
Attached: racist.png (839x439, 228K)

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I'm about to have my breakfast, will it stay in my stomach after watching this?

Seeing as how you've probably already chugged a couple of bottles of whiskey before breakfast, probably not.

Compared to the dude breaking lightbulbs in his ass, this is a walk in the park.



Thats no way to talk about youre ancestors is it?

>Do something highly illegal
>Videotape it and upload it to the internet
The intelligence of melanin enriched individuals never ceases to surprise

Enjoy the FBI visit.

u know, if u stuck ur weewee in the goy instead, u would've made $$ & no1 would care

I’m glad videos like this exist, not because I’m a psychopath or anything but because it serves as a reminder to never ever show sympathy or compassion to non whites. Thanks OP.

My dude's posture displayed both, which means he only had a few minutes before he forgot how to breath...

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What's the DVD next to his head?

did he died


>beat down
I aint clicking that shit, nigga.

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The last sound he me made was his lungs mechanically gasping for air as there was no brain left to remind itself to breath. It's called 'Cheyne-Stokes breathing' which is the last thing our bodies do before checking out...

Let's meet face to face bitch.

You've identified "racists" as your outgroup.
No self awareness.
You've abstracted your survival instinct to a subjective grouping, rather than an objective grouping.
Enlightenment? Nope. You still fail.

get the fuck out of our country nigger

Honest question:
Are the Libtards dying out?Cause they seem to get more desperate.

I'm so confused as to why anyone would record themselves committing crimes. Is it to show off to other retards how tough they are by beating a sleeping guy to death? Do they just want to make their prosecutor's job real easy? Or does no thought go into it at all?

You beat up your own man?

This. Don't insult the Gods.


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You are not human but an abomination worse than animal

Its called a death rattle.

basic gestalt?

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Whats the story behind this?

Found the disgusting alcoholic native piece of trash, stay angry redman

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Sick bantz there cunt.

For some reason the Spanish mestizos are violent, uppity, and savage. Anglo mestizos are more calm and restraint, more peaceful. Perhaps this is the result of superior Anglo colonization.

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Yeah...fuck Texas. It's Mexico 2.0

the "article" says nothing about him being a racist

Lol this was great we could learn a lot on how to beat Niggers up like this. Anyone that does not like this is an Eternal Anglo syndrome.

Its to show us cucked Anglos how it's done.

Gang related.

Breakfast is fine you fucking retard. This will never happen to me because as fucked as somethings about my country are, lowlife Mexicans or whatever these pieces of trash are will never ever set foot on our soil.

Yeah and I had potatoes after the whiskey. Come up with something new will you and stop being an unoriginal gobshite.

Nobody cares.Nobody is intimidated by you.
You're just another person who's decided to make a useless,irrelevent thread in some futile attempt to make some futile point about how you don't like "racists."
Unfortunately for you,nobody takes you seriously and you're not intimidating.
You aren't going to stop people from having the opinions they have about race,or anything else for that matter.
You are absolutely ineffectual.You're just another unimportant person trying in vain on the internet to change another person's mind.
You mine as well try to take a huge boulder and push it up a steep hill,in your underwear during a blizzard.Because,it'll acheive about the same as what you're trying to do with your words here.

>he doesn't start his day on with gore and a bowl of cereal

wtf are you doing on this site?

What language are they speaking? Seriously sounds like a new language. I heard some Mexican Spanish and English but it doesn't sound natural, almost like they had a Brazilian or Australian accent. That's the weirdest part of the video for me, seems like it's not even real dialogue.

This? This is literally walking in Central Park compare to the shit I scrolled through on old /b/

Why did they do this to him? It looks like intended to kill him right? There’s no way they expected him to survive that

Probably Brazilians

It never crossed my mind before to watch somebody being beaten into a coma while munching my cereal. Pretty tame after all the buildup.

Do Brazilians use words like "Orale" and "a la verga" though. Then they say "sick mothafucka". It sounds like Brazilians imitating Mexican Spanglish which is weird because there's no reason for that to exist, maybe some kind of CIA propaganda video?

If you tend to kill someone use a knife or something, you don't slap people in the face and expect them to die.....

>don't be racist
>posts gore from violent savage spics that will turn more people racist

great strategy

Post the webm nigger.

it's like the non goriest gore thing I've ever seen. Like kids that go to dead pool 2 and say: WOW IT'S INSANE EI'M SO EDGEY Xd

fine to watch, just someone who catches a few punches.

Same reason the Germans autistically recorded everything during the Holocaust

I mean they also repeatedly stomped on his stomach after he was already bleeding profusely from the head and making those sounds
If they were just intending to beat him up, they are pretty stupid to not see the signs of death early on

The living cheese burger finds ways to live, ignore him.

Nope it’s the savage Aztec Indian blood.

why was he beaten to death?

long story shot the dude died from brain injuries afterwards.

The guy that punched him in on the lamb; likely fled to Mexico

We couldn't get a straight answer. Something to do with drugs and the get getting punched wouldn't let the other dude rob him?


It's to show the world how "badass" they are before they cry like little bitches in the court room and end up getting sentenced to life in prison. Cucks like OP don't ever bother to post the follow up stories with these fags getting busted

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What happened to this guy?

Someone beat him while he slept I think.
Not sure though, it's not letting me watch it on the site OP linked.

The guy punching called him sick, maybe he did something fucked up. Comments in the video say maybe it was pedophilia.

Bit of a backstory from one of the comments on the video. Not sure how true it is but sounds plausible. Comment is below.

He’s not a fucking gang member or rapist!!! Dumbass here I swear . Man with camera(X) beat him (y)because recently before this the dude who did this to him, tried robbing his GRANDMA!!! So he pulled out a gun, didn’t say nothing wrong (y)he just said I’m not trying kill you or shoot you but if you come back here I will . X came back and had a friend give him 6 bars and he passed out and did this to get even . Do some research before saying shit about people that ain’t close to true. . Dumbass foreal .

hope the animals was caught and jailed


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I am racist & proud.

Nah its pretty tame. O.P. is obviously too much of a faggot to post any proper gore.

Same here user. Pussy move really, friends drugged him because as another commentor pointed out the guy getting the beating carried a shiv a most likely if bigman had started his shit while the guy was awake he would have came off the worst. Too afraid to do anything while the guy was awake. Garbage.

I would probably do the same if someone tried to rob my grandma. No fucking mercy.
In Mexico you have to take care of your own business, police are not going to help.
It is the violent way of nature, the law that most liberals forget.

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get raked

I think you got it mixed up, braindead guy on the bed was the one who had defended his grandmother. Guy giving the beating waas the guy robbing her.

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Pic related.

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My country was built on killing niggers and I'm proud of that. Come at me, you syrup guzzling leaf faggot

are you insecure being shitskin?

jesus christ user.

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Op give The webm or you just wasting everybody's time

everyone is a racist user, its human nature
you can't surpress it


Yikes is that we ever allowed these shit skin subhumans into the country in the first place.

>spic on spic gang beating

know what they did to you

Illiterate faggot

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I love seeing the word gobshite on Jow Forums kek

Guy is an opoid addict. In the original video he's passed out with a needle in his hand before the beating begins.

this is the closest you will get to a nuke board


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could be muricans as far as i can tell
not hues

fuck you kike

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Come at me brough!


I don't get it
Light skinned spice bears up slightly darker skinned spic
Probably drug or woman related
Moving on

>Someone beat him while he slept I think.