Drain the sw-

Drain the sw-
>protect the swamp
I’m done! Call me shareblue while I point out your god emperor just lost half his support.
Trump has the authority to declassify BUT NOT TBE POWER
Absolutely pathetic

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Other urls found in this thread:


>key allies
What did he mean by this?

Trump is calling all the shots now. Things happen on his timetable not anyone else's

e u
t c
a k

Israel and their british jew handlers who operate Israel from The City of London Corporation. Ever wonder why the rich jews who created Israel dont live there themselves?

Did you not read the tweet, garlicboy?

can't you see the obvious honeypot they are running?
Why clamp down on these fucking ants when one by one a new one pops up trying to destroy the GEOTUS.
Keep it going Donny! Catch them ALL

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looks like we know (((who))) meddled in the election now

thank you based (((greatest allies)))

He let the swamp do their thing and if they don't play by his rules he releases it anyway... Read trumps book "art of the deal" it's a textbook example of everything he talks about..

Australia and the UK that are directly involved in the FISA abuse and other shit.

Well he can do that shit from trump tower while the next administration governs.
He’s protecting the deep state. He’s one of them.
I’m livid.

He could have simply said "no" and hung up the phone. Wouldn't have been very Presidential but he certainly could have if he wanted to

>this low energy blackpilling
Sad. Nuclear codes and all that.

Australia and UK called to pretty please not BTFO them by revealing they illegally helped in the illegal FISA requests


Ooooh. 45D chess.
He has what he needs to end this. Instead he’s bitching out.
Please tell me where I’m wrong.

Yeah youre not a transparent typical retard shill or anything

No, you're mentally retarded shareblue cuck.
>hurpdedurp le nuculus codes no le druuuumpf reeeeee

Oh yeah and Israel how could I forget. Papadapoulous tweeted that it's gonna reveal how he met UK people in London and got paid by Israel. Wewlads its coming

their betrayal should be punished, harshly.

Why would a master tactician "end" an incredibly significant battle at such a random time when there are much more opportune times lying ahead? Did you ask yourself that before you posted?

fug :D

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>Wouldn't have been very Presidential


Trump on revenge. This will make you realize he's not backing off he's fucking with them lol

Right. That’s a great argument.
Explain to me how this isn’t trump protecting our enemies.
>you can’t because he is
1. The unredacted fisa is legit and shows no wrongdoing
2. Trump is letting them off the hook
I’m not a shill. I’m a very angry (former?) trump supporter.

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He continues to promise the public multiple times a day that the whole truth will all come out. He told John Solomon this week that exposing this corruption will be the crowning achievement of his administration. He called it a "cancer in our country"

Australia and the UK (pic related)

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He has bigger balls than i thought, calling out big time politicians from other countries as Clinton stooges this late into the game

Wow. Yeah. Good point. Why was I worried?
Which prison will Rosenstein get sent to once our BASED master of tactics drains me the swamp?!?!?

bruh he has the power to declassify whenever so he is letting the swamp get their dicks wet. If ig isnt fast enough he will just declassify

I'm thinking he might have some protection helping him, you have to if you're saying things like that

He has the authority. Not the power. Want proof? He tried to declassify that shit and failed.

He knows Sessions wont move fast enough and will fire him within a week. Screencap this

I'm interested in Horowitz more than ever. That's who Trump is referring to when he says the IG is now being asked to conduct expedited review. He keeps hinting that the next IG report is going to be the most explosive one yet for weeks now