>The most popular and influential open source project, Linux, adopted a code of conduct
>The original author of the project, Linus Torvalds, used to be known as someone who doesn't give a fuck, since he frequently insulted people who contributed shitty code
>He was somehow mindraped (possibly by his SJW daughter) into leaving the project
>The project then adopted a Code of Conduct written by a mentally ill transsexual
>The code of conduct is retarded, talks about dumb shit like inclusivity
>The problem is that is casts a wide enough net as to be able to make anyone a 'criminal' and to be removed from the project

Now will you fight with us, or will you let conservatism in the tech industry die an agonizing death?

Days after adopting the CoC, one of the main linux devs accused of 'rape apoligism':
The CoC:
The kike trannie who made it:

>Make github account
>Find cucked github project (Has a Code of conduct file in the source code)
>Go to 'issues'
>Open issue about how you found ableist/sexist/ageist/normist/ebonist/antisemitist slurs in the source code
>Ask the head devt to step down because they broke the Code of conduct
>Post link here so we can help
Post more links, send out emails, do whatever you can to wipe this shit off, or we are done.

Warning: DO NOT appear reasonable in any sense! The retards might listen to you.
Tip: If you want, make an account and attack the anons suggesting the changes

Last thread:

Attached: terry.jpg (1469x1102, 320K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Have anyone figured out who is paying these trannies to sink linux into the ground?

Microsoft, Amazon, hell any IaaS offering company

>Example projects:
github.com/CoralineAda - Tranny's account

Possibly microsoft, though they might just be completely mental

They certainly have the resources. How the fuck do you protect yourself against the big tech companies? Unless you go full out Stallman, it feels like this would happen sooner or later anyways.

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does the trannie realize its a man ? fugly too

You must go full stallman.

Also this thread was being slid hard yesterday so remember to bump sometimes.

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I don't know. I swear we're a decade away from corporations becoming full fledged drug cartel tier with death squads and gang wars over customers. No honor in anything anymore.

How in the fuck do they plan to "sink" Linux? It's fucking open source. Literally anyone can write a distribution of it and call it whatever. If I was so inclined a could make a distribution called "Imperial Command, White Edition", and there is fuck all anyone can do about it.

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I will bump it periodically.

It feels a bit cyberpunk and dystopian. Western companies will probably begin to emulate what is happening in China with social credits and what not, it's already starting.

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It's a collaborative project with over hundreds of people helping. It would be hard to maintain with a dozen Jow Forumstards.
Also, it's not about having linux, its about sending a message.

>its about sending a message.
Yea the wrong message.

Be gone kike

>defending prurple haired trannys fucking up a perfectly good OS.
I have a feeling your the kike here friendo

SO, basically, retards are going to be able to "include" pozzed code into this project / kernel and it'll have to be folded in because of "inclusivity"?
Or only just because it came from a "PoC" / "trans-person"?

>Guess I better fucking learn to Install Gentoo and keep an archived version of the Kernel on hand. *fuck*

The goal is literally to get them to abandon the CoC, what the fuck are you talking about? Stop spreading misinformation kike

>nobody accounts with 0 contributions
>demanding anyone step down
Enjoy being 100% ignored by everyone. You're only feeding into their bullshit. The new CoC, if it does anything, which currently nothing is there to enforce it aside from the board, who sure as fuck dont have the time to get into pissing matches over anything that isn't over the top ridiculous like changing kernel handles to "NIGGER" or some such, which would never get to the board in the first place.

I wish you stupid Jow Forumsack niggers would at least educate yourself before trying to raid. You're worse than /b/ sometimes.

Nobody is going to do shit unless there are multiple significant contributors who decide to stop contributing (they won't). The best chance you have is fostering a revolt to fork the kernel in it's current state and build off of it, but judging by this thread you faggots are nowhere near smart enough to pull that off.

Fucking retards.

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Looks like shills are out in full force tonight, boys
We're on the right track

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Yeah, youre on the right track dumbfuck.

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How about we make our own project CoC?

Only good CoC is no CoC.

Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering a meritocratic, technically strong environment, we as contributors pledge to only commit technically relevant material, and refrain from enforcing personal ideas and opinions onto others.

Our Standards
Examples of behavior that are not accepted include:

Demanding developers to not use any terms because they are deemed "offensive".
Demanding variables, classes or structures to be renamed to something "less offensive".
Demanding developers step down for not giving in to pressure from certain groups.
Anything "post-meritocratic"
Demanding others to "show empathy" for YOU

Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for keeping the discussion about this project purely technical and meritocratic. Contributers who do not contribute anything technical, are not needed for this project.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate.

This. OP is way out of his depth. Although I strongly object to the new CoC, especially with the broad ability to ban contributors for things they may say on social media, the community of contributors really don't care. They are going to keep contributing for reputation and money. The only catalyst is if there is a big name ban and they rally other big names to walk away/fork. Open source project doesn't mean people don't build or make their career on it. And good luck using dummy accounts to accomplish anything on github.



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What makes you think that they're going to stop with just a CoC?

This. The tech industry will become infested with technically inept SJWs micromanaging actually skilled engineers.

It is Intel; they signed off on the CoC first too.


not gonna work whiteboi

I thought coding was supposed to be untouchable by she cancer because of how incompetent they are. How could this happened? Is Linus the one to blame?

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Oh no, they don't contribute, they just fuck shit up.

Good general idea, but the current plan is retarded.

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