Not trying to incite hate, but is America still a first world country...

Not trying to incite hate, but is America still a first world country? Social and economic disparity is extreme compared to European countries.

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The Democrat parts are basically giant slave plantations

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how about this, what country is a first world country in your opinion?

that would imply the constituents do any work

All countries where access to healthcare, education and a dignified human life is unconditional

Here is what pisses me off. I like that show “Life Below Zero” and I love how the Hailstones “preposition supplies”. As a retired guy the way I see it is I worked hard for decades to “preposition supplies” so I don’t have to starve as an old man. This is still referred to as an “entitlement” just like the 24 year old single mother of three bastard chi8ldren who gets some $70,000 per year in Section * housing, Pell Grants, EBT, SNAP, 0bamacare, etc. The fact that my SS check and FERS check are considered to be under the same heading of “Entitlements” is an insult.

Vote plantations. Thier only job is to get bussed to the vote booth

so countries where the people are forced to endure whatever immigration policy their government sets, pays for it all, and have no means to criticize or fight said government?

Kys you cheeto dust covered boomer

Imagine losing to island chinks and abos

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That's called the 2nd world. 1st world is where the average person is wealthy enough to afford those things privately

inequality is not the measuring stick of first second or third world
what the heck are you a leftie? That you measure quality by equality

America is the Land of FUCK YOU!

The entirety of the Americas at this point is a shithole.
Americans don't see it because they always compare themselves to a country in a worse situation than them.

"Well at least we ain't Brazil...Mexico...Guatemala"

By 2025 Americans will be saying: "well at least we ain't Haiti"

it’s the usual bait Saturday morning then? Fuck you fags are predictable and boring. Disappointing

The state of the poorest part of a country is a good indication of how developed a country is as a whole

>the leader of NATO
>not a first world country
There would be no first world countries without America.

So do Cuba and North Korea count?

If America isn't first world than nobody is. Simple economics.

I do not agree with that. If two people live in a country, and one person does well for itself without breaking the law or being immoral, and the other does not, why would you come to the conclusion that the overall state of the country is that of the lowest person, instead of maybe, drawing the average, which is at least logical?

I do not myself measure a country by its wealth but let us take wealth as an example.

Flag taken into account.

Yes Hans. Now go whittle you some faggot shoes and smoke your legal weed.

I mean, they keep going on about how non white countries are not part of the first world, and is a fact that America is closer and closer of being less than 50% white. They already are 56%.

we are 67% white ackshully
and the nice part about that is all the shitskins are contained in cities.

First, Second and Third world country titles have nothing to do with economics. First world is a Democracy, Second is Communist, Third is developing into either. they are terms from the cold war.

who gives a fuck about inequality? thats not as important as how much the average person actually has. there's a lot of super rich people in USA, this does not imply that a middle class american lives badly.

Unironically this.

I pay like 250 bucks a month for all my dental, vision, health, and supplementary insurance (if i get hurt off work I still get paid). I'm also only taxed 20 something percent a year.

1st is Capitalist, not necessary Democratic.
2nd is indeed Gommies
These are both clearly terms related to economics

bullshit faggot, after obama and HUD rules there are lots of niggers with gibs housing vouchers that now live in or around the suburbs. In addition every new neighborhood that goes up they have to build an apartment complex so the schools get mixed with shitskins.

same here. $43~ per paycheck and I have medical, dental, vision, and accidental/life payout.

yea but I bet you have an HSA and your deductible is probably 2500 or 5000 and they wont cover 100% of your surgeries now. All big companies are going to the HSA model and passing the costs to the employee.

You people get insurance scammed more often than not.

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White countries

They do, user, in prison. The left uses prisons as work camps and bio-weapon research.

PS: Fires in California are sometimes body dumps for Biden's chink-money-funded genetic weapon research on prisoners under the guise of cancer research.

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That sounds like USA, mutt.

I pay four thousand a month for premium healthcare rivaling what senators in our government get. I am happy with this setup.

So it's just another thread about how we should implement the same socialist policies that your postage stamp sized country with a population that amounts to less than our 10 largest cities has, and expect them to work despite having 19 times the amount of people and a vastly different demographic.

Untill you're out of your health insurence for one month for whatever reason, gets a really bad toothache, finds out that you need a surgery, and after almost dying you're left with 100 thousand dollars debt.

for the most part, yes. While we do have alot of trash, mainly in urban areas and quite a few rural area, the bulk of this country is quite developed and civil. We are headed towards Brazil/Mexico tier shittyness if we dont have a big ass civil war soon.

Can't make this shit up, it's like a living caricature of the mutt parroting all the bs that his jewish overlords feed him.

Shouldn't of trusted the government to do it, you dumbass boomer.
Government never does anything better than you, except waste your money.

That sort of things are meaningless compared to the actual crimes.

Insane coming from someone who has never been to the states

OP, no point is trying to talk to the fucking burgertards here. They'll just start flinging their shit, scream that you're just jealous because you don't live there and start shouting "USA-USA-USA!!!".

Let them wallow in their ignorance and stupidity as they slide further into irrelevancy!!!FACT!!!

>a dignified human life
the fuck does this even mean?

>Social and economic disparity is extreme compared to European countries.
This is why you are importing millions of shitskins right? To level with us?

Really? Pretty sure we changed courses from Obama with votes and currently fighting mainstream media and leftist censorship. But I guess being under EU rule for so long would scramble your brain like that.

Find me another country that allows full freedom of speech.

I feel crazy, everyone says that Europe/Canada are more first world than us. But USA just feels "cleaner" to me, when I visit Europe everything just feels a bit dirtier, not as well cared for. Like when I visit a hotel in Europe it can often seem of pretty meh quality whereas in USA most of them are very clean.

Define freedom of speech

The difference between .4 and .5 look like a difference between .4 and .8
>>definitely not a manipulation

“Social and economic disparity is extreme...”
Right you are Dutch-bro, but here’s a caveat:
Social and economic disparities are extreme in areas that are primarily left-wing.
For example, I live in Illinois (yes, I know). Illinois is billions of dollars in debt. Illinois didn’t have a state budget for some 3.5 years. Illinois has been Democratic super-majority for about two decades.
EVERY OTHER STATE AROUND ME- Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky has budgetary SURPLUSSES. Billions and billions of unused dollars.

Illinois has billions and billions of dollars it doesn’t have, that it has already spent.
New York, California and D. C. follow the same vein.

Sorry Dutch-bro but your best bet in ‘Meria is a fly-over Republican State.

well, yea. The healthcare system in the US is out of control. But unless all of obamacaretax is done away with, they'll still hit me during tax return. If I had the income, I'd be like .

Like how the trannies scammed your government?

Yes. Even wellfare ghetto shits live pretty easy lives compared to a third world country. Everybody has it easy in this country.

the people saying this are from europe and canada. We burgers might say we're the best and shit, but we also complain about how shit things can be. But the people like OP will never admit the ongoing crisis their mindset and government have brought upon their nation, because to do so would be knocking out the last pegs of pride in their country they have left.

Do liberals such as yourself really live your life in such a constant state of emergency- waiting for the next imagined trauma to appear so you can legislate it to death?

>don't take care of teeth
>get toothache

accidents, I get, but most health problems are brought on by horrible life decisions.

"economic disparity"

yeah, niggers don't want to work, not much you can do about that. watch the gini index as europe greets more and more niggers and sandpeople

Anything to do with the service industry is better in the US. In fact anything to do with consumers is better in the US because it is part of your culture.

The one good thing we have in Europe is less risks in some aspects of life. That's it really. Otherwise we are poorer.

Funny how you euro's always want to know about the USA. Yet we americans don't really care what you do. Tax yourselves into slavery, we don't care. Seems you have a fixation on us.

Wod rather be a poor american than your average cheese eating frog. Just saying...

Actually, first is a democratic republic, the democracy.

Remember, a democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what is for dinner. In a republic, the sheep is armed.

>muh niggers
Whites in Appalachia are poorer than fucking ukranians despite working their asses off in the coal mines.

What are you talking about? Europeans complain about Europe all the time.


Would you like to make a bet and have it notarized?
>dumbest prediction I've ever seen

It's first world for the Jews, second world for whites, and third world for blacks.

Honestly living in America is great, sure there are major flaws but my life is pretty easy

Europe doesn't have air conditioning. Europe forces moms and old people to drive stick-shift because they can't afford the luxury of smooth calm driving. Europe lags in all STEM fields.

Kinda like our country huh

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america is the only first world country, and rightfully so

>Europe doesn't have air conditioning.
Nto an issue because we're not pussies who need a perfect temperature all the time.

>Europe forces moms and old people to drive stick-shift because they can't afford the luxury of smooth calm driving.
>thinks driving a manual is hard
Quintessetially burger.

you sound like those fucking ragheads who whine about how superior america is militarily

>Is the United States a country that was aligned with NATO during the Cold War in opposition to the Soviet Union and communist bloc?

yes, you ignorant shit. Changing the meaning of "First World" to "countries that have what I feel is an acceptable standard of living" makes you as retarded as those who change the meaning of "Nazi" to "anyone who disagrees with my politics"

>Locked in a two party system, in which both parties serve the very same masters
>Corporate donations (legalized bribes) are absolutely vital to being elected, since running for POTUS requires near half a billion dollars to even have a chance at contending, and Senate/Congress elections require tens of millions, meaning corporations/richfags have a monopoly on their democratic process
>56% white. They'd have to genocide nearly half their fucking population to even resemble Scandinavian demographics, and that includes Sweden

They've been a banana republic for quite a while now.