Its time for another episode of Tedious.
TDS364 is out
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Oh my bad its 346
Why do you spam threads? When Mike Enoch gets cuffed for being an unregistered agent and he cries like a bitch I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
>pls gib
>gib nao!
>paycucks deliver
>god bless you
>anyone have the new mike & strike?
>sub it's just $10/mo
>mike enoch is jewish
>no he isnt!!!1
>everyone is moarpheus
yes, your bad, your bad, you know it
Who spammed threads?
Peinovich is an agent of whom?
Yeah I really fucked that up.
Peinovich is fucked along with ever e-celeb he's contacted and secured funding for in order to control them.
cute virgin white girl here
No really what're you on about?
Show me your panties. No nudes.
no, I'm a virgin and only whores take those type of pics
ugh I wish I knew where to find a white NatSoc husband
18 U.S. Code § 951 - Agents of foreign governments
US Code
Authorities (CFR)
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(a) Whoever, other than a diplomatic or consular officer or attaché, acts in the United States as an agent of a foreign government without prior notification to the Attorney General if required in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
what did they do to andrew anglin
Only whores show nipple or beef sweetie. Showing your panties is Japanese tradition.
Come on now.
Show pantsu and I shall make you my Aryan waifu.
I'm still not sure what you're trying to say.
anglin is butthurt because of his fit with Striker, and since Striker is on TRS full time now he is going all out. such a drama queen as always
>also fags can't read this
Hurry up payfags before the mods ban this thread.
No really what the fuck are you on about?
Anglin is buttmad about something to do with TRS?
>anglin is butthurt because of his fit with Striker
go on
Quit taking money away from people who spread the same message this place does. The right needs to learn how to support their voices no matter their character.
Nice ID tho
no.. I'm saving myself for my white NatSoc husband.. now someone post the link I need to listen to something while cook for my family
anglin is mad striker talked to cantwell.
sven made a stink about azzmador shilling bookclubs on hate house, azz didn't take getting policed well and doesn't feature any more - anglin felt disrespected
stroik (now trs) went on heel turn that also featured cantwell, anglin was informed and took the chance to police trs back by deleting his radio section and disassociating
all very gay
>Not addressing the slander of Kike Enoch by PewDiePie
I'm taking money from people? Where does it go?
How do I access it?
You mean you're saving yourself for me.
Now hurry up and post those panties so we can get on to the bit where we start planning our wedding. I'm entering law school/veterinary school next fall, so the spring is probably best.
I know a lovely place in mountains in Maryland that we can hold the ceremony and begin the process of producing a White legion to carry the spirit of Adolf Hitler into the new millennium.
But only if you post your panties right now.
Striker talked to cantwell, who anglin doesnt like.
Anglin sees cantwell as a fed, and theyre both on the different sides of this stupis optics war.
It feels good to not like either of them enough to care what they think.
Post feet then.
People who could be paying their 10 buck for the paywall are taking ripped audio from these threads. Thats what these threads always are.
Doing this weakens voices in the movement.
When are they going to end TDS and create a new show?
TDS has fucked for a long time now,I think they should do a call in show, but they prefer echo chambers.
TRS and Anglin both made an agreement not to platform doxxers, that includes Paul Nehlen and Cantwell
Eric Striker broke that agreement
you're a filthy degenerate weeb scum who should never speak of AH. I'm done talking to you.
Anglin is mad that Cantwell called him out on having a kike (((weev))) as his right hand man and lying about it to everyone. Stirker went on the hell turn stream that Cantwell was on as well and they talked about economics (imo cantwell btfo'd striker). This is why anglin is mad.
anglin doesn't actually see him as a fed, that's just a line of attack because he knows crazies and loyalists will take it and run with the accusation
the real reason is that cantwell didn't fall in line when asked to not to bully ricky and, again, he felt disrespected
Has been fucked*
There's a movement?
I thought it was just a bunch of scammers trying to make a quick shekel in the process of coopting the upswell of White consciousness derivative from demographic displacement.
Jazz and Jesse is a call in show?
>I think they should do a call in show
alt right call-in shows are awful
>when autism strikes
So is TRS ending their relationship with Striker like DS did?
If that's why Azzmador isn't on hate house anymore then Sven is an utter faggot.
There are all kinds of call in shows on TRS
that's what attention seeker whores do.. I don't even have any social media. I just want to get married and raise white babies. why are all you guys so interested in degenerate shit (post feet, panties etc)
No I mean like a new version of TDS but call in ,like Radical Agenda.
Is a literal felon that worked at a porn store.
Yeah and some of us are legitimately just poor. I fucking WISH I could afford a pay wall. I haven't had so much as $5 in fucking months.
You disagreeable fauxharlot! I am a White man of upstanding moral character, who just so happens to recognize the appeal of Japanese animation.
Adolf Hitler was also a fan of the Japanese, granted, despite all this 'honorary' talk, he never supported fucking the bugfolk.
I am extremely disappointed in you and am inclined to believe you actually have a penis. Shame on you sir, shame on you.
I don't actually care because they're not good people.
Sort of like a certain someone close to Striker lied about having a Jew in their family?
>(imo cantwell btfo'd
Your opinion is wrong, and I don't even like Striker.
Gibs please, I have a job in three months I swear I'll become a paycuck and post it. But by now I need my TDS. PLEASE.
No he will still be on TRS that user is full of shit the whole thing occurred over muh optics
Whatever it is, these things are vehicles for our ideas. They should get some support.
Ripping audio all the time like ungrateful niggers is shitty
No they aren't, Radical Agenda is great, Jazz and Jesse sucks because it's a circle jerk.
Because they want to know you're actually real.
He was funnier than any of the other guys on since
sven is a good boi this time, it's simple conflict of interest, and it's not that he's forbidden from appearing
TRS has its pool parties and azz, when shilling book clubs, said they're mutually exclusive
>I just want to get married and raise white babies.
Me too.
>why are all you guys so interested in degenerate shit
Because I think you have a benis.
If you don't have a benis then I would gladly make you my Aryan waifu and you would live in comfort surrounded by your children in the house your husbands wit and mettle paid for.
But you won't show panties so I can't be sure you don't have a benis so why even bother paying attention to you? There's no point without pantsu posted.
Jazz and Jesse would be good if there was no Jesse
I agree but some of us are NEETs or are strappes for cash and like to share the show with normies.
No actually what he said about DS is true, I'm in the BBS and Anglin literally said that in a posr after getting rid of the radio show.
>vehicles for our ideas
Who is 'us'? You got a mouse in your pocket?
And are you saying there isn't a movement, like I implied?
>the movement
Hes rather cringe if I'm honest. Very WN1.0 and sounds like he has a big smelly beard that he doesn't properly maintain.
Fuck off. The "alt-right" isn't a gang or a cult.
Nehlen doxxed ricky vaugh because ricky was attacking him as a "wigger nationalist" and started spreading rumors that nehlen was using campaign contributions illegally after nehlen turned down business offers from ricky's political consultant fire. So nehlen doxxed him. Completely justified
anyone who is a paycuck is doing it because they want to support TRS, not because of the extra content. desu Tedius has been so shit lately that I think they ought to go back to one show a week.
Yes Jesse sucks but it would be better if it wasn't a circle jerk, Jesse should just be kicked off all the shows and just be a sound producer.
why does it even matter it's not like anyone here would be my husband anyway. I don't owe anyone besides my future husband anything. I don't need guys approval
Get some fuckin cash together. Save better, buy less frivolous things, get rid of cable, eat less often and go use time you normally do on the internet to go do something productive
So Anglin is assmad at TRS for Striker talking to Cantwell and holy shit are these a bunch of teenaged girls or adult fucking men?
Only FTN is really worth listening to. TDS goes off on weird and unhinged tangents way too much, probably a result of them losing influence after that retarded stunt they pulled in Charlottesville.
So what you're saying is you have a benis and you don't actually want to marry a NatSoc White man of upstanding moral character.
Okay then, fag.
Still better then the people he's had on since
>Jesse should just be kicked off all the shows and just be a sound producer.
If only
Yes he called DS a no snitch zone, I can screen shot it if you want.
>worth listening to
Pick one.
If I want to hear sycophantic Trumpcock-sucking, I'll run reddit through a text to speech.
eh, I dunno, all I can say azzmador is a lot more intelligent than what he projects with his gas the kikes persona you've seen at the marches
also threadly reminder weev is jewish and distantly related to thedor herzl
Jesse has his moments, I'm glad Mike does shows without him too though.
good girls don't post any pictures especially since they'll be online forever. I have too much respect for my future husband and kids to be pressured into posting anything.
>I don't need guys approval
That's why you told us that you're a grill, makes total sense. Post feet or GTFO.
Post the gibs please
Where do you expect to meet a man then? That's what meet ups, discords, etc are for.
I don't have cable, I don't buy anything especially frivolous and my time on the internet is productive.
I just don't have shekels to spend on people who do an audio version of Jow Forums (and don't even do a very good job as of late).
he was best when they were all in the same room
Youre being disingenuous.
There is definitely a movement. Political thought has changed radically the last few years during obungos second term and of course since 2016 in November.
Everybody here who isnt some jew shill or lefty lurker is essentially apart of the movement. Some more than others. If shit went off, we would all be on the same side
also can anybody explain why the trs/DS crowd hate Patrick little
I understand why they hate nehlen but not little
There's a lot of us poorfags that are incredibly grateful you shitty fucking kike.
Yeah it's like T_D without the based minority posting.
>Still better then the people he's had on since
Who is 'he'? Larry?
Larry's guests have been kinda meh lately, yeah. It seems like Hate H- er 'Love Street' has become the show for trying to push 2nd stringers.
Nice LARP, faggot.
Sometimes I just want a friend simulator/guys joking around that are woke. FTN is when you want big brain nibba news about the hill
Youre lying to yourself if you dont think you cant be more financially frugal or efficient with time.
Work on it instead of stealing.
What the fuck is with all the e-celeb drama lately? It's as if they all started being dosed with estrogen at the same time.
an upstanding white man wouldn't ask or pressure a white girl to do degenerate shit. My dad raised me right
Not anymore he used to, but after Charlottesville and even more so after the TWP shit he has just been fucking cancer.
By all means.
He's not dumb, he's just... Outdated.
Good girls post pantsu for their husbands. I want to be your husband.
Show me your pubic mound - concealed behind cute panties- to prove you have no benis and then I shall call upon you to come forth and bear my seed following a tasteful wedding ceremony at the top of a waterfall.
If a bear shows up, I'll wrestle it, just to get you wet in preparation for our wedding night. And it'll work.
I dont care if half of you hate the show post mixtape