Is it redpilled to be against feminism?

Is it redpilled to be against feminism?

Does this mean being for the lowering of the age of consent is redpilled? Or should we stand with feminists on this subject and denounce fertile youthfulness?

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Threadly reminder that pedophiles will be dragged out of their hiding places, castrated, and hung in the town square as an example to other defectives during the inevitable social and economic collapse. This (((society))) can't protect you forever.

historically men have always been sexually attracted to little girls, particularly before puberty. this entire hang da pedos/dehumanization of men with completely normal sexualities is just another victim of an exceedingly feminist society.

worth noting that 90%+ of anti-pedos on /pol: are roastie shills, the rest are really stupid men who fell for a very obvious ploy. it’s all very blue pilled and pathetic. basically white knighting.

i for one embrace my pedophilia and wouldn’t want to live without it. not seeing the sexy, gorgeous and sensual beauty of a little girl must be a very dull life.

Sick fuck. Reported. I hope you find out what the Aryan brotherhood does to people like you in prison. KOS

My pet theory is that "hang the pedos" type rhetoric is really a result of supressing more natural anti gay mindsets. With modern people forced to accept gays (who are all genuine child fucking pedos) they seek out a new target: men who want to fuck physically mature 14-17 year olds

Abolish the age of consent and give girls to marriage as soon as they hit puberty.

That is people have an innate psychological need for a sexual outsider who they can hate, attack and ostracise. This used to be gays but with that made illegal the natural anti gay instinct has found a new outlet

Feminism is a capitalist plot to lower wages, decrease birth rate, create more consumers, and have an excuse to import more shitskins.

No less then 9 years old.

Cursed images thread

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