Feel good thread

In Germany migrants often stand in front of cars looking menacingly at the driver/occupant extorting them for money. The Germans are such cowards that they roll down the window and surrender their money.

This time the migrant shit happened upon a car with 3 Polish dudes in it. Top kek ensues, webm related.

Also, pay attention to the confident smile he has, when slapping the hood, turning into a confused expression when people get out of the car to confront him for once.

Attached: polish gentlemen welcome an african guest.webm (636x360, 855K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Video, if you want to hear the mandatory KURWA.


Bulgarians are even better
>drive through Bulgarian border
>officers target non Europeans and use tools to check every inch of their car making them wait for fuck knows how long
>we drive by to get checked
>he smiles says thank you and let us through

based polacks

Attached: 1537640729661.jpg (332x298, 21K)

lmao, should have run him over after too

Based, so happy to hear that and I mean it. Our police and border guards are pretty redpilled on the shitskn menace.

Attached: refugees welcome!!!.png (631x1791, 928K)

isnt this shit old
and this doesnt happen in the north-east
only w*st cucks allow this

Attached: 1537027338954.webm (640x1136, 577K)

Old, but good

kek, based

who recorded it?

Some bystander, prolly a Swede


My good friends are Poles. One very young (20 I'm 38) grill is especially good to me, and I to her.
Whatever anyone says poles have been out with me here dozens of times and I never once saw any of them be anything but good fun out clubbing.

Attached: IMG_7365.jpg (950x560, 43K)

just kill them, there is not a single downside to killing them all

I never seen what you are talking about. Where do these migranrs stand? Berlin?

that or some w*stern part

>In Germany migrants often stand in front of cars looking menacingly at the driver/occupant extorting them for money. The Germans are such cowards that they roll down the window and surrender their money.

Bullshit, such shit never happens in Germany. And if, we would most likely drive over them.

>Bullshit, such shit never happens in Germany. And if, we would most likely drive over them.
not in the west

>Based Bulgarian OP
>Based Poles

Fuck The German Cucks

mostly in Berlin and the western parts, especially at the outskirts of the city, they are obviously not doing it in the centre

>not in the west
I am from the west and i can assure you such shit never happens here.

Fuck britbongs, the race traitors of the worst kind and biggest kucks seen on the planet.
How is it today, have you taken your weapons license for your kitchen forks and spoons today?
Did you get jailed for pointing out muzzies raping white girls?

it's getting pathetic

Attached: 15314123512.jpg (1204x1709, 92K)

Originally i am from Berlin and suchshit never happend there.
And neither the region i live now in has such problems (south west Germany).

Just a nontopic issue. Totally virtual.

You and your anime shit is pathetic. Nothing more.

the ruse was all along to trick shitskins into thinking all white people are the same, then they confront eastern europeans in person and hilarity ensues.

remember where you are newfriend

Attached: (You).png (775x372, 58K)

*dabs on the german flag*
fuck you!

Attached: 1535653513181.jpg (1600x1200, 213K)

I'm on Jow Forums since it was started, but i still don't like anime. So what.

They are stealing all of our highwayman and brigand jobs.

Attached: IMG_5992.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Attached: nigguh.jpg (500x698, 356K)

>Having a negroid subhuman stand in your way while driving
I wish a nigga would, I could kill one and claim dindunuffins.

Attached: eurosim18.jpg (573x799, 423K)

Very interesting behavior. He seems to be trying to construct some form of a basic shelter

Attached: Poland Nigger Shithole.jpg (461x388, 85K)

Attached: 1537228234708.gif (480x250, 491K)

Bullshit, I heard all German women are whores and when they see a refugee on the side of the street they have to immediately surrender to the BBC.

Attached: shitttt.png (807x935, 196K)

Gorillas among us

Attached: 1519647264531.png (586x586, 348K)


Attached: 4590456860.jpg (367x451, 27K)

always the westcucks

you put a lot of work in it hans
widać napracowanie

Gorillas in the midst

Ayyy that stupidfied mouth agape nigger look. That quick Polish fist takes him down before he can even react. I hope he died

Attached: 20180922_233320.png (1080x1447, 1.25M)

Yes you fucks, i triggered you. Look how many responses i have got.

You realise you make this feel-good-thread look like a Soviet group-hug though, do you not?

As for you, I don't know why anyone would go spreading rumors about us being easy to rob in your migrant country (It is very confusing) but if you really thought this shit works on us any better than on the Poles I have to disappoint you. Neither the blacks nor the rest of you try shit like this more than once if they know what's good for them.


>Neither the blacks nor the rest of you try shit like this more than once if they know what's good for them.

Attached: 1515441252321.jpg (682x450, 82K)

Attached: 1537032004922.jpg (550x441, 356K)


Yeah keep telling yourself that. None of that stuff is real, your women and children are perfectly safe, you are fine. No one is robbing you, there are no africans and muslim shits roaming your streets.

>your face when

Attached: 1474815490915.png (1080x1084, 1.54M)

The naked nigger with the broken chair on the street is not doing it for looting carowners on their money, but bef´cause he got trouble because of something were wrong with his ID-papers. He chimped out (like niggers use to chimp) and got arrested by the police a short time after these pictures were taken.

But some idiots here think he was looting easy german victims. Not happening. And i can tell all of the other idiots here, i would have ran over this nigger.

Wtf, I love Bulgaria now.

aren't you shitskin rape babies though?

Attached: 220px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png (220x147, 2K)

>And i can tell all of the other idiots here, i would have ran over this nigger.
dont forget to post video on /pol

>Yeah keep telling yourself that.
Cornered dog barks the loudest Bulgarian bro

Attached: reichcuckibrahimbody.jpg (673x579, 71K)

Not according to science :^)

Attached: not turkic 3 - Copy.jpg (1848x1180, 465K)

Haha based, you actually keep evidence saved. Good man, I like Bulgaria now. Mila Rodina or whatever

Attached: Leigh_Brackett.jpg (355x320, 17K)


Attached: Flag_of_bulgarian_national_minority_in_Serbia.gif (432x216, 10K)

based polish grandpa defends the uk on behalf of the anglos

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-22-23-44-23.png (1920x1080, 973K)

I mean, how long can you keep your hand in the sand while the evidence is EVERYWHERE around you, It has to be wilful ignorance.

Attached: everything is fine.png (1002x1461, 348K)

Cheers m8s


top kek, head*

Based grandpa desu

Attached: DKkWvH4XoAALWl3.jpg large.jpg (398x219, 18K)

Citation needed, faggot.

>Cornered dog barks the loudest Bulgarian bro

Attached: Polish Whore With some of her Cock Niggers.jpg (720x927, 80K)

it's not wilful. it's brainwashing.

what are you, like a "based german"?

i'm gonna call you unicorn from now on, cupcake.

Look out of the window, I am sure some afghani has a citation for you

Fair enough. That guilt (((they))) managed to instill in western europeans is disgusting.

Found the nigger.

>I heard
>Gets his info from shitposts on Jow Forums

I presume not all Leafs are as retarded as you are, because I'm not a moron who swallows fake news hook line and sinker.

>lemme just post an image of a polish girl taking a picture with a bunch of monkeys that are not common in eastern europe, that means she was gangbanged by them haha got em

I really like this image

Attached: unconquered1.jpg (1500x842, 195K)

fucking coalburners

Attached: coalburner.jpg (859x484, 113K)

How about the DAILY news of rape, murder, theft, etc.? It's those pesky asians, eh?


Attached: Polewhores Love Niggers.jpg (1574x1046, 231K)

pic related is a fucking pole whore

where did you start Jow Forums

who the fuck cares, some years ago.

Attached: For Blood And Soul, For Drugs And Oil.jpg (768x1024, 169K)

There's no way that's real

to be fair he could get the MT-LB but not a Hind, nope

It's real

lol, pic related

Attached: refugees welcome .jpg (3248x2964, 3.07M)

I mean, how could Germans look at this and still deny there is a problem?


Attached: rape 07 2016.jpg (1841x2601, 2.3M)

kys you degenerate normie

Cuckmarny it truly cucked.
These kind niggers should given a one way ticket to the bottom of the Mediterranean sea.

>Look at this one coalburner! Got em
Please kill yourself. I am being very sincere

They are brainwashed bro you have to understand most german boys will have jewish ladies for public school teachers and they will drill them with the holocaust all day for most of their lives into adulthood and then they are weak spiritually from losing Christianity and then they have no clubs no friends who do anything productive like hunting and most of them live all their lives in the city.
They do not even know their country other than "in the past you were evil".

Attached: 1535707561028.png (1200x800, 158K)


Gotta brush up the background knowledge, I mistakenly believed there hadn't been as much proliferation of the gunship as there has

We don't deny the problem, the huge majority of Germans just gets deluded by (((mass media))).
If people to the full extend should know what's happening, we would have a civil war and a purge this night.

Fuck, how can they be saved? Is it at all possible?

>and then they have no clubs no friends who do anything productive like hunting

I grew up playing football outside and roaming the nearby woods with my friends, such good memories.

piss off to reddit you idiot.

there was a video on here recently of a wog walking around a supermarket with his cock hanging out
all the normal people are like wtf
i think it was in germany or maybe denmark or norway
i was waiting for someone to say what happened next or something
i guess it was just a distraction (one wog with cock out, another one stealing stuff)
anyone know the video i mean?

If the statistics are true most of the classrooms for boys in Germany will have Whites as 40-60% of the class. Its just too hard for Germans to make organizations since its frowned upon socially to collectivize as a group of exclusively White people, especially men.

You're giving a bad name to that flag friend

>roll down the window
>grab kebab
>roll up the window
>roll down the window

God's work lads

Absolutely not. But murricans give a bad name to their flag by constantly being arrogant, ignorant and overall stupid.
polefag and bulrariafag talk down on Germany, while themselves are just a bunch of gypsies (bulgaria) and jews (poland)
polish whores get blacked all the time in london and get back with mutted bastards in their arms. But hey, blame the germans for a forced upon mass migration that was started by an american jew named Soros based in the US originating from hungary. Well done.

I don't have that video, but you can have this one where a migrant wipes his ass with his hands and then drinks water from the same hand

Attached: wipes and sips.webm (198x360, 1.5M)

..or this one

Attached: fly like an eagle.webm (204x360, 1.22M)

When I took a train from Frankfurt to Amsterdam, this Persian asshole gave me a ton of shit because I made him take his feet off the only available seat on the train. All of the germans in the vicinity looked like non-confrontational cucks who were trying to pretend that the situation wasn't happening. Fortunately, a based dutch guy was sitting nearby and stuck up for me when a train employee came to see what was happening.