How do I stop being an incel and reproduce and help save the white race? I honestly cannot see it ever happening

How do I stop being an incel and reproduce and help save the white race? I honestly cannot see it ever happening

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Learn to be comfortable around girls. They tend to feel the same emotions as you, so just having a laid back funny personality makes things a lot easier.

You dont, you are a beta.

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Don't play Danganronpa

Maybe you're just not meant to have kids, i know i ain't.

Diss those whores to their faces.

Lift heavy things and put them over your head.

Hit the gym, get a stable job and be able to socialize at least half decently about an array of topics.

Stop liking yuri?
I dont know thats what people tell me.

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Get a job, go to gym, fuck a whale, then improve.

Stop being a fucking faggot, stop masturbating. Get right with Jesus.

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Stop masturbating, at least for a while. It’s hard to motivate yourself to go after girls if you tell yourself you can just crank one out at home.
If that’s too hard, stop watching porn at the very least.


But you also need to see women are purebred fucking retards. A lot of them aren't malicious, they're just morons. They want to be obedient, you just have to remind them of that. Find confidence in the fact that you are better than them, but don't make them painfully aware and spit it in their face. If you act like you're better than them in a way that isn't sperglord autism, you'll get it. Practice on Omegle or other sites. Plenty of useless, throwaway whores who you'll never have to worry about seeing again. Find out what works and what doesn't. Just practice my man. You'll make it.

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Degrees in anthropology. Studied humans cross-culturally. I can tell you that in all of human history, this is the most fucked up time for a man to live. Demographics favor western women. Economics and damn everything else is swinging in favor of women; at least in western countries. It's a cluster. My advice:

1. Lie to women. Learn how to lie effectively. If you are unattractive and beta--learn to lie about who you are, where you've been, and most importantly your financial status. Find a mark, and con that shit.
2. Succeed in a social niche. Whichever niche you choose, specialize and learn that niche's inside and out.
3. Fail 100 times, succeed once. Hit on every hot bitch you see. It's a numbers game, eventually a hot bitch will suck that dick. Besides, who gives a fuck what some dumb bitch thinks of you. Hot bitches are going be bitches anyway, might as well give them a reason to be a bitch to you.
4. Treat women like shit. Trust me.
5. Do not---and this is important---ever fuck a fat or ugly bitch. Women are social more than anything....they want to fuck what their friends have....and hot bitches group with hot bitches. Once you fuck an ugly bitch, anyone who knows that you fucked an ugly bitch won't fuck you. Better Incel than w/ fatties.
6. Women like social capital as much as cash. Tell that bitch you were in the Peace Corps, or tell that bitch your father is a mobster...whatever it takes. Personally, I've fucked the finest pussy on the planet telling bitches I was tortured by Al Qaeda for two months. Yea, "I was administering vaccines in Yemen working for Doctors Without Borders....blah blah." You play the part right, hottest bitch on the planet will be begging to suck dick.

How late is too late for a gf?

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Back in the 40s my great grandad married my great grandma, he was 34, she was literally half his age at 17. Sad things like this don't happen anymore.

I, too, suffer this problem. Literally all I want in life is to father children, it's my only goal. I'm afraid that I will never accomplish this and then kill myself. What do I do?

Go out and breed a bitch, i tell ya you whitebois make me gag with your faggotry.

Fuck that shit, i don't wanna live with some bitch.

its not even worth it I had a few gfs and it was horrible every time

So you be sayin i should read the 48 Laws of Power and Learn how to be a sociopath then?

BTW, are you Chad looking and do you have a big dick and lots of money? cause i kinda get the feeling your advice is bullshit.

>i've fucked the finest pussy on the planet

Yeah really? how? only Chad can accomplish that shit, no matter how much you insist those bitches will always tell you to fuck off if you're a broke non-White ugly manlet like that guy that looks like me but isn't me. Doppelganger, whatever that's called.

get self worth, ambition, a job, be consistent, healthy, and you will get a girl.

It's not a mystery faggot. You've just had shit role models.

>how? only Chad can accomplish that shit,
You only have to be in the right place at the right time and a girl will fuck you. Just don't be a faggot and take advantage of opportunity and you'll get laid.

Dude, he said and i quote "the finest pussy on the planet" not the girl next door.

You can, but it comes at a price.

If you really, actually, want to bang hot club chicks for example, you must become their exact male equivalent: dumb, vapid, loud, brassy, and a complete product of mainstream society. You must give up all news (obviously /pol goes first) and replace it with facebook and instagram, Your main hobby should be become working out at the gym. You need to become a narcissist. You need to stop reading anything beyond a magazine and start watching TV, particularly late night comedy. Obviously you will practice left wing humour about the latest dumb thing Trump did.

Then my friend, you will have made it with women.

And you will be dead inside.

BTW you're a boring fuck you probably ain't even a serial killer. Woah-ow, that came out of nowhere, easy there bud.

That shit is gay, i can just as easily hunt down those whores rape them kill them and eat them on some Rambo/Ted Bundy shit. Thank God for the rule of law, i tell ya, you would all be dead by now.

This is a fag answer.

The real answer is go out, get drunk a lot. Learn not to give a fuck what anyone thinks of you. Then start drinking less. To be clear, don't go out getting drunk to get laid. Just to get yourself out of your comfort zone and learning to deal with that the next day. This would cost you hundreds of dollars and weeks of time in therapy. If you start drinking more than Friday and Saturday then kill yourself, because your offspring will be alcoholics.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed or isolate yourself from the normies/NPCs, i recommend a little bit of both.

Did i stutter, faggot?

It's never too late user

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Uh, what? i corrected you. That's what i did. You were wrong and i corrected you, that's what happened. You probably did stutter given that you're such a fucking faggot.

Who's this Ali character? tell him imma beat his ass.

donate your sperm then pay alimony

I'm going to kill you for that.

Step one is to leave Jow Forums

Fucking retard.

women are not human, and their personalities are much like childrens. Plus the fact that society has always treated them like precious princesses, it is now ingrained in their head. My advice would be to just be yourself. If you just want casual sex, its easy. But I am of the opinion that it is extremely degenerate. Finding a virgin wife would be nigh impossible, specially for you as you live in america. I think you should focus on your positive traits, like your humor for example. Unless you're physically deformed, you cannot be ugly. Average guys can fix themselves, they have fixable problems. Fat ? eat less, probably hit the gym. Bad skin ? check out those skincare routines, boom, instant 2 points up in attractiveness. Bald ? Get fucked. Manlet ? Compensate with personality.
I'd like robot AI waifus and artificial wombs, but if you cannot be patient , you can try going for jailbait as long as you're not over 25 years old, they're relatively pure if you can deal with their teen angst shit.
Just my 2c. I have these bouts of depression thinking baout nogf, but then I go to work and have a fat paycheck waiting for me every month, which I use to buy shit I don't really need , use it a few times and then it collects dust, but it gives me a satisfaction.

Do the alcoholic war veteran shtick, chicks dig that.

I'm sure you would agree that if i started to call myself "The Sundance Kid" unironically this would not be at all inappropriate.

I don't like you either.

>that crushing feeling when you realize that your want for a a girlfriend/wife is just your want for purpose because consumerism and indulgence isn't working out well
I feel like shit most of the time and cannot for the life of me find out what I'm doing for anyone right now
Also Jow Forums (and Jow Forums) is retarded don't ask them for advice

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Artificial wombs and gene editing/CRISPR


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Learn to dance.

at the start of the Agricultural Revolution, 17 women produced for every man

Damned if I know. Women keep telling me, "You're so great with kids, why don't you have any?" I reply, "Can't make them by myself. Wanna help?" They say, "But I'm sure there's someone ELSE out there for you."

t. 50yo virgin

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Don't, if you're that much of a beta we don't need your degenerate genes.

Or any weebshit for that matter
Or any mainstream games for that matter
Or videogames for that matter

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Maby you could save the white race by not reproducing
