Have any of you lost a parent?

Well Jow Forums? I'm about to lose my mom, so I was wondering how it feels once they're gone.

Hitler was right.

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Greentext ur mom if not infoshill thread

>be mom
>get cancer
>not long to live

Just want to see if any frens have gone or going through same thing.

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But to answer your question: my younger sister died when I was 10, and I felt nothing. I did resolve to learn all I could so that I could prevent that kind of thing from happening or at least find some meaning of life that would make death OK. I was merely confused by most adults' cheerful haplessness in the face of inevitable death and cosmic uncertainty. It wasn't until a couple years ago, a good 20 years later, that I really internalized how helpless and wilfully ignorant most people really are.


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In what way? Are you Christian? I feel more empty than anything, but I have accepted it knowing she's going to heaven. Did it hit you harder after all these years?

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If your expectation was that she would be around to help with your grandchildren, then it is going to hurt. It's a big loss, after all, in evolutionary terms. Best advice is be redpilled: keep eating clean and exercising, manage the finances, make a good speech at the funeral, and avoid bars/drugs for the next year if you weren't doing that already. Also talk to a certified financial planner asap, there may be huge tax bills (i.e. 50% of assets over some limit) that you can avoid if you set up a trust while she's still alive. Also I signed up for cryonic freezing but most mothers aren't into that. Good luck fren

Also, my condolences.

Thanks for advice. Nice to see real people, not shills on here. Can you elaborate more on the taxes? We're not rich or anything, so she's not leaving anything except a house.

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Grandchildren? I wish she was around to see my first child, or wife even. Feels bad man.

I believe in the One God, for what it's worth.
I'm just a humble user with the usual user issues, but glad to help. If she's up to it record some video of her favorite stories or whatever she likes to talk about. Just get her talking, not as some somber thing but more to preserve the right version of things. Back up the videos in the cloud and offline.
A lot depends on your living situation. If you have kids, take some time off work to deal with the funeral logistics but don't take too long. If you're childless or a NEET it's time to get your shit together. The world is fucked but it's always been fucked. People adapt and go forward.
The funeral ceremony and burial ceremony both exist as they do for a reason. Do the funeral ceremony, do the grave site ceremony, deal with what needs dealing with, and get back to your path to preserve and grow your own family. Condolences, fren

Trump raised the limit so it might not affect you. The keyword is "estate tax planning". Check your state's exemption allowance: for some states it's not much, for others it's tax-free up to a few million. Does she own a 401k, IRA, or other stock? Does she own a house? It's worth researching a bit, then talking to a CFP who specializes in estate tax planning.

> Wife
> 2018
Life is hard and no one cares about men. Good luck out there. Maybe some less blackpilled anons can chime in. Basically we're going into a new age of corporate feudalism where serf-tier men don't breed. But there's plenty of room to make it out of serf tier, either up to craftsman tier or down to bard/singer tier.

> Captcha is chimneys
Google doesn't know about Hitler

Thank you, fren. I'm not a NEET but don't have a white wife or girlfriend yet. Hopefully one day. I just don't want to fall into nihilism once it happens. I don't have anyone else to talk to about life.

I lost an uncle and my grandmother. I lived with my grandmother and dad. She basically raised me. Losing her was tough and I inherited all her kitchen stuff, sometimes it’s tough and I think about them every day.
I lost my uncle while I was in army training, he committed suicide. Fuck he was awesome. I ain’t ashamed to say it but I cried on my cot that weekend after training and lights out. It’s tough, user. Loss is tough.

Today though, I had to put my cat down. I cried so god damn hard. I don’t know why but losing a pet was equally as tough as a relative. Rescued him 17 years ago when he was two weeks old. Cried like a baby all day, because I literally have not lived an adult day without him. Fuck me tearing up again...

It’s gonna be hard user but any loss is tough. Eventually you move on though I promise. You never forget though.

I'm not sure what you just said but it made me laugh, so thank you.

I'm not going to sugar coat it
its going to absolutely destroy you
get ready to be background-sad forever
[judaism intensifies]

Sorry about your family. I don't really understand the pet but I'm sure he was a close fren. I guess I am afraid this will sink me deeper into black pill-dom instead of embracing life.

I figure that's how I will be. I live with her currently so my life is about to be 100x lonelier if that's even possible.

Lost my mom when I was five of breast cancer. It really really sucks to know what kind of life you’re missing out on.

Yep. Very suddenly to cancer too. I'm sorry fren. Don't stuff the emotions, it turns toxic both physically and psychologically if not deadly with.

I cried got a long time after she died
>in b4 Faggot


Devote as much time you can to your mother while you still can. Cherish these moments.

Thanks user, really sorry to hear about your mom.
It does get better. It’s different for everyone though. Everyone has a different way of grieving.
For me I grieve pretty harshly for a couple days and then I’m basically back to normal.
I usually turn reclusive and avoid everyone.
When my grandmother passed, the same day I went on a hunting trip with my best friend. That really helped.
I recommend keeping busy. It does help the process.

Have you done drugs?

Good luck user.
Any other family around? Other friends? Roommates?
Men must win. That's what Nature says, same as Nature says that women shrivel up and become useless as they age. Not sure what your day to day life looks like, but as a man the good life consists primarily of training, studying, and difficult work. Teamwork is essential, but this should be other men. Women will drain what strength you have. A wife comes when you have enough strength to afford a woman draining you for years, knowing she will leave if you're ever drained dry. A good woman will work to raise your children, but good women will drain a lot of strength, and you'll love it.

Also, google "estate tax exemption allowance"

>lost my father three years ago (had a very good relationship with him)
You'll be fine

Sorry to hear that user

Singlings but we're not that close. Only close to mum. No friends, maybe one but just for drinks. Not close or anything. Live with mum so no roommates. Right now just focused on work. That's it.

Get a roommate or two. Vet them thoroughly. Charge them rent.

...Jesus Christ I've turned Jewish from all the shills on Jow Forums

I lost my mom when i was a kid
Was probably the most painful thing ive ever expierenced
I came home from school as a kid, and had no one to talk to, no meal on the table, no hug, no going out together to the supermarket, etc
My dad was working all day, and i maybe saw him 5 minutes a day, sometimes i did not see him for days
My brother was a drug addict and beat me up everyday
So it was pretty hard, and my mom died from one day to the other, and all that shit developed instantly when she was gone

I dont know how old you are, but i guess you are at an age where you can manage your life yourself
Thank god for that
But i would really try to have everything set up for the day when she is gone
Spend time with her, and take pictures with her
Also, make a vid with her, where you can hear her voice
Thats the first thing you will forget

How do you not stuff the emotions? I've got so much repressed shit it's unreal.

I try but it's so painful.

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Get a will that says you inherit the house. Be prepared for relatives to get super greedy if they know there's money to be had.

I lost my family around 10 years ago i was 21 at that time
No i live alone with you guys as the only people i talk too


>that flag
>that life story
Sieg heil?


My dad was murdered when I was 8. More than a bit different I guess, but its unavoidably sad for a while, then you kinda move on. Sad for years and years afterwards, maybe you'll get lasting depression, maybe not. But after most of a decade you might not feel as much thinking back, unless you really really dwell on it. But you shouldn't do that, because that will consume the fuck out of you and slowly destroy you. It's literally feeding energy into the void.

I have other siblings so that won't do.

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm in same situation so I'll be your fren.
That stuff is really painful for me to do. Just the thought of them makes me sad.

Sober 12 years. Did everything I could get my hands on before though. She died while I was sober .

Make sure to get out with friends after a week or two. Don't sit at home too long or it will fuck you up.

Its not the big things in life that break a man, the dead parents, the loss of a loved one. Its the small things, the broken shoe laces, the flat tires, the papercuts. A man is prepared to deal with a large loss, but those little things, they sneak up on a man, send him to the madhouse, so be careful when you bend over to tie your shoe.

Just get her to see if she's right with Lord. That's all that's important. I haven't lost anyone really except my great grandparents, well except for one, but she's old. I can't offer any help except for God is the answer. That's generic I know but it's the only consolation I can offer.

lost both mine right after high school. Dad served three tours in Vietnam and was a green beret. He was my hero. I was amazed that people were still going to work when a piece of American History had just died. Made me realize how incredibly valueable and how incredibly worthless human life is. Took me over a decade to learn to cry for either of them. Mom died a year after dad.. 4 months after that I joined the Army. A year and some change after that, I was in Iraq during the surge as a combat medic in an infantry battalion wondering what the fuck happened and how did I get there. Either an intense desire to try and live up to my Father or a passive suicide attempt.. still I sometimes wonder.which it was.. It changed the course of my life.. but changed it for the better. I was a default lefty like my generation but my dad talking about how killing communists in vietnam was the best feeling in the world... now I want to open an oceanic helicopter tour business for the DC area.

Thanks friend and be strong we are here to help you too

I lost my father 20 years ago. He got bone cancer. I took care of him until he died so he didn't have to go to a facility and be able to die peacefully around family where he was comfortable. It hurt like hell and took a long time for the pain to subside. I still miss the old bastard sometimes and the only thing I regret is not being interested when he tried to tell me stories about my family, about him when he was young and about the country when he grew up during the Depression and WWII. He did start me on the path to being red pilled by warning me to not believe what history says, because it is written by the victors.

Holy shit fren. It took me daily fights with my fiance to realize something was wrong and that I needed to talk to someone. I saw a counselor for 9 months or so which helped tremendously. I just talked until there was nothing else to say.

My natural inclination is to stuff emotions, particularly sadness. I've had to train myself to not do that because I get pretty bad psychosomatic symptoms when I do. I still get stuck though. For example I've been feeling physically uncomfortable for the last few days and had no idea why. I realized that I wish my mom were here to be a grandma to my soon to be daughter. I have to be intentional about letting the sadness just be and not stuffing it.

I had so much pent up emotion from her death that I physically had to make myself cry I cried almost daily for 5 years so it wouldn't spill over into my daily life, and then even sometimes that didn't help.

I am am emotional retard but have come to realize emotions are there whether I like it or not and I can deal with them now and be done with them or I can stuff them and they can fester and shit all over my life for years.


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>Check 'em
Cherish these last moments with your mother like a happy little tree cherishes his leaves.

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That's really good advice, thank you. She's right with the lord but she's on this half works/half faith thing and I don't agree with that but can't budge her on it. I hope the Lord will take her still.
Thanks fren, I'll keep an eye on my shoes.
Sorry for your loss. Let me know if you open it, I'll visit.
My dad was red pilling me since I was a child. I didn't realize it until Jow Forums but he knew all along. I'm thankful he's still around. I'm sorry for your loss.

BTW, the part about the helicopter but was an attempt at humor.. See -> Pinochet.

Don't let anything be left unsaid that you will regret. Tell her you love her repeatedly. Record videos of her. After mine died, I would call her cell phone before it was shut off just to hear her voice.

This is going to be hard, if you were close, but you can get through it and be ok on the other side. It's been 6 years for me.

Why is this place the only way people can get genuine advice on dealing with sorrow? Like jesus Christ this is an imageboard for white advocated who have largely dropped out of society, people shouldn't have to come here to get real talk.

Hold her and cry together and tell her all the things you want to tell her. Ask her anything you want to know, ask her stories of her childhood or happy memories she has.
Get closure where you can and find the happy moments in her life that you can think about. Fuck prolonged death like that would emotionally kill me.

Thank you, kind user.

>That's the first thing you will forget
I don't know why but that hit me really hard.

man im sorry you have to go through this. like other people in here said, cherish every last moment with her and depending on how sick she is try to make as many positive memories with her as possible. stay strong

My old lady went the same way when I was a teenager, definitely not easy. I wrestled the most with wishing I was a better son, you'll probably end up focusing on more of what you didn't do than what you did, assuming your relationship is good. In hindsight I can only say looking back she'd want last memories to be good and I like to think they were. Do what you can, even kind words go a long way until you see them on the other side. I hope your family galvanises over this and you find a measure of peace.

One more thing, I regret heavily not knowing then what I know now about family history. I wish I had asked and learnt more about my maternal lineage and it's history, grandparents and parents are a gold mine of this stuff, ask her as much as you can while you can. Maybe record a video or message that she wants to give to your child or future child/ren so they know who their grandmother was and how she loved them. Food for thought user, much love.

I believe Hitler's mom died of cancer,
He didn't take it well, isolated himself for almost the entire month of December

I lost my dad 4 years ago it was hard but after awhile I carried on I didn't let it be a burden I mean it's nature we all die. Keep fighting the good fight

same with his niece

Hey OP, I want you to be grateful that you and her both know it's coming, and you have time to "wrap things up," as cruel as that may sound.

I had a very strained relationship with my father, but I had finally come around and decided, no matter how fucked up our history has been, I can at least get to know him as a person. While I was stuck working overtime and was too busy to go see him (lived an hour away), he died alone in his home. I think about him every day, and it's painful because when I was a kid, I hated him. But it's all gone and can never be fixed.

Be glad you have time to prepare.

I can't give you any advice on that because I'm struggling with the faith/ works thing. Just keep in mind that people are praying for you your family and your situation.

Where do you suggest? People who dropped out of society don't have anywhere else to turn to

Thanks user

>Also, make a vid with her, where you can hear her voice
>Thats the first thing you will forget

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I already asked about family tree and history. I can't do the video though, that would make me break down probably. Thank you for the thought though.

Lost dad in 2013 to massive stroke. Lost mom a few months ago. I am completely alone or at least feel that way.
Still think about calling them, then realization hits, AGAIN.

Chill user, life is eternal. She continues her existence in another realm, in a form that human brain can't comprehend.

Lost my 16 year old cat 2 days before Christmas. Took a good 3 months before I felt the motivation to clean up up or get back to daily life. Still miss her

My dad died of cancer when I was 16. I'm an oldfag in my 30's now, so I've had half my life to deal with it. I still miss him, and I probably always will. For me it didn't really hit me until we were dropping the dirt on his coffin after it was lowered into the ground. That was the worst. I kind of grew numb to it after that.

I don't really feel sad anymore, just the feeling of missing him and wishing I could've known him as an adult.

Sorry for your loss. Thank you.
Thank you user.
Sorry to hear about your father. I hope you make up in heaven.
I'm very sorry. I am in fear that will be me. Hope you can find solace in something.
Bible says it is through faith you go to heaven. If you want to go though works you have to do 100% of commandments, which is impossible for us humans.
I hope so. I hope to meet her when my time comes.

>Well Jow Forums? I'm about to lose my mom, so I was wondering how it feels once they're gone.
My father died of cancer. It feels like you are missing something in your life, because you are. The pain lessens over time but never goes away.

>Hitler was right.
At least you have a good head on your shoulders user. Godspeed.

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Your view of him as an adult definitely changes. My mind is open to so many things my father used to try to teach me as a kid.

did you ackshually have parents ? not a fellow gen x'er ?

I'm a millennial, so yes, I have both for now.

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Sorry for your loss. I would imagine losing a father hurts even more.

You don't need to doubt, user. There are things in the universe that we just can't see. Our brains are just too weak to comprehend them, just like worm can't comprehend the existence of light (because of absence of sight). Soul is absolutely real. Never doubt it because of fedora subhumans and their master kikes.

It hurt a lot. Fucked me up really bad. Went on a 7 year drug binge to try to push down the pain. Don't go that route. Doesn't work.

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My father had a stroke 7 days before my wife and I was to be married. I was in the waiting room with my mom and younger brother when the doctor came in and said that he was stabilized and on life support but was completely brain dead. I had to be the one to tell the doctor to pull the plug as my mom went mental and I new my father wouldn’t want to be a vegetable. I had to organize the funeral. My mom had always fought mental illness but my dads death sent her over the edge. She started selling everything for next to nothing or just giving away her possessions. So I had to secure as much of his properties in my name as possible to protect the future of my family. My father didn’t have a will, so I’ve tried to deal with every familial or monetary situation with the mindset of how my father would want it handled. Make sure there is a will and make sure you say goodbye.

Looking back, I realize now that he redpilled me on Israel all the way back then. He hated them because of the USS Liberty. My dislike of Israel helped me to be open to further redpills all those years later.

He also instilled in me a respect for the Second Amendment, and tried to teach me other conservative principals. But I was an angsty, teenaged far leftist and just argued with him. I can't tell you how much I regret that.

>make sure you say goodbye.
The best advice to OP. After my father had died, there was so much I wanted to tell him that I didn't.

My dad died 4 and a half years ago
One regret I have is I never really picked his brain since it was before I really got into politics
He would not be even remotely pleased by my anti Semitism
But I would love to know what his thoughts would be of Trump's presidency

One time when I was really depressed and I posted about it once. Instead of normal banter/getting made fun of like with other posts, anons were really kind and gave advice like in this thread.

Y’all some of the nicest Nazis I’ve ever met desu

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my condolences
i recently had my first kid, a girl
i wish she had gotten a chance to meet my parents
she is so healthy smart and perfect
my ma passed almost 9 months before she was born
that woman raised me on her own after my pa died when i was 7
both of my parents were not only personally amazing, but they each literally held masters degrees
my point is that tragedy is normal and eventually befalls everyone, take no hope or solace, simply carry on my wayward friend.

Because we Jow Forumsacks are all the same. We have same virtues and we all deal with same problems. I genuinely think that Jow Forums should create some underground secret sect with Nazism as main ideology.

>Y’all some of the nicest Nazis I’ve ever met desu
We're just larping.
Jow Forums is a satire board.
Hail Victory!

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>an imageboard for white advocated who have largely dropped out of society
or maybe its not that and never was that newfriend

I know how important this is. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to do this.
Make sure you do the same to your children.
Sorry to hear it fell on you. I'm glad you knew what he wanted most and acted on it.
I don't listen to the kikes, thank you :)
Sorry to hear that. I hope you are are fine now. Drug free is the way.

yeah were really mean assholes

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My dad died 2 months ago. He was already on the verge of being fucked over despite the fact that he gave a lot up to help out me and my siblings. My mom was the one that killed his chance of redemption with a separation that resulted in paying almost $2500 a month for child support (all in three years before he died).

>Sorry to hear that. I hope you are are fine now. Drug free is the way.

Agreed. 9 years clean. I go to the gym, eat right, my finances are in order etc. I'll see you on the battlefield.

The best white supremacists.
Thank you. I hope you believe in the Supernatural.
That's awful. My parents are divorced so I know the feel.

we should just literally form our own small country like sealand
find a way to do it legally and peacefully
im serious
literally build an elon musk trash island for Jow Forumstards, thats all i really want in life.

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I can’t live without my parents

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Where would we get our women to breed with tho.

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Press f for anons mom

once your parents are gone you will finally be able to live
if they do not have life insurance, cooerce them into getting it, offer to pay for it if you have to
im not exactly proud to admit that i got a large payout when my mother passed
the most disgusti g thing the admit is the relief felt when the people around you finally just fucking die
feels good breh

but we will strictly keep it classy in good Jow Forums form, not some gross drug orgy nor brainwashing seminar

My mom is mentally unstable sociopath

I feel you bro i lost my baby sister in the womb due to complications with her position the cord got around her leg and she didn’t make it, we nazis, facsists, and white supremisits have feelings and struggles to, people seem to forget that. A lot. I feel for you man i really do

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