Why are Jews trying to normalize obesity?

What is their goal here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


To make us americans fatter and weaker

>implying you wouldn't breed this

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So people stay fat and die at 45 and we don't have to pay for healthcare and zap the best years of their life for minimum wage.

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this is the future you chose

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There is profit to be made.

Here's another example:

A Huffington post article on how fat shaming is the real problem not obesity. They say there is nothing bad that can happen to your health if you get obese. WTF

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Guy has no reason to not tell truth.

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I can't even get hard on non-thicc girls anymore.

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This was the photo included with the Huffington Post article trying to tell us that it is healthy to be obese, btw.

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i wanna breed wit a thicc japanese milf.

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Because people are easier to herd when they're obese.

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Fatty foods are cheap to bring to the consumer and offer a good profit margin. Removing the shame of being fat brings them back more often and make more money.

time to stop posting Slavoj, you're drunk

Jews want goyum to die young with chronic diseases.

>Removing the shame of being fat brings them back more often and make more money.

That makes sense. That is why they came up with the term "fat shaming". Makes fat fucks feel okay with their weight and continues to eat fast food.

>miss piggy tattoo
a tattoo of a pig on a tattooed pig.. the ironing is delicious

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m8 i have seen shit where they claim that "fat scientists" have disproved the laws of thermodynamics and counting calories actually has nothing to do with weight loss.

i have seen the "aquatic ape theory" in which fatties claim to be descendants of literal whales and are thus "supposed" to be fat because they needed the blubber to stay warm.

>fit fat people

What the fuck


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To make money on selling addictive junk food of course. All they do is only about the money, some of you overrate jewish intelligence

they're redefining vocabulary to confuse you, look up their definitions of words to understand them.

Btw, what happens to your 401k if you die without a will?


>Why are Jews trying to normalize obesity?

So Trump stands a chance in 2020.

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Don’t forget the dental bills. Most foods contain a shit tonne of added sugar. Dentists make a fortune.

It's because you filthy American goyim are so obese and lazy that you can't any more struggle that, you want it to feel yourselves normal.

Based Jews sell you what is in demand in your degenerate society.


they're trying to normalize ugliness, fatness, brown/black = beautiful because those target demographics are hyperconsumers. same goes for pushing feminism in highest-paying jobs like programmers and STEM. it's all about profit.

good looking men who are working on hobbies, arts & crafts, building stuff, aren't buying magazines and new clothes/cars. they're buying tools and raw materials at most. so the kikes don't want to empower that demo as they are a threat to the kike's existing power. the kike wants to elevate and inflate the ego of the nigger and the woman, whether she be fat, beautiful or ugly, because those are the ones who are buying new consumer products.

>vetted my wifes affair
Literal cuck normalisation

Would do

Everything that can break down the mental and physical well-being of any other people is fair game to them.

This more fat people = more (((((Liposuction))))) business

There are fit fat guys like strongmen or sumo athletes and the like.

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Sad to see Kelly has gone downhill. She was one of my all time favourites, now she looks like a 40 year old hick roastie

theres many reasons
>general lowering of health
>buy more fast food which supports kike corporations
>literally brainwash people into thinking the opposite of what they should think
>when shit hits the fan all the fat whites will die off very quickly.
>Make whites appear disgusting.

the biggest one is to brainwash people into accepting ridiculous things, like transgenderism, fat pride etc. its the next step in cultural marxism and its ridiculous. fucking ignore it. its just a few shitty magazines run by fatties who do it mostly. Its irrelevant desu

fat people aren't good at rising up from their chairs let alone an oppressive government

Dying without a will - known as dying "intestate" - means you have no say over who receives your assets, and can leave your heirs and the court system the complex and costly job of wrangling over who should get what. Your assets go into what's called "probate" - an expensive and drawn out legal process which determines who inherits your estate, and can take anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on how complicated the estate is.

fat people consumer more, fat clothes cost more and think of the money spend in medical treatment.insulin, dialysis, scooters and all that shit. shekels shekels shekels.

also it helps shitskins fit in. white standards of beauty are virtually impossible for the vast majority of shitskins. but hey if being fat is beautiful then everybody can be fat. it's just dropping everything to the lowest common denominator. it's egalitarianism at its finest

>The negative health effects of the sumo lifestyle can become apparent later in life. Sumo wrestlers have a life expectancy between 60 and 65, more than 10 years shorter than the average Japanese male, as the diet and sport take a toll on the wrestler's body. Many develop diabetes or high blood pressure, and they are prone to heart attacks due to the enormous amount of body mass and fat that they accumulate. The excessive intake of alcohol can lead to liver problems and the stress on their joints due to their excess weight can cause arthritis. Recently, the standards of weight gain are becoming less strict, in an effort to improve the overall health of the wrestlers.[13][14]