Can anyone explain me the brain behind absolute materialism?

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>aboslute materialism
>the brain
Simple. The Neanderthal Brain. The Jew.

The Jews have turned everything spiritual and distorted words through their pilpul to drag everyone down into a totally physical material realm devoid of spirituality.

how does it work? I can't understand it
I mean even though Jews are more materialistic than other people, there has been always materialists among all people

I can't understand how a person can think only in terms of material
How can someone have no spirituality?
>How can someone have no spirituality?
Because they don't have that fire within them. The spark of creation. The fire that prometheus brought down. They aren't human.

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inherently atheistic paradigm derived from the consequences of giving power to Masonic Kabbalists who faked the moon landing

>How can someone have no spirituality?

>world and universe is an accident
>were just a spec a dust floating through the cold darkness of space
>god doesn't exist
>were just monkeys

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If everyone looked at the big picture of life, we would see the same thing. This simple thing would unite human beings, and we would live in paradise.

Only the truth can stop the wars and make the world the paradise it can be.

Our overbearing minds are like a disease. Like many diseases, it makes us feel bad. The mind, by separating us from true life, does not let us feel nearly as good as we should. The mind prevents us from being unified with life.

We just need a large dose of the truth to cure it and eradicate it from the earth, but we are doing the opposite, and we are doing things that just make us more sick.

The word “apocalypse”means to unveil, not the end of the world.
The meaning of the apocalypse is the opposite of what most people think. It does not mean the end of the world; it means the revealing of hidden secrets.

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Survival and pressure from the environment others doing the same too.

You again you fuckinng shlomo
Reminder that the true difference between white men and niggers is that we have neanderthal genes
Asians have denisovan
Don't listen to this piece of shit

Why are JIDF shills so self conscious about being neanderthals? That's why you hate the goyim so much Shlomo. It's because the goyim have the spark of creation within them. Something you don't possess.

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Because women don't want to have sex with you if you have nothing, people may say "but muh social skills" but this too is materialism because it implies you have some sort of influence over other people(matter)

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You sophistic piece of shit

You didn't disqualify my original statment.
Yes, jews have neanderthal, normal when azhkenazi due to their geographical location. But the same can be said about whites and denisovan were the cousins of neanderthals and asians have it too.
My original statment is that the aryan race is fucking mythical bs, the fact that niggers have no neanderthal is factual. Niggers are not human check your facts. I couldn't say this with ease if not for that. And here you are trying to disqualify it, who is the jew here.
Get better faggot

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I've met some atheists who still had morals and ideals
I've also met Christians who are Christians only because it is a social norm to get more popularity
I personally am agnostic, but I have a worldview which only of my own and I don't care about material pleasure much, even though I enjoy it, I also have spiritual world.
Please, no Christianity/Atheism debate
If you want to have that make a new thread
Most people in America and Europe are materialists
This is interesting, but why are their ambitions only material
Peak materialists are those who say bringing migrants are good for economy therefore it is good (excluding Jews)
I personally think materialists are somewhat cowards, but I can't understand their brain well
No spiritual person can ever be evil and even animals are not totally materialistic

The aryan race are our creators and they are called many names.


and it goes on and on and on.

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The seven deadly sins come to mind.

t.fucking nigger

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Yeah thats what I am saying mythical bs
The claim that superior groups worldwide have neanderthal genes in some ways is not, as factual as 2+2=4

>superior groups
Jews are inferior in ever way

*Superior groups worldwide*
I recognize your ways shlomo.
I know it's you and we've had this discussion before

One possiblity is that they are just NPCs and have no free will
However there have always been materialists in Europe
Even the old plays tell it

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>explain me

Poo detected. Can’t hide behind your meme flag

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It's very telling that the thing Jesus Christ most condemned in the Jews was their carnality. How interesting that in a world dominated by them nominalism, skepticism, and materialism should find such prominence within the public sphere.

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There are people who are "practical"
I some people who want to do only practical stuff, deny all gods because by "logic" etc, but they still have feelings towards to others and don't see the world so I like, I don't
But I also know people who don't get anything that is spiritual, they are just totally immune to do it
They can read some book through and when you talk to them, you can understand they have not understand any meaning out of it and they are just telling it you exactly how it happened
They are just totally fake, they don't deny spirituality or play stupid but they still less spiritual than any other kind of person you can imagine

Meanwhile mods delete SIG

this place is cancer now