Watched 3 episodes of this at a friends place

Watched 3 episodes of this at a friends place.
Jesus christ, you weren't wrong about this show.

>second episode
>character thinks hes gay
>get sung at by the ghost of freddy murcury about how great being gay is
>so many choices in partners including "tween catholic boys"

They really aren't try to hide it anymore are (((they)))

Also the writing was NPC tier, I get you make the show as a platform for degeneracy but did you really have to put no effort into making it funny in the least?

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Netflix was the greatest threat to television, it's more cost effective and is more selective. It isn't what it was when it was first booted up, even Soros himself had invested money into the service.
So you see material like this and you wonder why, because televised degeneracy is inescapable when it can be grappled by money.

Theres also an episode of this shit where they jokingly talk about 9/11 'conspiracy theories', funnily enough (((Nick Krolls))) father was involved in 9/11. This is as jewed as it gets

>lol little girl got her first period
>lol little boy got a boner in class
>maybe my compulsion to fuck kids isn't wrong
Isn't the creator's family some deeply connected security firm with ties to 9/11? I'm sure it's fine.

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>Jow Forums says they care about depopulation
>Jow Forums is anti-lgbt
which is it?

>showing cartoon underage cocks and vaginas
>on netflix in countries where such thing is deemed illegal even if its drawn
>its ok its a comedy so it doesn't count

>just depopulate the LGBT community.
not so smart now are you nigger?

as Jow Forums loves to state the current lgbt population isn't that much so it wouldn't effect population that significantly.

you either don't care about a problem or you support the solution.

I recall reading that netflix are under investigation for some Argentinian film with two 6 year old girls simulating sex acts.

do you know what a joke is you braindead retard

Ideally the execution of minorities and welfare whores would balance out the population and allow us to redistribute resources more liberally
It isn't just alphabet people

> isn't that much so it wouldn't effect population that significantly.
its a start

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The show is aimed at adults not kids. I am watching netflix with my kids now. We are watching some stretch armstrong show and they are all hetero. The black guy has mixed parents but everybody is horny for a female. Relax guys.

>my solution to population control is to slaughter people
>the elites want to prevent them from having kids
have you ever considered your way is worse?

The movie is still up so i doubt it

Well, tween catholic boys are the patrician choice.

Faggot it's just a funny show you need a chill pill

Have you considered that picking off minorities is more beneficial for society than collectively exterminating a general population of people regardless of race or belief

homosexuality reproduces through child abuse. The symptom IS the cause.

>It's just a joke goy nothing to see here

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Fuck this fagget shit. Holy fuck it made me feel a mixture of anger and sickness

Whatever you say Schlomo

WRONG! kys degenerate pedo queen.

This is a chosen false belief. There is no evidence to suggest homosexuality can be “transmitted” through abuse. Sexual orientation is a lifelong psychological condition that is proven to be at least partly based in biology, specifically the uterine environment of a developing male fetus. The “vampire” theory of homosexuality (creating more gays by inflicting gay sex on innocent boys) is an ex-post-facto search for a justification to hate gays because you personally find them gross. No one (including yourself) is helped by you clinging to false beliefs.

Take your kikery somewhere else

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The funny thing about freddy mercury is that he he said his real true love was a woman.

Netflix is the prime example of the garbage that is being forced on the general public and children most importantly, theres always a good example to give of over sexualized lgbt pedo racist you name they got a program for it

Your forgot your meme flag

This show has gotten Critical acclaim from reviewers. These people had to have been payed off.

Trips of truth

and my gf said she watched that show fully and thought it was really funny and great.

fuck man....

> critics aren't part of the tribe
> media journalism isn't part of the media censorship and control
> "critical acclaim" isn't just a marketing tactic
> bribery is necessary

Why would you have to bribe yourself? They are in on it together.

I couldn't even finish two episodes. Not only is it perverse degeneracy, but the art and writing are horrible. Normies seem to love this show though, mostly the "I love Family Guy" crowd.

i had no idea things were actually this bad

I hate modern Television. This show is completely tasteless and vile.
Is there any way we can get Netflix to remove this?

Depopulation of Asia, Africa and South America, dumbfuck. Tell me how the LGBT movement is going in those places, faggot.

Bad graphic, ugly design... Strongly reminds me of Canadian toons.

any need for the direct call?

6 million hours in paint

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So it all comes down to this now.

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wait i have, i can tell all your fucking secrets

I couldn’t make it through the first episode because the depiction of child sexuality was so disturbing and creepy. The entire show, the art style, etc, disgusted me in a visceral way.


short summary on that guy?

don't want to use wikipedia or google since I can't be sure to get the information you want to tell me.

Watch "century of the self" on youtube. He was the godfather of propaganda and himself nephew of Sigmund Freud.

oh that guy

Guys it’s just a show, and a red pilled one at that

>calls out gays
>calls out Jews
>calls out 9/11

Pic related is the most redpilled character
>”how did the Jews know not to go to work that day?”

And for those who think it’s promoting pedophilia you need to relax, it’s just a show about kids hitting puberty and what they go through.

The jokes are honestly pretty funny once you take your blinders off

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kys faggot

>Freddy Mercury
>Its great being gay!!!!
>gets aids

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As an adult and father myself, I find the show disgusting. I'm obviously not going to let my kids watch it, and will judge any creep that finds this filth entertaining.

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Confirmed bug chaser.

This is Nick Kroll's show.

What is Kroll International?

It's almost like they want to destroy and subvert a nation through programming.


Yaaas, complete bs biggot! the fact that gays are four times more likely to have been sexually abused as children than the average joe is like totally unrelated to their condition!