Why do you still use operating systems made by jews in order to control you? Why don't you use Linux?

Why do you still use operating systems made by jews in order to control you? Why don't you use Linux?

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I use Lnux as much as Windows and it is a pain in the ass. I like it and all, but MS Paint compared to GIMP.... no thank you. Try installing a file and get 100 opinions on the best way to do it, no clicking the .exe file - SUDO apt-xyx blah blah blah...

>Try installing a file and get 100 opinions on the best way to do it, no clicking the .exe file - SUDO apt-xyx blah blah blah...


Because Linux has been COCed

What CPU and BIOS/UEFI are you running?

Because it asks fot my fucking password every time I want to do menial, everyday shit on the computer.
I pirate my oses so fuck linux, they spy on us 24/7 regardless so op is a faggot too.

My Desktop is a Raspberry Pi


Only secure operating system is Ecomstation.
Closed source. Private. No cloud.

None of the Joob hardware is embedded? Comverse Technologies? They embed in almost everything to watch

>le ebin security through obscurity maymay, discredited decades ago

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Try installing python on Windows and then do it on Linux and tell me which is easier. Then when consider news version and how they re upgraded - questions arise about where it should be installed, what will be overwritten, then work around if you choose not to install it one way but another. If you are just checking gmail is fine grandma.

what are you, a nerd?

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>OS/2 Warp
my heart skipped a beat.

Not an argument.

I don't know why so many desktop Linux users unquestionably fall for the sudo meme.

>Why don't you use Linux?
I used to use linux, still using a version that I won't be updating anytime soon while I am switching over to FreeBSD, freeDOS and plan9
fucking kikes

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its a meme pushed by ubuntu using retards who try to be smug about using something that isn't mac or windows
sudo is useless without everything else being locked down. You're better off using a kernel explictly built for security like selinux if you're that concerned about it

Muh games

Deleting a folder on linux:
rm -rf folder

Deleting a folder on windows:
function Get-Tree($Path,$Include='*') {
@(Get-Item $Path -Include $Include -Force) +
(Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse -Include $Include -Force) |
sort pspath -Descending -unique
function Remove-Tree($Path,$Include='*') {
Get-Tree $Path $Include | Remove-Item -force -recurse
Remove-Tree folder


and imo, there is absolutely no problem with that so long as you do like this user and have a working knowledge of the shit it keeps trying to pull.

Linux got cia niggered, there is almost nothing else, collapse incoming

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also, yes, it does look like the collapse really is coming this time


>all for wont of "muh (((equality))) REEEEEEE"

due to the new code of concucked, you basically should not use anything thats version 4.19 or later. anything that is version 4.18.* or lower is fine though.

>operating systems made by jews

Are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs jews? They may (have) be(en) faggots and leftists, but they're not Jews. Jow Forums is so fixated on the Jews it can't criticize anyone else. Also, corporations aren't the ones you need to worry about just yet, it's the government once a law gets passed that automatically puts all the corporate-collected data into their hands for (((law enforcement))) and (((anti-terror))).

>Windows: right click, delete
>Linux: right click, delete
>HURR muh argument


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idk about Bill Gates but didn't Steve Jobs have jewish ancestry?

Linus is going to get suicided, fucking hell this blatant corruption

All that seems to be left to us in terms of an actual community seems to be stallman and his GNU HURD
ofc its the pesudo-communist that's the last man standing

>Try installing python on Windows
Double cilck python-3.7.0-webinstall.exe and wait for it to finish installing. Wow, that really was hard.

if somebody wants to "control me" why it gives me an Operating System and allows me to use it?.
Long life capitalism, I prefer Windows (pirate)

That's why we should all pitch in on a new operating system, and show theses feminists and trannys the power the power of....

>using a gui


>not using your own operating system
You are all faggots

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not all of us have the time to write 200 gorrillion lines of code
though the way things are going, we all might be forced to soon.

Linus has finally been cucked

It’s over for open sores

Just ugly or actually a tranny?

Tranny, and I have no idea how they gained control over Linux.

Because Linux requires neckbeard-tier autism to learn and remember all the commands and also because there are barely any programs that can run on Linux. I have a Linux live CD and it's great when Windows fails and to diagnosticate problems but that's about the extent I'm willing to go.

various fallacies
on they day of reckoning if you had only available firearms made by jews, you would use them

>what is rmdir and robocopy?
If you love gnu so much you can always install cygwin on windows.

you're not really free unless you use TempleOS

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>tell me which is easier.
>Wow, that really was hard.
no shit that was his point r-tard

windows is if you want to use your computer
linux is if you want to own your computer
mac if for posers
prove me wrong

Linux is a pain in the ass and half the gnu tools suck honestly. I got so sick of long "find+grep" commands I finally was compelled to make my own search tool (with real regex, not their gay dialects), but greybeard faggots still pretend gnu is cool and good.

>I got so sick of long "find+grep" commands
what is so bad about them?

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>long "find+grep" commands
how is something like
"find . -print | grep -i
a "long" command?

also, Tab is your friend in the terminal

>travesti ou catastroph?
Good question.

The Confederacy tried that, and it didn't work out so well for them.

How is a fucking OS controlling me? Do you mean monitoring? Learn to use a computer and you can stop that.

Also, it doesn't matter what OS you use if you're using the internet you're being "monitored".

also about finding files, just install a package called mlocate. you execute the command "updatedb" to update the index of file locations and then you execute "locate ".
if you only have some idea of what the file is called just do "ls -AR / | grep " though this doesnt tell you where the file is.

>How is a fucking OS controlling me?
access to information and how you are able to handle that information

Because I enjoy well designed software developed by professionals, not collections of ugly hacks compiled together by students and "geniuses" like RMS, Poettering, de Icaza and Sievers.

To delete a folder in windows you just do rd /d then the name. And actually, now that everything is 10, powershell supports literally all the linux commands and all the old dos commands plus the new commands so you could do:
rd /d "directory"
rmdir /d "directory"
Remove-Tree -whatever
r -whatever
or 9 million other things.

Learn to computer.

What, locate -r not good enough for you?

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LGBTnux?? No thank you. I stick to Windows 10, it's Jew but gets the job done. I don't care about privacy because i don't do anything nasty and as for my political opinions they have us ALL in their databases already and if you think otherwise you are technologically illiterate.

Find me an alternative that just works, has the potential to become a standard and identifies drives and partitions with a letter (the non-retarded way) and i might look into it.

but mah games n' shiiieeet!

oh i didnt know that feature existed

which is fair enough, but do you buy the license for your OS and whatever proprietary software you use, thereby supporting at best highly questionable practices
or do you pirate it?

3 out of 4 are apparently professionals employed in their profession.
Red Hat
>de Icaza
Red Hat

Linux is shaving with a straight razor.
Windows is shaving with a normal razor.
Mac OS is shaving with a bowling pin.

>mum look, i'm an e1337 h4xx0r because I use cli to accomplish trivial things
>can't even into aliases
beyond embarassing

>I hate Linux

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which, imo is a problem that eventually should be addressed if the open source movement is to go mainstream (not that it should, personally I am against such, as it will result in constant bullshit like what is affecting linux atm)
but the lack of knowing what to do, or even where to search for what to do (man command is great and all, but it hardly points to where to find out how to fix a particular issue) is a problem for new users coming into it.


eh, for some people it is a stlyistic choice. Some people really do function better with no gui. Hell, I'm starting to head that way myself, particularly with all the increasing fuckups with gnome3 and xfce4

Windoes what Linux don't
Linux just sucks

Of course I pay for non-free software, I'm neither underage nor prone to rationalizing blatant stealing through pseudointellectual sophistry.
>working side by side with thousands of H1B pajeets makes you a competent professional
Next you'll tell me Oracle is a great software house because it's legal department generates billions in revenue..

Your average person will never be capable of using an OS that is not prepackaged.
It might be linux now, but even if it "grows up" over 15 years, whatever comes behind it will be the "open source" replacement and then linux will just start to look like Windows and be prepackaged and have the same issues Windows does. If it becomes mainstream people will hate it for the same reason they hate Windows.
Same way people don't want Samsung they want "pure android" or whatever.

>current year
>not sending your posts to 4chinz head office by carrier pigeon for them to type out and post.

>Of course I pay for non-free software, I'm neither underage nor prone to rationalizing blatant stealing through pseudointellectual sophistry.
then let me ask you, would you ever boycott, or defend a boycott of a product of any sort for whatever reason?
Say it unironically killed babies, like some of the incidents with chinese baby food
would you still willingly pay for that, knowing full well the potential adverse effects, and the corporate corruption which lead to it being able to happen in the first place?

Pis connected to a Freenas/Emby box is the way to go desu.

I exclusively use TempleOS because it's the only operating system that doesn't glow in the dark.
>how are you on Jow Forums
I put in networking myself because I'm not a nigger.

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>Your average person will never be capable of using an OS that is not prepackaged.
your average person shouldn't be using a computer in the first place imo. That veers a bit off topic, but its been well stated various times on the board before about the issues with meme "web developers" that just copy/paste everything from a gui and think they're some sort of tech guru
and that's not even touching on the travesty that is the modern lack of understanding on how a computer functions on a physical level.
>It might be linux now, but even if it "grows up" over 15 years, whatever comes behind it will be the "open source" replacement and then linux will just start to look like Windows and be prepackaged and have the same issues Windows does. If it becomes mainstream people will hate it for the same reason they hate Windows.
You mean like the way ubuntu is, and is heading?

Depending on particulars I might switch to another product.

Easier for porn.

This is a stupid discussion.

Linux is free.
Mac OS only works on Apple products and isn't for sale. You can't either use an Apple product or you're "stealing".
Windows 10 legitimately activates for free on literally 98% of computers for free.

I use my iPhone. Everything else has been taken from me. I spend every waking hour on 4chad playing Star Wars and drinking monster zero. I’m really hoping Donald wins the next election.
Who else /doomer here?

Yes. If I could have a superpower it would be that I could touch someone and impart knowledge into their brain violently by force. I think this would be an extremely painful and unpleasant experience for a LOT of people.

I don't really follow the *nix's. I run a freenas box so I know a little about BSD but I generally steer clear of *nix. I find it extremely unproductive for anything other than a 'toaster' style device.

That is another varient i am seriously considering switching to
would you have any good place to start with learning how to use that?

Then why would you use something that costs you money, which there exists free and open-sourced alternatives that do the same thing?
Hypothetically at least, ReactOS is still indev

The point is being able to put that funding to a better use, developer support is increasingly becoming a meme these days, for indie devs of software that usually use patreon or paypal, they keep increasing the fees that they take out of donations
and yes, I know there are alternatives that don't do that, such as that one russian paypal alternative. But I very rarely see that being offered as an option for western stuff.

>open source movement is to go mainstream
user, I have some bad news...
>or where to search for what to do

Send to search engine
Even professionals do this for weird shit on the daily.

Kek. No, they would be a great legal house with a software company attached.
In the Red Hat/Microsoft case, I suppose it's worth something that someone is willing to pay them to do what it is they do, and someone is willing to fund their pay. At the very least it makes them more accountable than the "amateur".
I'd still like to see Lennart and Kay bludgeoned to death in minecraft.
I'm really starting to think Poettering glows in the daytime too.

its very much so an active debate within pretty much every community that works with this stuff.
And the CoC controversy with linux is not looking good for how open-source is viewed.

>Then why would you use something that costs you money, which there exists free and open-sourced alternatives that do the same thing?
What kind of question is that? When a suitable cheaper or free alternative exists then I use that. Otherwise I do not.

King Terry made videos about TempleOS.

Do you honestly think people would stop using google search if they found out that their analytics killed babies? I assure they would not.

>Yes. If I could have a superpower it would be that I could touch someone and impart knowledge into their brain violently by force. I think this would be an extremely painful and unpleasant experience for a LOT of people.
eh, that's a bit of a touchy subject imo with real life proposed equalivents, like with an exocortex.
but that's for decades down the line.

>I don't really follow the *nix's. I run a freenas box so I know a little about BSD but I generally steer clear of *nix. I find it extremely unproductive for anything other than a 'toaster' style device.
honestly, it depends on what it is being used for, and you're going to have to know the best tool for the task or you're going to have things running like shit.

>Send to search engine
>Even professionals do this for weird shit on the daily.
I've had many issues with that on the more popular search engines, and even on ones that hook the search like duckduckgo
sear.x tends to be a lot better, but if your having some obscure issue with a very niche chipset you're unlikely to find any solutions easily.
There is no such thing as a :one size fits all" OS, and there likely never will be.

>What kind of question is that? When a suitable cheaper or free alternative exists then I use that. Otherwise I do not.
like I said hypothetically, as ReactOS is a current indev attempt at making an "open-sourced" and free windows, if it makes it through (and I will admit that is a very big if) then it really does beg the question of why you would willingly go with windows when a completely viable alternative that does the same stuff exists.

noted, thx.

True, but I would at least like people to admit to that rather then being a massive hypocrite when trying to dance around the issue
If you're going to use a product that is geninuely that awful, knowing full well what all it does, then fine, that's on you even if i disagree with your descision to do so, but don't try to go around acting like some saint because you willingly used something that is supported by something awful.
Like with using products made using child labor in third world countries, I know it is, and I know I'm a terrible person for continuing to support the corportations using this by buying their stuff
but I am fully willing to admit I am a terrible person by doing so.
I suppose its more about having the truth of the matter out in the open, and not acting pretentious and superior to those that choose different really.

>CoC controversy with linux is not looking good for how open-source is viewed
The worst image generators for FLOSS are FSF and insane fanatical zealots like comrade Richie "Sweet Foot" Stallman.

This. Temple OS isn't shiny, but it could be scripted to be sleek and appealing. Someone should make a slick looking shell for it.

Generalizing the community as a whole, particularly given that this topic has been getting more traffic then the usual crap in the community
I just hope this forces the community to address at least some of these issues

>why you would willingly go with windows when a completely viable alternative that does the same stuff exists.
You wouldn't if we're talking about safeguarding your personal anime collection. For enterprise usecases with thousands of workstations, though, active support and legal responsibilities that a software provider is bound to are of tantamount importance.

>For enterprise usecases with thousands of workstations, though, active support and legal responsibilities that a software provider is bound to are of tantamount importance.
Alright, I'll give you that, in such an enviroment, yes, enduser having something close to something standardized is better. In a personal and server enviroment I disagree (with some exceptions, there are some things windows servers can be better at, also the whole "muh games" bit as well as unsupported software)
But in these instances this software is not used with the explict intent of supporting microsoft, is it? And from some personal interactions I've have with a corporate enviroment, they tend to have a lot less scruples about using pirated software if they can get away with it. Tends to save the company a good bit of money.

I'm not sure what you're arguing for or against. Nobody buys software "to support the developer", at least not in business relevant cases.

That I disagree with using windows for various reasons, be they ethnical or funcational
while being fully aware that, in particular circumstances, it does have its uses.
I just don't think microsoft should be getting any support/money for it as such, but I a full recognize that the bottom line means it will be the employees who have no say in their agenda being affected most and foremost

its one of those things where there is no right or wrong thing to do, and everything is bs really.
Imo there should be some sort of OS and needed software that is not driven by an agenda or money, and neither windows nor mac nor linux fits that bill.

Again, I'm not quite sure of the purpose of your post. You're free to use or not use Microsoft products, you're free to pay for them or pirate and face the consequences if they ever materialize.

this is what the beginning of Armageddon looks like isn't it?

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Mostly, I want something that exclusively focuses on function over form
and having things be open-sourced and letting anyone come in to work on things is very clearly counter-productive to that
I'm still upsetti over what happened with truecrypt, and that happened because people who turned out to be spooks came in and subverted everything.

that everything is shit and that I'd like you to admit it I suppose
out of curosity, would you rather use Windows 7/xp, or windows 10 if prices and everything were the same for them?

eh, more like its been here for some time and we're seeing the natural result of it.
The moment giants in the community like Terry or Linus die of get forced out, everything goes to shit.