Science Should Have 'Feelings'!

Nothing better than seeing a group of scientists and engineers being frog marched into a 'voluntary' meeting with the latest person that H.R. saw on the Internet. Question at the 1:02 was fun...

Attached: EDI_Fermi_6_15_18.jpg (865x802, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no link

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Suffice to say... it went over like a fart in church

Attached: 1534963865165.jpg (736x618, 63K) my bad

The way she looks you'd have to pass a law for people to be nice to her.

EDI 101 : bow to our corporate religion
EDI 102 : fuck off, we're starting our own company

>The requested asset does not exist.

Previous meeting (which got memory holed) was more lively - had a representative of Black Lives Matter said all of the white people at lab are 'over represented'

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Even has the hyphenated name...Jesus Christ....

had to search using the date to get it

Hm... firewalled. How about this link -

Attached: 1534743061979.gif (450x400, 479K)

Any luck seeing the video that way?

yah im watching it now

Equity apparently now means white people are not allowed the same opportunities as non whites, according to my uni. I was told by the equity vice president (a nog) that i can be discriminated against, in the presence of the school president.

So I guess we can conclude sjws conquered science institutions as well?

Yeah... same shyte, different location... the 'decolonization of science' continues.

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No... science, especially in the realm of high energy physics, actually requires results to prove or disprove a theory. It is what makes these attempts amusing in some ways. let's face it - fire does not care about the color of the skin that it burns anymore than gravity the gender of the person being crushed by multi-ton device.

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So what? You still won't be able to hire who you want or you'll need to attend reeducation seminars etc. Sure, science will suffer because of that but they don't care about it anyway

Her name and appearance pings pretty loud on the kikedar, lads.

That fatass blackass assfattery might be a fouth (((Chosen))) at most. I think she's just an uggo.

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Results still eventually become priority. After they stop producing viable research, the money dries up, shit hits the fan and they clear house. That is the normal result of insanity like this, eventually money wins.

If you think that's bad imagine the same thing but at a hospital with physicians forced to attend. Some idiot HR woman lecturing physicians who had to take the time out of their day from rounding on patients.