have you ever been cucked?
Have you ever been cucked?
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Did he get cucked by a jew?
Oy vey
Who are you noflag?
did trainspotting 2 get jewed or is it as good as the first one?
>9/11 never happened but if it did, it was the jews
I'M STILL ALIVE, choose life.
gas them all
Can someone explain the situation to me, its written in nigger words i cant understand.
How the fuck you can gf a girl who has a husband?
She gushed all over the set as hollywood heartthrob grew and her husband visited
but for real right in the head line Ewan McGregor's GIRLFRIEND'S HUSBAND
His girl friend has a husband of 12 years
He is calling someones wife his girlfriend
Don’t we have her nudes???
>girlfriend's husband
>did trainspotting 2 get jewed
It's not as good as the first but i think it was pretty good tbqh.
Trainspotting 2 was pozzed as fuck, don't bother.
right, i figured it'd be that way. won't waste my time.
>beta numale married qt 18 year old
>she becomes actress, gets decent roles
>she co-stars with Obi Wan
>obv starts fucking him
>divorces hubby and dates him
A black dude once had sex with my gf and I am okay with it.
before or after you?
>that fucking headline
Quintessentially reddit.
Couldn’t even bring myself to finish it
he's canadian. during
It was ok. Worth watching.
Don't you need a girlfriend or someone to get cucked
>have you ever been cucked?
i was 19 and dropped my gf at a guy friends place for a "get together", she fucked him and came back to my place after
I was dumb as shit and it irreversibly altered my view of women.
If you pay taxes you already have been