Well this is a strange coincidence

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Isn't Georgetown a top 3 Law School? Why is this weird or coincidental?

did they go the same year?

Prep School. Literally high school. It’s fucking weird. Especially when there are rumors Ford sent the same exact letter to Feinstein accusing Gorsuch of being her sexual assailant.

No, but I think it's top 25.

Not really. Such schools have long been feeder institutions for civil service and the judiciary

Gorsuch is 2 years younger. So pretty damn close.

Can you not read, Cletus?

so we are to assume they knew each other as kids? i didnt know anyone a grade above or below me except the kids on football/wrestling teams. but i thought younger kids were fags

>Especially when there are rumors Ford sent the same exact letter to Feinstein accusing Gorsuch
I keep hearing this. Any sources or is it really just straight up rumors?

>rumors Ford sent the same exact letter to Feinstein accusing Gorsuch of being her sexual assailant
big if true

This is why it’s especially interesting: twitter.com/therealcornett/status/1042095258945900545

only because elitist families send their dark spawn to the same demon training facility.

hm that is pretty interesting. what do you think it means?

Wouldn't that make him a classmate of this bitch?

How's it weird? Upperclass judges and lawyers send their kids to the same expensive private high school that specializes in making your kids upperclass judges and lawyers.

Allegedly she did not attend the same school, but rather students from their respective schools hung out occasionally. But potentially, yes. Which makes the rumor that she accused Gorsuch of the same especially interesting. And it makes sense out of a lot of responses, such as Trump’s, about wanting to hear from her. We all know they have some damning shit they can’t wait to spring on this bitch should she ever take the stand.

it means that people are playing the same game the democrats have been playing.

the big difference is that Fox News won't run with it and none of the red hats have the jewish press on their side, so it's likely to go nowhere. Should it prove true (lol), it would be a death knell for the democrats. Even in this environment, they wouldn't be able to recover. It would certainly explain Feinstein's reluctance to bring this information to light during the actual interviews with Kavanaugh and why she didn't give it to the FBI initially. But there are other reasons that are as sound if not more so, like not wanting to give Kavanaugh a Clarence Thomas moment and trying to delay the vote long enough to find someone else willing to accuse him publicly. all they need is for one other woman to come forward with an allegation and it's game over for Kavanaugh. Right now they're stalling for time in a concerted effort.

>Rich people who are lawyers and judges send their kids to expensive schools that prepare kids to become lawyers and judges


True. Bob Mueller and John Kerry were classmates at some elite Prep School. Both are have mild retardation and yet still made it to the top ranks in government.

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it makes no sense anyone is taking this shit seriously. i really want to see feinstein disbarred and hung publicly for treason. shes a fucking israeli citizen

prep school isn't high school. these are historically schools that got you up-to-speed or gave you an edge to get into college. they both went to yale so if they wanted on that track they probably hit on the same time

Holy shit. Learn how to read

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Gtown prep is known for churning out Ivy alums who arent complete social retards like some of the other DC area schools, I had a few in my fraternity, top quality guys come out of there

Do 2 nominees by the same president to the Supreme Court within 2 years of each other go to the same school and get accused of raping the same woman BY the same woman with a similar letter to the same US senator?

This proves they are rapists. Prepare two cells at GITMO. Apologize to Ms.Ford and give her a billion dollars.

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why do you think Feinstein pulled this 11 hour shit?

IMO, it was to stall the vote 100%. If Republicans don't take the allegations seriously, then it looks bad on them. The whole crying about a new FBI investigation completely fell flat after the media had to report it wasn't under their jurisdiction and it wasn't a criminal probe since no charges were filed, which would be handled by the State of Maryland anyway. So they showed their hand in that they don't want to actually bring charges. They want something else.

It's just psychological games in which desperate democrats are trying to make the appointment of Kavanaugh so toxic that even if they appoint him, all the R's look dirty af. and they can claim they'll be investigating Kavanaugh fully should Americans vote for them in Sept. It's hard to see any of this as a losing situation for the dems, unless ofc the plot is exposed in some way or they can cast enough doubt on Blasey Ford to render the move null.

>IMO, it was to stall the vote 100%.
i agree. its too convenient

Serious questions:
Is there any evidence that Ford and Kavanaugh ever met?
I know the boys and girls from their respective schools mingled, but did Kavanaugh and his friends hang out with girls two grade below them?
Finally, Why have none of Ford's friends come forward other than the cunt who lied on twitter before deleting her account? And no the 200 signers don't count. Most of them never went to school with Ford.

Who was her friend at the party? She said there were only 4 other boys there. She went to an all girl school. They were upper classmen at an all boys school. Kavanaugh denies even knowing her, let alone being in a small "party" with her.

There is zero evidence of anything other than the fact that they went to high school around the area at the same time. As did Gorsuch, whom may have been accused by the same woman during his confirmation process, to Feinstein no less.

If true I wonder why they never brought it forth? Is it cause Gorsuch is the same age as her so it wasn't as bad as a 17 year old doing it to a 15 yo?

I think it’s bc they didn’t count on Kennedy retiring and/or Trump still being in office. They gave him one, and vowed to resist the second should it come to that.

How ironic same bitch would work for both. If true though, I think that would do in the democrats. No independent can look at them the same. Especially if same senator received both accusations from same woman about two different SC nominees.

>prep school isn't high school
it is exactly high school. A high school with an inside track to a particular college.

Hopefully it turns out Ford is a psycho and is caught dead to rights. Fun way to end the #metoo hysteria.

its not weird at all. I guess the plebs here arent aware Ivy league colleges have prep feeder schools

Guess when she suddenly recalled this whole "thing" and went to a therapy session about it?
>in 2012
Why 2012? Because Dems were shitting bricks at the thought of Romney winning and having SCOTUS picks, picks being Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Obama won, thus accusations were shelved.

Its true

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Why doesn't anyone ever ask about why she was in couples counseling in 2012. My guess, Dr. Roastie gets caught cheating on hubby. She comes up with story in counseling (with no names) to make hubby feel like shit that he was mad she cheated. Hubby is Lib cuck who joins in her little #resist bullshit. He brings up 2012 accusation and she pulls out Kavanaugh's name to cover her fake story. Hubby passes the counseling story off to congressmember who gives it to Feinstein. I would bet money the whole story coming back to a roastie who wanted to twist the knife into her Cucked husband's soul. Now she is caught in her own lie.

End result - messy divorce, professional disgrace, perjury charges, banishment from the DNC and a red tide in November
An user can dream

It really is the juiciest conspiracy theory in a long time. All the pieces fit so well. Another #metoo twat who went to school with Ford and Kavanaugh has already been caught lying. She said the whole school was talking about Kavanaugh asaulting Ford for the next couple of days, but the claim is that it happened during the summer. She straight up lied to make Ford sound credible... The whole thing seems made up and there's been big time incentives since back to 2012 like you said.

Was Kavanaugh also in the "fascism forever club"?

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He looks like YEB!

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