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[YouTube] Chemnitz bleibt deutsch - #wirsindmehr | Laut Gedacht #094

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[YouTube] Fiery speech from AfD's Alice Weidel as she faces Merkel in Bundestag English subtitles Rede

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[YouTube] Gauland Wave: Gaulands wilde verwegene Jagd 汉语单词 (HD)
[YouTube] A F D W A V E - Die "Gendergerechte Begrüßung" feat Steffen Königer AFD (embed)


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Die Deutschen sind ein undankbares Scheißvolk und lieben den Dolchstoß. Habe 2 Jahre lang den deutschen Faden auf Jow Forums groß gemacht und gepflegt und jetzt wo es ein Selbstläufer ist haben die Schwuchteln mich abgesägt mit Hilfe der Moderatoren. Das volle Programm mit Range-Ban und Co. Solche Mistkinder, wenigstens habe ich das komplette Kraut/pol/ Meme Archive als letzte Handlung gelöscht.

Here we go again.

>no Edition
>all jewtube links broken
you had one job

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>can't even bake a thread properly
i hereby will abstain from posting on the weekends here, rather improve upon myself.

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I actually leave my house and volunteer for the local Republican party and socialize and actually make a difference.


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I'm infiltrating the Green Left Marxists right now, and getting them to go full antifa

I also make a difference, because the normies are totally shocked by this and choose Coservative


You madman really did it

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I meme too nigger. And I refer to you as a nigger because that is all that lives in germanistan. So, go get drunk and rape someone.
and here is a pic of your ex.

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Thoughts on the chinks?

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from this point of view the chinks are sympathetic to me again

Drecksmods uezs.

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gn8 bump

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any roman saluting in the near future, krauts? im getting impatient, pls dont tell me it wont happen i got nothing else worth living for

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I'm siding with the Uyghurs on this. Damn China to hell.

jokes on you
my most recent ex is a brunette latina from SF bay area
yeah you heart that right
i put the Bratwurst in the beans

>drink booze and eat pork
imagine the horror

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When it comes to conserving and enforcing your own culture within your own country, chinks are FUCKING BASED

But don't praise them like a friend, they will chinkify you.

my test has always been "if you fuck my sister, can i fuck yours?"

the chinese and japs pass this, so they're ok with me.

How will they ever survive this torture ?

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>pls dont tell me it wont happen
it will happen, but it will be pretty dirty
an Russian German army will be formed who will cleansed all of Europe.

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Schönen Abend noch

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Is he dead?


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Besser als die BRD

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why russian german army?
Do you think the Russians will wait until Europe is Islamized and then there is a European caliphate with nuclear weapons on the doorstep of Russia?

not gonna happen

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>born just in time to witness hordes of young germans wiping the african scourge off their streets

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>I'm siding with the Uyghurs

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This isn't really an achievement, though.


>Die Sächsische Sicherheitswacht wurde am 1. April 1998 eingerichtet. 1999 wurde die Probephase abgeschlossen und der Sicherheitswachtdienst landesweit eingerichtet. Es befinden sich etwa 800 Angehörige der Sicherheitswacht im Dienst, davon sind ein Drittel Frauen.

>Wie in anderen Ländern auch umfassen die Aufgaben der Sicherheitswacht hauptsächlich präventive Sicherheitsstreifen mit dem Ziel der Erhöhung der gefühlten Sicherheit. Dazu ist die Sicherheitswacht im Bereich von öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, öffentlich zugänglichen Gebäuden wie Einkaufszentren und in großen Wohnsiedlungen unterwegs.

>Die Mitglieder der Sicherheitswacht können von den Notwehrrechten Gebrauch machen. Dazu haben sie zusätzliche Befugnisse eingeräumt bekommen. Sie sind ermächtigt, Personen zu befragen und deren Identität festzustellen. Weiterhin sind der Platzverweis sowie die Sicherstellung zum Schutz privater Rechte in den Befugnissen beinhaltet.

>Die Erkennbarkeit der Sächsischen Sicherheitswacht ist durch grüne oder blaue[8]Jacken oder Hemden/Blusen mit der Aufschrift „Sächsische Sicherheitswacht“ gegeben, die Mitglieder der Sicherheitswacht sind zusätzlich mitBOS-Funkausgerüstet und tragen zur Abwehr von Angriffen ein Pfefferspray. Zusätzlich können sie sich durch einen Dienstausweis legitimieren. Sie sind in der Regel zu Fuß unterwegs.

red rat

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>Sächsische Sicherheitswacht

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>Die Ausbildung erfolgt in den zuständigen Polizeidirektionen. Sie umfasst einen Zeitraum von mindestens 50 Stunden und schließt mit einem Abschlussgespräch ab. Der Ausbildungsaufwand wird einmalig mit 154 Euro entlohnt. Die weitere Fortbildung wird durch die Polizeidienststellen organisiert, denen der Mitarbeiter zugeteilt wird. Pro Stunde (monatlich maximal 40 Einsatzstunden) erhält der Mitarbeiter später im Dienst eine Aufwandsentschädigung von 6,00 Euro.

>Ebenso wie in Hessen ist die Aufnahme in die Sicherheitswacht nur bei gesundheitlicher Eignung möglich. Eine Einstellung ist zwischen 18 und 60 Jahren möglich, der Bewerber muss einen Schulabschluss oder eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung sowie einen gutenLeumundbesitzen. Weiterhin muss er die Aus- und Fortbildungen erfolgreich absolviert haben und jederzeit für die freiheitlich-demokratische Grundordnung eintreten.


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people who post this need to be shot
talking shit they don't know anything about
they also started their autistic screeching when PEGIDA-members helped the police to remove sitting counter-protesters
And now their cry because a AfD member is in the saxon Verfassungsschutz

also, isn't Verleumdung and Üble Nachrede a Tatbestand ?

>Erarbeitung von Konzepten im Bereich Innere Sicherheit, Justiz und Datenschutz
sounds like a real threat to our constitution
oy gevalt

>Untergang und Neuanfang

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we must and we will

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The Saxon-Police did nothing against her. So i guess nothing will happen.

Do I actually have to post an image to bump a thread?


Daily reminder to love your neighbours.

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Thanks, Tay, as much as I hate your state principles of egoism, I do find you nice sometimes.


Passend zum Thema übrigens Bömmerfag mit einem Aufruf an die Bömmerfag-Jugend.

nobody can stop us when we stand together

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Jesus... When will he learn that he isn't funny?

That's gay, dude.

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not just gay

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It's okay to be gay

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Kek, I don't care.
Even if she keeps up a selfish shtick and larps about transhumanism, she has done more for this place than those that get mad at her for it.
I mean, it's not hard to do more than average here, but still.
And as stated, I do not agree with the principles - which doesn't matter if in practice those that claim to have better principled don't logistically get a one-up.
Heck, what about the meme-arvhives?
I know deleting them was petty, a little like the faggot BO of 8/pdfs/, but has anyone made new ones?

>two days סld
>not even 1200 likes

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go be a faggot somewhere else

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Sleep well, ladds, I can#T even type proberly anmore.

>but has anyone made new ones? No
As far as I know, there are new ones.

Ah, okay then, I stand corrected.
Are we at least using a booru this time around?

>I can#T even type properly anymore.
That's where the fun begins, dude.


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>Are we at least using a booru

Indeed, the dutch make good cheese, but I doubt anybody ITT hates them.

Fucking hell.
Why the fuck not?
It can even have tags, why the hell would we surrender that functionality upon the fact that they don't (((downsize and compress))) your images to (((.jpg))).

Nod realyy, finger fugged and benis in brain :DDD

Any good german movies/series with english subs i can watch? I've been into learning some german but not gotten far enough to have casual conversations yet

remember kids
>gefühlte Sicherheit


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Wenn sie doch nur recht hätte...


>good german movies/series
Not much good there, our media is fucked since 1945.

>Why the fuck not?
Idk. It was made very provisionally. But the most obvious explanation is that this guy was just a retard.

it sounds like "gefühlter Reichtum" ....

Drunk shitposting on Jow Forums is best, bro :D

Old Movies or new ones?

too early, and a real program is missing

Well, then I have found a little Berufung to follow.
I have to check if tags on booru can be so easily destroyed and removed, though.

Pretty much every movie ever made is available in a dubbed german version, no need to pick one produced in Germany

I don't get drunk, that's /d/egenerate.
Wanna have a giggle?

Preferably newer since i want to pop some popcorn and have a beer to it. But older one works for later occasions

the funniest thing i find is how she wants to bring migrants together with muslims
the russians hate muslims more like we hate them, we do not need to start from the polish czechs and so on

just kek

If you want to laugh at hillariously bad special effects, I recomend Raumpatroullie Orion.

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Thanks i will check it out


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It's not really a German Movies,but it is in German and has eng.subs youtube.com/watch?v=xww9C-CwZXE
If you want an old Movie look for "Mein Leben für Irland" on Jewtube.

Orion is Kino.And older than Raumschiff Entenscheiss btw.

Hey Tay, how are your chinese lessons?

Anyway, there are many decent german dub movies/series.
Not sure about swedish subs, but english subs are available for most.
>there are no nations anymore
>everyone is white and speaks german
currently rewatching it
But Star Trek TOS "patterns of force" is based.

I made little progess, had not much time recently due to work and other stuff.

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Don't like my shitpost?
I find it hilarious that there is actual bowsertrannyporn regardless, though.
This side made me keke the most, though, it has literally everything, lol:
Sadly, it doesn't really hold true to the rule, it's nowhere near as obscure in what it contains.
Maybe I don't know how to use it.


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Thread dead?
