Nukes used by ancients

We are not the first people to use them and there is proof of this all over the world. Look at the destruction in ancient egypt. What on earth could scortch statues like that? What on earth could blow up whole pyramids like that? (obviously they dont teach this in school). Other civilizations were highly advanced and egyptians werent the last or first ones. The government thinks it is more profitable to keep us out of the loop because if they would show us the horrors a nuclear detonation could do to us and the world, everyone would be horrified and want to ban the nuclear industry. Nuclear power litteraly splits dimensions apart and creates ripple through time and space, it is so unnatural and we have been warned many times to stay away from it and to never use it again!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Look at this , this was fireburned. Thats hard stone, it starts melting only at about 3000 degrees celsius

What on earth could have been 3000 degrees hot to burn that thing?

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That’s the amber tears from the poplar trees who wept when Phaeton, a cellestial object, scorched Africa into a continent and dried up all the sea and created a desert

Completely annhilitaed. Look at that burned layer on top

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 15.28.44.png (851x481, 649K)

OOoh oh I know
it wasn't a nuke but a comet that hit an ice-capped Ontario about 15k years ago.
The impact was so large it created shock spheres as seen in top right of the OP img, and spread them all over europe and the middle east. Plus there was water erosion all around the pyramids that showed a constant rainfall that lasted months.
This was the source of the great flood story

that would mean its part of the big cataclysm happened 12000 years ago. Younger Dries Impact.

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Clearly 20th century nuclear weapons, no other explanation

what are you talking about .

>if they would show us the horrors a nuclear detonation could do to us and the world, everyone would be horrified and want to ban the nuclear industry
>what is hiroshima
>what is nagasaki

>12000 years ago
you're off by a couple of thousand years

>all your proof is "It kinda looks like its the way i say it is!"
>shilling youtube videos

fake news, statues doesnt exist

Ancients with nukes is well within reason. Also any fallout or even traces of Chernobyl or Fukashima type accidents would be long gone, completely decayed. In fact I doubt we could detect traces of Chernobyl in 12,000 years, all of it would have decayed and eroded to nothing, including the concrete shell built to contain it and even all the metals

>Ancients with nukes is well within reason.
no, just no

Im conviced. That guy did a couple of google searches and proved the existance of pre historic nukes

>didnt watch the video
He is asking questions. Are you afraid of questions?

>a cellestial object
You know how you can tell when a mutherfucker is retarded? I do now at least.

various impact events throughout history have cause that, retard

My guess is. With the new evidence about the Richat Structure in West Africa, the Atlantians fucked up bigtime somehow. My guess is that they set off a nuclear war, but that's just a guess based on the global nature of the cataclysm, and the bits and pices of hints from the various legends and myths. If they had nuclear reactors, a societal collapse for any number of reasons could have been enough to make them cook off from neglect.

That or it was a big comet impact 12000 years ago which flooded the whole world by melting the ice caps

Attached: Richat_Structure_-_SRTM (1).jpg (2259x1244, 495K)

this one?

why not 12000?

Attached: richat-structure-6[2].jpg (790x592, 152K)

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thats factually fucking wrong
radioactive materials dont just disappear, they decay into stable elements which would be 100% detectable
not to mention uranium-235 (fissile material) decays into uranium-238 and lead-206 which has a extremely long half-life
we use these methods today, its called uranium lead dating


>factually fucking wrong
are you sure?

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A Meteor impacting.

Göbekli Tepe had it recorded around 12,500BCE+ current year

your either handicapped or trolling
pick one

Problem with your argument is in Hiroshima and Nagasaki almost all the houses were made of wood and the secondary fire was greater than the explosion itself

blessed check

im talking about radiation though
I dont think theres any radiation anymore is there?

Don't listen to kikes OP. Take a bump!


Attached: 06d5691717b7fdb43cc4d3150ecf9f9d280fe924b1bd3eb9d57623198cee0564 (1).jpg (580x580, 68K)

>T. Brainlet

you do realize when investigating potential nuclear test sites we look for the left over elements

certain elements produced by fission bombs arent found in such high concentration naturally as where explosion sites are
not to mention you could just cross reference the suspect area with geological samples from the region to isolate anomalies associated with fission explosions
and yes the uranium-238 (along with other elements produced by decaying uranium-235) gives off small amounts of radiation

Not to mention the giant scar on Mars.

I can't into geology

Attached: 9APUbT8FkozPjByf2ArHcSAZAZ3q3VkO2NEAJhPDgfA.jpg (576x768, 134K)

if there was a fission explosion the radioisotopes would have halved themselves into lead by now, strontium has a half life of about 30yrs and it's a byproduct of fission reactions

Coronal Mass Ejection

the entire world bathed in lightning falling like rain that flash melted the ice age and caused the great flood referenced by all ancient cultures.

so what were pyramids exactly? they do concentrace electromagnetic energy

and why would you place them in triangle formations, with volcanos?
Why do you see so many obelisks in big cities in US too?

C'mon, man. Not all youtube videos are equal, but consider how many legitimately novel and accurate theories have been discussed on that platform. It's a good place to turn to if your ideas aren't kosher enough for the mainstream.

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Sounds comfy as hell

>sits in the desert all day everday
>literally exposed to sun 12 hours a day or more for 3000 years
>its been scorched by the sun


kys kys kys kys kys kys

>Thousands of years of erosion and UV radiation
>Nah, totally nukes man!
Is this the next WE WUZ?

>Ancients with nukes is well within reason
hahahaha what? are you... good god

I dont think that the sun can burn and destroy stone like that over the period of thousands of years

That stone only melts at 3000 degrees celsius
natural erosion or UV doesnt do that

there's no melting here, just the constant expansion and contraction from hot days and cold nights and nearby moisture bought by the river, not to mention the corrosion caused by sand particles in strong wind.

Gradualism vs cataclysm
Regular photo-decay has a more uniform look to it, while this looks much more irregular. Too bad stone is so hard to interrogate.

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like the canadian before me says, the stone has irregular decay. Also look at the areas of the statues they are totally fine. If it would be the sun, wouldnt it make sense that the other parts would also be eroded?

>everyone would be horrified and want to ban the nuclear industry.
what? why would anyone want to ban her majesty's nuclear industry?

It's an impossible theory for those of you who still believe the mainstream idea of human history. Fact is, there was a gargantuan flood around 12.5 thousand years ago which wiped out all coastal civilization and a great deal of mega-fauna on multiple continents. If this happened to us today, a civilization 13 thousand years from now would be thinking the same thought as you.

that's not burning either, it's just enrichment of the outerlayer with various oxides brought by the moisture.

>Nuclear power litteraly splits dimensions apart and creates ripple through time and space,
only if you're a retard, not all is bad, liquid salt reactors

the pyramids where basically reactors producing electricity

moisture? in the desert?... oxides on stones?

All of my Whats

you sound like a shill inventing buzzwords

>I don't think

sure you dont

>things stay the same for thousands of years

please just stop, please. Google the word 'entropy'

>i found some google images, science is wrong im right
please actually kill yourself, save a dog

A giant convexed mirror or piece of glass. Have you ever burned ants with a magnifying glass?

The only thing that melted is your brain.

Pseduo-Intellect 'We Wuz Kangs' Nigger!

>Look at this , this was fireburned.
No it wasn't.

>Completely annhilitaed.
Completely not.

>that would mean its part of the big cataclysm happened 12000 years ago. Younger Dries Impact.
That would not.

Just look at earth's topography, it's blatantly obvious that what I say is true. Features such as the "potholes cataract" in the U.S would be absolutely impossible without such an event. The "science" you refer to is controlled, and alternative credible hypotheses are thrown out or shouted down. Lastly, the Irish probably shouldn't be insulting the intelligence of others.

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catapults throwing nuke rocks? the fuck u on op?

hello rato
not spam

And they talk about American Education...


>no one mentions hindu manuscripts mentioning how weapons were used that "cursed" the earth for thousands of years
o well another failed Jow Forums-/x/ thread

>My guess is

Mine is that you're a fucking crazy retard along with the majority of this thread.

>proof of this all over the world

Like remains of reactors or even simple tools beyond stone, and bone? I really hope the fuck people really aren't this stupid. Use your head for something other than a hat rack, asshole.

It wasn't an asteroid that wiped out the planet.

It was a weapon.

OP is right.

Investigate about deformity rates in India. Then you find unexpectedly high radiation rates in some particular places. Then you have the ancient vedas depicting literal nuclear exchange (i.e. Mahabharata) and flying machinery.

It goes way down the rabbit hole. Kikes are manipulating history since they have the power to do so, "official" history is nothing else than a joke


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its 100% certain something cataclysmic happened around 12000 years ago

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