mongrel
>FUCK dis racist ass cracka for treating my momma nice and shit
>Fuck dis white lifestyle and prosperous living in shit
>I cant wait to fuck all dis shit up and go back to the nigga life
>the cutest babies
>My god, what have I done
>Father? Grand-Pa? Forgive me!
imagine tossing away 40,000 years of farming and seasonal refinement of the genome in like 30 sec of "fuck it dat black ass"
3 daughters? , yeah goodbye hair.
Fuck off neet virgins, black gfs are based and redpilled
>Posts picture of models.
Nice try schlomo.
Literally le 1 % face
Black girls are only ever happy with white bfs
Stop lying. There are no black people in Estonia
I hate it when it’s sjw forced down your throat (Troy on bbc style) but if they have a happy family who gives a shit what continent their ancestors are from.
I know. Ive been saving up money for a trip to Sweden wheres black girls are said to be plentiful.
Kek'd hard at the little mongrel baby
>Two kids with down syndrome
>Single mother
Its time to tie her tubes forever. An absolute disgrace on society.
You are an idiot, you are probably white
Girls see this and think "I can do this too! I'm a STRONG woman". Then they have a kid with anyone thinking the guy will pay for their kids and their rent while they go to school lol.
Her fanny is literally Chernobyl