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Minister posts for SD or they are getting cucked.

So what is happening, Olle?

M is sucking Jimmies ass.

I really wish SD the very best.
I almost knew this would happen. You cannot make politics with Centerpartiet, if idiots like Lööf are in charge.

Oh, I read it from Finnish news. So how likely are you going to have a center-right government? Are the Swedish Democrats just going to support or participate in it?

Aftonbladet formulerar det som att SD å M samarbetar när de endast samtalar om framtiden, M har samtalat med S också, kuksugar aftonbladet kunde lika gärna skriva en artikel om att M i en skit kommun med 200 invånare samtalar med S

None of this is unexpected or noteworthy.

Please Sven, english? I can't read that shit.

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The same party that will ban NMR and oust AfS, the few actual non-civic nationalists left willing to bring change to Sweden.

This is why Swedes are cucked.

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It just prevents leafniggers and murricans from making stupid comments.

translated tl;dr for us plebs?

"This is why Swedes are cucked".

It's the same political-shitshow everywhere in the West mate. Atleast we have SD. What the fuck do the UK have for example?

You cannot go fully NatSoc and still have Svenne Svensson with you.
You have to go small steps (moving the overton window).

so literally nothing

>In the municipal council of Bjuv

Varför döljer du våran fina flagga din jävla fjolla

>daily remind pol is an English board of peace
Translate or get out

I never understood this dumb line of reasoning. People like you were screaming for any alternative to the Judeo-Marxist order. You finally got one in SD, AfD, Five Star, etc. Are they ideal? No. But now you have a foot in the door for right-wing politics to return to Europe. And so you want to abandon that beachhead because the people who fought to create one aren't full NatSoc right this very second. You are dumb and have no strategic planning ability. Now that such a political beachhead is established, AfS and others can breathe the open air and grow their own base. Or, alternatively, they could simply merge with SD and the like and work their nationalist politics up the food chain, taking over internal committees and youth groups.

Idiots complain about Trump in the same way, without realizing that because Trump is president, thousands of -actual- nationalists are now in positions of power. If Trump had been fully NatSoc he would have never won, and we'd be shooting missiles at Russians for Jews right now.

isn't it the other way around

Lmao, if you have any hope, sorry, this won't happen, svedes are losing demographics was to immigrants, and many whites are leftists. Just leave to east asia.
Also I know that Russia is a shithole even compared to Malmo, pls don't hit me for my flag.

För att jag behöver använda en jääääävla proxxyyyyy för att komma ut med svensk ip.
Jag bor i tyskland och jag är tysk. Jag gömmer inget.

>Translate or get out
Mutted single languager .. ooompphhh

How was Germany before Hitler took over? A shithole. It's not over my friend.

Aftonbladet är ju en öppet socialdemokratisk tidning, de bajsar ut socialdemokratisk propaganda. Att de reagerar starkt på något betyder bara att de visar sin svaghet.

Fully with you. You have to start somewhere.
But in the case of AfS, these are mostly former members of SD which got excluded or left the party.
But time will tell how these three NMR, AfS and SD will coexist or even work together.

> How was Germany before Hitler took over? A shithole.
Yet demographically german.

Good news. It's going to be hard to call them a racist party when they are part of the government.

>Yet demographically german.

I think you forgot about the Jews..

> in a local community

literally a nothingburger

kan någon förklara till en som inte bryr sig om politik vad som kommer hända? är sossarna fucked?

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>Five Star

Not sure if you agree with what I said or not, but yes that's what I meant.

Nice screenshot.

Germany shitskins and niggers 10 to max 12%
Sweden shitskins and niggers like 14%.
Nothing is lost here. Hope dies last.

Lot's of fucking defeatism in a thread with good news.

Yes, i fully agree.
We stood up and gave them zionists a hell of a fight for years and we literally did this based from a country that was beaten up and raped by the zionists (Weimar)
The state of Sweden is way better than our was during this dark time.

And you can bet your dick on, if SHTF in Sweden starts, i will join you and free your country.
I consider Sweden being one of my two fatherlands. I will let none of them die.

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>10 to max 12%
Nearing USA levels. Be careful. Our negresses abort more babies then are born, so they are having a population decline...but Germany's blacks...they are horny as fuck, and don't believe in monogamy or birth control. They also believe in rape and murder of apostates....but they will outnumber you quickly. Just like cancer, cut it out quickly, or it will kill you. And then they cycle will be complete
>We wuz Nazis n sheit.

They could move to Vladivostok. It's barely Russia and near all the cool things in Asia. The Russian government should be encouraging European migration eastward by giving out parcels of land to settlers.

any English articles?


None of the articles say anything particularly noteworthy. The first talks about how M and SD are cooperating in one municipality, which means absolutely nothing. There are municipalities where M and S are cooperating, for example, and that doesn't mean that the parties are any closer to doing it the Riksdag.

The others all talk about that SD has made it official that they will actively vote for M's candidate to the position of the speaker in the Riksdag, which was exactly what everyone was expecting. M and the other parties in the Alliance have meanwhile said that they won't oppose SD's candidate to second vice speaker, which again is not anything unusual. Common practice is that the third largest party holds that position and SD already holds it.

Jews weren't "overbreeding" germans, maybe only the ultraorthodox ones and they were a small minority(the only stats whish I found is pic) Do you have any data on the number of Africans and Arabs in Sweden?

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SD liberaliseras ytterligare.

Its not a happening you complete faggit.

No Jimmy is sucking liberal cock for nothing. As usual.

What's about birthrates?

You sure about that?

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Dagen då högern tar makten med hjälp av SD är dagen då S dör som parti, det är därför de reagerar så starkt när samtal mellan M och SD kommer upp. De är rädda helt enkelt, det har inget med SD’s politik att göra, det handlar bara om den egna makten. De vet att M och SD kan komma överens om de bara talar med varandra, därför kommer de göra allt för att försöka stoppa det. Annars är S körda.

Our right wing parties in both Sweden and Germany will take care of it. In every voting, these parties made a huge leap forward in terms of voters and popularity.
The (((media))) tries to blackmail and lie about them at every occasion they find. A clear sign of (((them))) having no arguments left and losing the discussion/topic.
Times are changing here, and even "established" parties are talking about bringing migration to a total halt and remove most of them.

In the long run, we will solve this problem.
Even if we don't in time and happen to be a minority, we are still stronger (physically), more intelligent and are the ones that will dominate the battle.
Nor niggers or muzzies are especially good fighters. Whites are.

basically SD is testing the waters and checking if M and KD can be convinced to leave the "alliance" and join forces with them by announcing that they are putting their votes on the primary Speaker in the parliament on the moderate candidate
in exchange they want a SD member Björn Söder to remain as second vice speaker
if they get what they want, the possibility for SD to get some position in the government rises. if they dont, they know that the M and KD will not leave the alliance and will vote for the socialist budget and force a reelection to take place

Att alliansen får talmansposten betyder i sig inte så mycket. Frågan är vad det är för deal SD har gjort med M om SD nu går med på att stödja deras talman.

you'll never stob me

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They are currently about 10 to 12% in Germany combined.

Why don't you explain what is happening IN ENGLISH (given that this is an ENGLISH LANGUAGE WEBSITE) so that we can all understand?

SD kommer ersätta S så småningom. Klart att S som kört över folkets vilja i decennier är rädd.

S is screwed in nearly every scenario right now except for the one in which the Alliance for no real reason bends its knees and decides to support an S administration. S is a party that for the past 90 years has thrived on holding power and being able to hand out political positions to sate different groups within the party. S is scared shitless that the right-wing parties will dominate politics the same way for the next 90 years which would be devastating to their party. Consider how lost they were when M ruled for eight measly years. Now imagine what the effects would be after 20, or 30.

Does that mean I cant be a refugee in Sweden?

Is there a set date that a government needs to be formed? Or could this drag out a long time?

Många M medlemmar har fattat att dom inte kan hålla på som dom har gjort. Med både centern och folkpartiet (liberalerna) är det dock ingenting som kan ändras, då dessa två partier vägrar en migrationsstop. Det vet M:s ledning och det är en bra chans för SD.

Justin, i did already.

How do you see it developing consider g birthrates?

>Does that mean I cant be a refugee in Sweden?
Rämäi mai bine acasä

cant decide between
>one cunt wolf pack
>same same i came

Are you, God forgive me for saying this, a diaspora?

>basically SD is testing the waters and checking if M and KD can be convinced to leave the "alliance"
Not really. This is just a show of good faith on their part. SD is signaling to M that "we like you, we trust you, and you can trust us and rely on our support."

>and join forces with them
No. SD isn't dumb enough to think that's possible. An M+KD+SD administration would never pass in the Riksdag as every other party would certainly vote against it. An M+KD administration that gains passive support from both C, L, and SD might be doable though but it would need to negotiate with every part of the Riksdag to get anything done and it's unclear if it would be able to remain for the full four years. If SD feels that they don't get enough influence or if C and L feel that SD gets too much influence either side could drop it by voting with the left-wing.

>How do you see it developing consider g birthrates?
I see it growing rapidly in bigger cities but slowly growing on an national average.
It is absolutely nothig we should panic over, but i wouldn't say that it's something we should not care about.
It should be solved ASAP but is not super urgent.

In my area here in south west Germany, i sometimes don't see a single shitskin for weeks.
Same goes for the area i go to in Sweden when i visit my friends and family.

The speaker gets four attempts to announce a prime minister. If no administration can be formed, there will be a re-election within three months.

No, i am a German white NatSoc who speaks "some" other languages also.

Ç'est infect

But I want to move out of this shithole hell I will not even ask gibs.

parliament assembles on monday and the government can be changed on wednesday
but then the speaker assigns someone the right to start a government (usually the one with most votes) and he has 4 chances to start a government, if that isnt possible there is a reelection

what was that

that little momentary flutter in my chest

was that... a spark..? What's that word I vaguely remember? H- something. Hoppe? Hoppean? Hope?

Yeah, that was it. Hope.

Wow, I forgot that feeling existed.

>Not really. This is just a show of good faith on their part. SD is signaling to M that "we like you, we trust you, and you can trust us and rely on our support."
Sauce? How do you know that? Jimmie is pretty pissed on M:s behavior towards him and his party that has gone on for years. I doubt he will lick their boots. He knows his position and he knows that SD will grow in both votes and popularity to the next votes.

>But I want to move out of this shithole hell I will not even ask gibs.
The reason countries go down the drain is for young able people leaving and not defending them.

> It is absolutely nothig we should panic
What do you think is something you should worry about then?

There is nothing to defend here, dont worry I will work and integrate.

But when i recall this right, KD, M and SD would get a majority. they neither need L nor C to form a majority ??
But might be wrong on the numbers now. So don't nail me.

M said they would refuse to vote for Björn Söder (SD) for reelection to the post of second vice speaker and refuse any new SD positions to any of the governmental committes yesterday so SD said that they wouldn't vote for the moderate speaker
now SD changed their mind to test M


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Because Jimmie is signaling hard that he thinks M and KD are the two parties that have the most in common with his party and that they should form a conservative block together. This is his attempt to warm them up to the idea that they could at least negotiate individual issues with him, which honestly M and KD are probably willing to do but are held back by the fact that C and L are completely opposed to it.

Also, SD supporting M's speaker is not the same as giving unconditional support for any administration that M leads. Jimmie has made it clear that his party will vote against the budget of any administration that doesn't at least speak to him.

>A clear sign of (((them))) having no arguments left and losing the discussion/topic.

This is where you NEED to be careful. You need to learn to telegraph their motions and movements. In the usa we are winning as well, so they have decided to get dirty and blame EVERYONE of being a rapist or some other made up term. They create moral outrage. The best bet is to pre-emptily get dirt now before they purge their social media. Archive EVERYTHING. Rule #4 them when they stick their head out. The best way to beat them is by their own jewish tricks. It sucks to be that way, but we are tired of their games.

Good luck. I hope Germany can save itself. Get rid of momma Merkel....Someday I would love to visit the motherland myself. Hopefully I get a chance when it gets safer.

WTF is up with New Years. Is it really so bad they had to cancel some events?

they need 174 (349 is the total amount of seats)
M has 70, SD has 62 and KD has 22 which means that they theoretically have 154
they would need either C or L to join their government for a majority to lock out the reds and greens from governmental power

>M said they would refuse to vote for Björn Söder (SD) for reelection to the post of second vice speaker
That's not true. M said that they wouldn't oppose Björn Söder and that they had urged (note: not ordered) their representatives to not actively vote for him. However, V is also demanding an anonymous vote on the matter, so absolutely nothing is stopping them from actively voting for him.

I worry about it, but i don't panic.
We MUST send these shitskins back to their countries, but this is nothing that has to be done in the next ten years or we will get lost for all times. Even if i prefer them going back today. It is not that urgent.

Even if some murrifags try to make it look like. Most of the murrifags never went to Europe. So they don't know and mostly fell for the memes which get repeated here endlessly.

Charlie Weimers apparently wrote that the Alliance would not vote for him as he is not an alliance member

Believe me, you will end up in a shitty paid 16 hour job that barely feeds you. Germany is a low wage country with the by far shitties wages all over western europe. Even Spain and Italy pays better on average. Let alone the taxes.

Not voting for is not the same thing as voting against in Swedish politics. We have a parliamentary system, which means that an abstained vote is counted as a vote for.

>We have a parliamentary system
Negative parliamentary system was what I intended to write.

You have a better medical system, a far better work ethic and nicer cities.

but arent active votes against counted vs the active votes for?

>Because Jimmie is signaling hard that he thinks M and KD are the two parties that have the most in common with his party and that they should form a conservative block together.
And i agree with him.
I may also consider L being a "whore" enough for making the deal perfect. At least the German L pendant FDP is such a whore bending forwards and backwards just to take part in a government.
Centerpartiet is way too fundamentalistic to give up on their goals.

>Also, SD supporting M's speaker is not the same as giving unconditional support for any administration that M leads.
Good that is.

>Jimmie has made it clear that his party will vote against the budget of any administration that doesn't at least speak to him.
This makes him the Vågmästare he is, and he pretty well knows it.
So his power to influence politics right now goes way beyond the 17,6% he got with SD. Well done.

No. You just don't need a majority of the votes to be against.

Merkel will soon be replaced. She cannot continue, She only is still in office because of fool tricks from her side and her few supporters.

>In the usa we are winning as well, so they have decided to get dirty and blame EVERYONE of being a rapist or some other made up term.
They call me Nazi every day and i tell them it is better to call me a NatSoc and that i am proud of being one. Libshit is then immediately silenced. No "arguments" left.
That's how i do and many more people start doing the same.

>WTF is up with New Years. Is it really so bad they had to cancel some events?
Didn't hear about such cases, but that might be possible in some bigger cities.

I would go for L, because libshits are way more willing to give up on their policy than Centern.

apparently there has been sort of this civil war in the liberal party whether or not to work with SD
the "dont work with SD" side won
but the current leader might be usurped if they think that it would work better for them as a party to lock the socialists out of the government
exciting times ahead
hey user,watch and sahre this video
>our boy,the angry foreigner,made this about election fraud in sweden
SHARE THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>You have a better medical system
Not true anymore. On may places you wait a several weeks if not month to get treated.
You can prevent this by getting a privately based health insurance, but you won't be able to pay their fees.

>a far better work ethic
Letting people work until they are totally get exausted isn't really work ethics. But that's exactly what they will do with people from your country.
I owned a company myself and saw the factory workers from eastern Europe in many different factories. They all suffered shit.

>That's how i do and many more people start doing the same.
Very good. This is pretty much how it is going over here too. If you call me a name enough times, be careful.....You may create the monster you feared.....I mean honestly as much as they bitch about Hitler, they don't realize that their actions are exactly WHY you get a Hitler. Its not us. We are just tired of being beaten on. I know you know the feeling.

You see, liberals are liberals. Uour German liberals are called "Hure des Bundestages" (horan i Riksdagen) for a reason :-D

Considering a majority of both M voters and KD voters wants to work with SD it only makes sense.
BUT it would be a minority government if that happened, which means nothing would change.

>be careful.....You may create the monster you feared.....
Jesus, you're embarrassing.