Know why jews have such huge noses?

know why jews have such huge noses?

because air is free

Attached: 2345676543456765.jpg (240x320, 11K)

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and they stole it from southern italians

Attached: Ashkenazi - Greek - Sicilian (2).png (1500x1200, 316K)

No need for subtle.

Attached: Gaza-pool-of-blood.jpg (628x434, 61K)

cancerous thread

why is this shit allowed on Jow Forums ?

Juden BTFO

Hahahaha go breathe in some more free air, you big nosed cunt. Hahahahahaha

there's no blood of christian children in this thread for you, begone Iranian LARPing as a jew

In all seriousness, is the real reason known?

Attached: 4410140C-8F44-4851-837B-CBBD0A9F2566.jpg (1078x766, 211K)