It's been obvious to me for some time that the 'fairness' of a society depends on the integrity of its participants -...

It's been obvious to me for some time that the 'fairness' of a society depends on the integrity of its participants - both those in government and those who live as citizens. Theoretically, an electoral democracy should lend itself to the idea of 'fairness' more easily than a tyrannical dictatorship, but in actuality no amount of legislation will make the 'fairness' of society certain, especially when 'fairness' is not actively sought. Can anyone point me in the direction of literature that develops this notion? Ideally written by political philosophers

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I wanted really to educate myself but it couldn't hurt lol

Replace "integrity" with "whiteness."

you are the real nigger here, it must be said

it's really good. watch the original one though.

Frida kahlo was literally mentally ill.

I'm assuming you mean everyone having the best chance in life. This isn't really want the modern world is about.

it's hard to call him wrong. so few people act on good faith, but that's what makes a society a nice place to live. it's not a cultural norm outside of western nations, which is why western nations are often a cut above the rest. mass migration does not allow people time to assimilate into this culture. even if we assume that every human being is biologically capable of behaving the way we do, they have no reason to assimilate when they're coming in such massive numbers and so quickly.

and how are white americans supposed to feel like they have any stake in their own society if they cannot protect their interests and values? why even get out of bed? it's just a hyper-capitalist rat-race. you're not building anything for you or your people. there's nothing interesting about it, and there's no reason to participate.

so if anyone's still wondering why white males are "checking out of society", it's because this society is useless to them. they don't stand to gain anything by participating in the first place.

I ain't paying $40 for some spic barbie

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i don't even want to participate in this society, much less raise a child in it.

i'd rather join some monestary and make beer and cheese for the rest of my life. i could take a vow of silence and it would still be the same, because most conversations aren't worthwhile anyway. there's nothing to be enthusiastic about. nothing to get excited about.

it's not even capitalism that's depressing, it's the fact that mobility, opportunity, and social success are just an illusion. a carrot on a stick. when anyone with a triple digit iq can tell that the rest of their life is just going to be more of the same. nobody wants to forge their own path, nobody wants to do anything interesting.

a society should be more than the sum of its parts. that's what gives people the drive to participate and find their place. but a heterogeneous, hyper-capitalist society, is no more than the sum of its parts. there's no camaraderie or kinship or common cause. just a bunch of people scrambling to get theirs.

america is dead on its feet. a dead tree will remain standing for many years after its life force has run out.

i totally understand why basedboys exist. who wouldn't want to pretend they're somewhere else doing something else.

i've wondered why women don't play many video games. both men and women get addicted to drugs. but very few women actually seem to enjoy video games. and i have a theory: their role in society has never been compromised or denied to them. they have no need for pretending they're somewhere else doing something else. they have no need to "unlock achievements". they don't need to trick their minds into thinking they're fulfilling their natural role.

video games, for males, are the platonic equivalent of a realdoll.

of course, when they are eventually derided and denied even this small satisfaction, their minds break. they go haywire because nothing in their life is satisfying.

Frida kahlo anime when???

I hope you are still here. OP in. I agree with your sentiments, despite the fact we live in different countries. Something I have realised, though, is that there are things worth living for. There is still beauty in the world - beautiful landscapes (your country has many), beautiful people and beautiful experiences. True friendship, and love. These things are real, but you have to work on yourself to obtain them. Also, if your view is as you say it is, the only thing you can do is to do something to change how the world is. Many people will refuse to acknowledge the utter madness that is driving our species into the ground but ultimately, if you are one of the people who sees the world in this way, the only redemption for your life is to do something about it.

basedboys aren't a victim of marketing like Jow Forums says. they're a victim of massive demoralization and societal dysfunction.

Justice Clarence Thomas.

I believe he talks about the need for honest debate to maintain a civil society in this interview.

Also, I disagree with the idea that moral integrity is exclusive to western society. This is simply not true. It is not only white people that have this quality

>Also, I disagree with the idea that moral integrity is exclusive to western society

disagree all you want, but the idea of human rights, freedom of speech, etc. aren't even comprehensible to some people. and the minority of nonwhites who do seem to get it don't often have much luck at impressing these values upon their kinsmen

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>t.don’t know any nonwhites irl

A fair world sounds about as nonexistant as a utopia. Stop fantasizing and spend your time thinking about something more worthwhile.

you're missing the point anyway. common interest is the basis of any functional group, and kinship is the basis of common interest.

when i look at america, i do not see common interests. i see diametrically opposed interests, heterogeneity, demographic changes, a quiet takeover while my own people are distracted by useless partisan bickering. their minds so warped and destroyed that they can't even distinguish reality from fantasy.

whatever essence drove our founders and ancestors to come here and build an entire nation from scratch is long gone.

as if inequality is not the fundamental problem with society today

>as if inequality is not the fundamental problem with society today

look, there will be no such thing as equality until the heat death of the universe. the best we can do is to protect our own interests, because nobody else will.

you can increase equality, inequality has increased in the last 20 years. You can exert an influence over it. Pic from recent thread

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as members of first world nations, we stand to lose more than we stand to gain in attempting to enforce equality on all humanity. this is basic stuff. being non-aggressive and independent is the greatest extent to which anyone should attempt to increase equality. beyond that is pathological altruism, and not a good survival strategy. it could easily be argued that a strategy of non-aggression isn't ideal either.

>it could easily be argued that a strategy of non-aggression isn't ideal either.

actually, it's common sense to most people whose heads aren't bricked by propaganda.

i get the sense that i'm talking to a woman. women don't think in terms of adversarial situations or scenarios. if you put women in government, they'll make all these bad decisions while the (now seemingly devalued) men are figuring out fortnite/DotA strategies, and eventually society as we know it will collapse. is this fair to anyone?

this is why our adversaries love to hire women, effeminate men, foreigners, etc.

anyone without the sense or motive to defend our society from attack.

there's no such thing as a fair fight.

so no, inequality is not a fundamental problem. our degraded sense of identity and purpose is the fundamental problem. demoralization is the problem. being unable to recognize sabotage and subterfuge is the problem.

we're so far gone i just want to say "fuck it" and spend the rest of my days making beer and cheese at a monestary, rather than help feed the beast that killed us.

because what recourse do i have? i can either die, fall into line, or drop out of society altogether. none of these are very appealing.

The truth is nothing is fair.
Have you noticed, when other people making mistakes and you point it out because it's fucking stuff up for you (losing a check for example and asking them to reimburse you the money needed to cancel it) they get angry at YOU?
Nothing in that is fair, yet it happens in life more often than not.

Adults are just like children. Remember when you were in the courtyard as a 12 year old and understood the rules of the game back then? Nothing was about fairness, it was about who was tough and about some higher authority that could fuck you up (teachers and other admin people of the school).

The real world is exactly the same as when you were in middle school.

There's a big system, it has a defined precise purpose , you have your place in it and it's hard to change it, everything is ruled by power nothing by fairness ever.

>There's a big system, it has a defined precise purpose , you have your place in it and it's hard to change it, everything is ruled by power nothing by fairness ever.

sure, but those people aren't really so tough or smart. maybe compared to the average person they are, but they must have weaknesses and blind spots too. they're just people. they can't be that far out of reach.

>this is why our adversaries love to hire women, effeminate men, foreigners, etc.

it's also why you're a white supremacist if you question the motives behind their inexplicable benevolence. don't any of you get the sense that all these programs that favor women, POC and foreigners are just a little too generous? doesn't it seem odd? i almost feel bad pointing it out.

but i can't even see my adversaries. i can't see the people behind the figureheads.

forget fairness or equality, our adversaries aren't even sporting. they use our own altruism to destroy us from within.