The Economist: Europe's Future

>There is an alternative “Eurafrica” strategy, writes Mr Smith. This is to accept the integration of Africa and Europe. Alex de Waal, an Africa expert at Tufts University, agrees that is the only realistic course. “The logic of history is a European-Mediterranean market that will cross the Sahara, too,” he says. “The challenge is to recognise that reality and make it a mutually beneficial and regulated one. Building walls will not work.” This, so he contends, means increasing Europe’s role as a supporter of, and model for, a multilateral Africa: backing blocs, based on the EU, which are either continental (such as the African Union) or regional (like the East African Community and the Economic Community of West African States).

>It also means creating regulated routes for migrants travelling in both directions. Over the century, European districts that today have a Eurafrican character—parts of Barcelona, Marseille, Brussels and London, say—will become more the norm than the exception. “African migrants will provide a significant part of the European workforce, so we need to ask what part of the workforce and what sort of training we need to provide,” says Mr de Waal. African music and food will become more prominent in European cultural and culinary diets. Meanwhile Lagos, Casablanca, Nairobi and Kinshasa would receive their own influxes of European businesses, politicians and fortune-seekers.

How large would be the economic gains of this? I imagine it would make European companies more competitive in the world market.

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colonialism with a walmart smiley face mask. an economic system that needs marks to survive at any cost

Mony mony mony

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Capitalism was a mistake.

How is EU, goverment controlled zones and backing blocs capitalism? Do you know what Ron Paul would said about this?

When does all this shit finally end


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Need more buyers due to 1.3 TFR. They will be brought in and given your money to consume with, euros.

We need to identify the areas where the proponents of all this live and encourage the diverse migrants to move in there. Its just inevitable that the author of the article needs to live in a house surrounded by 20 something unemployed africans and thats a good thing

>We need to identify the areas where the proponents of all this live
you've got the first step right but inviting in thousands of shitskins to really show them isn't the next step.

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Yep the future is African and it's beautiful

It's too late, China owns Africa now and they will not suffer any rivals

Who will they blame when automation hits the workforce?

>Dude just get rid of personal property - Karl Marx
>Dude just get rid of borders - modern day cocksucking economist

How can economists study human behavior and motivations all day and be so fucking oblivious to human nature.

>sky high unemployment
>need more African "workers"

They know exactly what they're doing, dont be naive

>The Econmist, majority owned by the Rothschilds, promotes the Kalergi plan


>>It also means creating regulated routes for migrants travelling in both directions.
>both directions



>How large would be the economic gains of this?
The economic gains would be negative. This is the end of Europe.

The people who pull the strings do. Maybe this guy is just a stooge, but I think he’s dead serious like most economists.

>>It also means creating regulated routes for migrants travelling in both directions
oh yeah please let me fall over myself to go and live in the shithole these africans fucked up before fleeing to my country to fuck it up in turn

I wish nothing more than to go and live and work in the mess they left behind

I'm pretty sure they mean for Africans going home after they've exacted enough tribute from Europeans to go live as chiefs in their dirt kingdoms.

>Migrants integrate so well that they, without exception, recreate their shithole homelands as microcosms literally anywhere they go

>The logic of history is a European-Mediterranean market that will cross the Sahara, too
Literally what

Also, African food... is what, exactly? Dust and cow dung?


Money doesn't matter. Pensions don't matter. GDP doesn't matter. Global influence doesn't matter. Unemployment doesn't matter. "Growth" doesn't matter.

The survival and thriving of the white race and our culture and civilization is the ONLY thing that matters. Everything else is meaningless and superflous. Even harmful.

Mud cookies

Britain is fucked. We know.

As usual:

Oy vey missed that part, well I guess that you will have to deal with the consequences of my actions goy

>Building walls will not work.

Seems to work for Israel. Globalist publications have their head in the sand. They think that the flood of third worlders into Europe won't be interrupted until there are no more white Europeans. This kind of thinking is going to lead to a huge populist uprising.

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

>travelling in both directions

but this drivel is par for what you'd expect from a Rothschild publication. Jewish filth. Look at the mural by Cleon Peterson they commissioned below the Eiffel tower to see their real plans for Europe.

>I wish nothing more than to go and live and work in the mess they left behind
Prior to the scramble for Africa, European traders established small but profitable enclaves along the African coast. A European group with enough manpower and resources could probably do something better today.

Well quite.

You see the proponents of this know there is an alternative option - it's just one which will result in the restructuring of the financial system in a way which destroys their power base. They need more debt serfs to keep this ponzi of theirs propped up in its current form.

We don't however. Not only do we not need it, we'd benefit from its being pulled apart.

Given this idea comes straight from the Soros School of Finance (Economist is a Rothschild-owned publication) - if you really want to start identifying their influence networks the ideal thing is to infiltrate some of their most prominent advocacy NGOs or think tanks as IT staff, or at least someone who's savvy enough to have IT-level access some way or another.

Find out who their most senior people share contacts with using their company phones and inboxes - a lot of it won't lead you directly to juicy exposes or information but you'll get a better idea where such ideas are exchanged and there will be references to specific institutions they're liaising with or unspecified appointments you can pass on to people who can follow. Payroll information will also provide you with residential addresses, next of kin, tax information, bank accounts.

It's probably the sort of thing you can do individually making public leaks - a lot of different individual cells all sending each other information by whistleblowing anonymously can do a lot of damage very quickly.

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Tell us more user.

I'd prefer eurabia desu.
There isnt enough rope in the world for our elites

jews are the mistake

>>There is an alternative “Eurafrica” strategy, writes Mr Smith. This is to accept the integration of Africa and Europe. Alex de Waal, an Africa expert at Tufts University, agrees that is the only realistic course. “The logic of history is a European-Mediterranean market that will cross the Sahara, too,” he says. “The challenge is to recognise that reality and make it a mutually beneficial and regulated one. Building walls will not work.” This, so he contends, means increasing Europe’s role as a supporter of, and model for, a multilateral Africa: backing blocs, based on the EU, which are either continental (such as the African Union) or regional (like the East African Community and the Economic Community of West African States).
Walls work lol just ask ((((Isreal)))) and China.

>It also means creating regulated routes for migrants travelling in both directions.
Yeah sure, "both" directions.

>African music and food will become more prominent
My 2 year old nephew can already manage African music.

It's all just a wondrous bit of imaginative thinking and flowery language. It boils down to all western countries existing as ponzi schemes. There's not enough people to support it and not enough people want to exist only at the bottom. This deliberate movement of people is the beginning of another major period of controlled slavery. They want an underclass to serve the few who filter up with no regards for the bottom 95% of people. The opportunities they talk about for Europeans going to Africa are just those that can muster enough capital to take advantage of people. Every first world nation could be entirely self sufficient if the modern peasants would break their chains.

Recolonize the Dark Continent

>Alex de Waal
Every. Single. Time.

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If they have ever come into contact with a minority, the problem with these people is that they've come into contact with the exception and took them for the norm. They're more likely to come across one of the few wealthy Africans without a substandard IQ or, in terms of Muslims, a middle class Muslim who is westernized and doesn’t really practice Islam.

This is why liberals claim the Iranian state is Islamist, but the people want freedom. This isn’t true. When they go to Iran, they go to Tehran and meet with middle class Muslims who want a more westernized country. They come home and tell us all how progressive the people are in Iran; how they’re pining for freedom. In reality if you poll the Iranian people you find these middle class Muslims are an exception of an exception.

When every white country is filled with drooling retarded shitskins

God damn it why do they hate us so, why cant they just let the economy crash and burn already, why replace us with these fucking animals.

Instead of European Union, it would be Eurafrican Union, with free trade, free movement, common currency, etc?
That's not bad.


Isn't this essentially what happened to South Africa?