TDS364 is out

Its time for another episode of Tedious.

Attached: tds.jpg (1475x1058, 115K)

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Oh my bad its 346


Why do you spam threads? When Mike Enoch gets cuffed for being an unregistered agent and he cries like a bitch I'm gonna laugh my ass off.


>pls gib
>gib nao!
>paycucks deliver
>god bless you
>anyone have the new mike & strike?
>sub it's just $10/mo
>mike enoch is jewish
>no he isnt!!!1
>everyone is moarpheus

Attached: Trophy----TRSpam.jpg (2250x407, 126K)

yes, your bad, your bad, you know it

Who spammed threads?
Peinovich is an agent of whom?

Yeah I really fucked that up.

Peinovich is fucked along with ever e-celeb he's contacted and secured funding for in order to control them.

cute virgin white girl here

No really what're you on about?

Show me your panties. No nudes.