How many black lives is one white live worth?

How many black lives is one white live worth?

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The number has been debated, and we settled on 3/5ths.

All lives matter idiot.

Zero. Fuck white people.

if we divide the number of each people by the average gdp then you could come up with a literal value

No nigger is ever worth the live one one white person. Kill them all.

beat me to it
>american comprehension

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how many niggers are on the planet?

>black life

Select one.


Value depends on the person.
If we're talking averages, about 80-1?

Laws aren't based on value though, fortunately/unfortunately.

Misread, but the Canuck got the math right


bout 350.00


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burger education

I'm very proud of thsi post.

still wrong

keep acting like a smartass retard

All nigger lives have zero value

1:1:1:1:1 no affirmative action no BLM no special priviledges No racism for any race. Everyone gets the same. Equality of oppertunity. No snowflakes

You fucking retard.
The question is how many black lives is one white live worth.
A white life is worth 1.6 blacks

>How many black lives is one white live worth?
all of them + a few hundred billion

OP asked how many black lives one white life is worth, not how many white lives a black life is worth.

all of them

>How many black lives is one white live worth?

It depends on the white life. In your case I'd take 10 blacks over your racist cracker rear end.

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This. Remember the KKK lynched about 3500 niggers in 86 years. How many Whites have been killed by niggers since 1960? Six million?


Refer to 3/5 compromise

one single white life is worth more than all nigger lives combined to the power of 50.

I'd kill every nigger on earth to save one white person

apples and oranges

I’m sure you would Moshe.

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This is where the founders are wrong. A single black man is worth no more than a tenth of a white man.

There is no objective basis for your opinion

However, there are reams of data to prove that niggy lives matter quite a bit less than white lives

yes it says blacks are 3/5 not whites dumbass

There are 1.1 billion blacks or part blacks on this planet? That’s still not even worth the life of one white person

All of them


I'd do it even if there wasn't a white life to save, just if I had the means to do it.

this is still never right under any circumstance
if you're cutting it at two significant figures it's 1.7 not 1.6

As much as what a mudhut is worth


>niggers never achieve anything, only destroy the environment
you could throw on an endless horde of niggers, and not one of them would have value.
combine them all together; still nothing.
one white life always has potential, though not every white unlocks it, at least the potential to achieve is there, and can be unlocked with but a small amount of focus and attention.
about 90% of whites unlock some of their potential. which is a thing nonwhites rarely if ever manage to achieve

This is a reminder that if you don't have pink nipples you are a lower cast of human.

And you know it.

> How many black lives is one white live worth?

I estimate that one white life is worth my post number of black lives.

My heritage is Caribbean btw.
This shit is Amazin'
Entitled lazy fucks

I see what you did there

exactly. so its 6/5 or 1.2 blacks per

Perhaps some leafs will be spared the rake...


hurr I cant into math

nigger value = 3/5

inverse of nigger = 1.66

nignogs love stealing tools from contractors, job sites, and home Depot and Lowe's.

Then they go and try to return them in the home Depot and Lowe's

Home depot- homie sleep

Lowes- bro's

Doubt me- check out 8 mile and Kelly Rd location/Eastland mall

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The value of the coloured has to be at a much lower ratio than that. Taking into account their suck on the system vs the contribution of the germanic.

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burger education

At least 1000.

this. Our founding fathers were geniuses

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apples n oranges

imagine 1 good apple vs infinite rotten oranges

You goys seen what they do at dem apple stores? fucking Hillaryous

I haven't seen that flag in a long time.

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You ever see a big silver back boon on a kids bike? Fucking hilarious

can’t divide by zero

what is that atrocity of a weapon?

Somewhere between 10 and infinity, depending on the white life.

repeating, of course

Might have to leave this board and go see if there's a live PD one, I got it on tell now and they're about to let a dog out of the car


According to the US Constitution: 5/3.
Personally I think they were being kind.


and they kneel

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To be fair, it wasn't about the value of a slave AS a voter, it was about of a slave TO a voter.

*the value

the more people there are on earth, the less each life is worth

I love when a sheboon struggles, the PD just keep slapping them on their neck rolls as they holler how mistreated they are

doesn't change the ratio

cell phones should by law should have to all be orange like toy guns..


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3/5 of a white life

1.2 Billion
approximately the number of niggers on the planet

Good one user

The ratio should only be the historical value to a plantation owner for voting purposes, much too high for the value of their life. Anons here may be exaggerating in life value but it has to be at least 10% or less of a white

yes, it truly is fun sport user


young lando? cmon now

made my night

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amazing the lack of kikes in this thread tonight

They are chanting over mud now to raise a golem to attack us goy

captcha getting real kikey all.ofthe sudden

>this wasn’t the first post, or even the tenth

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What do call a half German half Jew crossbreed?


correct, the ratio wasn't really slave to human, it was slave to custodian.

One white life is worth more than the entire black race

A kike

You've watched The Keep then.
Glorious Tangerine Dream btw

Wait, is this thread about kikes or dindo's?