How the fuck is it legal to sell this?

How the fuck is it legal to sell this?

God knows the long term side-effects!

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You have free agency to choose not to buy it.

Don't fucking drink it then.
You can't ban everything because stupid assholes exist.

Because of its addictive nature and successful marketing, it makes billions of dollars.

Now it is too late to turn back.

*Sip* aah...
Listen here you commie bastard I didn't fight in Vietnam just so some millennial twat would ban my favorite beverage. If you don't like it maybe you should move to North Korea you left wing millennial pussy. TRUMP 2020

Meet me at the dumpster leaf bitch.

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more like 'why is it illegal to sell anything?'

Dont tread on me

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'why is anything illegal to sale'. there I fixed it

What exactly is so bad about it?

The same reason they let your shit colored skin into Canada in the first place

Uh, it's caffeine, amino acids, vitamins, ginseng, and sugar alcohol derived from pears. What's the problem? The only thing wrong I can see is the citric acid etching your tooth enamel or drinking more than a couple a day for years on end and getting nerve damage from too much Vitamin B6.

You're only supposed to sip it retard.

Don't touch my sips reeeee

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Too soon dude holy fuck have some respect

>he doesn't drink 1200% US RDA of Vitamin B12 every day

Get a load of this vagina.

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Same reason we sell cigarettes faggot.

>leaf posts pic of hand
>is dirty ass arab hand
just goes to show that all leafs here are fucking turds

>big scary chemical names
>it must be bad for you!
get out of here jill stein

Wash your fucking hands sometimes, fucking skunk faggot.

Reminder that real polsters don't drink sodas aka cancer in a can or good goy foods
Kys I'd rather snort coke every day than take that shit

I drink like 4 of these a day on average for the last 5 years. I don't think I've gone a day without an energy drink since I was 16 and that was 9 years ago.

How fucked am I, Dr Jow Forums

Your teeth are probably decaying from all the sugar, you'll turn bald before your 40s and more

do you live on a toilet? how the fuck can you drink 4 of those a day

All the abusive energy drinkers Ive met were no better than actual popheads

Buy a bottle of caffeine pills. Each one has as much as a can of energy drink, but it costs way less and doesn't have all the extra garbage.

He probably eats constipation inducing gamer food.

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I go to the dentist regularly (adult with braces, so I see one once a month). I have not had a cavity since I was 13 and he says my teeth are in perfect condition.
It's pretty easy. They're smooth

just don't drink it, dumbfuck


Or ephedrine if you're not cucked by your state
In the US you cant get ephedrine but in canuck land you can in any supplement store

There are many studies on Panax ginseng


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Basically caffeine + it boosts the shit out of your cardio so much so that I use it as cold medicine

I have also drank (on average) 2L of Diet Soda a day since as early as I can remember. I can't remember the last time I drank just water.

>(adult with braces,
Post pics im almost hard now

>God knows the long term side-effects!
Any pharmacologist could tell you.
Possible hypertension risk increase, that's all. Sitting on your ass working in an office is far more damaging to health.

It’s literally a vitamin B shot, and yes erythritol is a naturally occurring phenomenon ala “sugar alcohol”. People are mindless idiots, it’s literally carb free since sugar alcohols leave the body 90% unchanged, so it doesn’t even effect blood sugar levels at all.

I'm a man but here you go. I drink 4 monsters and 2-4L of soda a day

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Shut up and drink it, nigger.

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this but unironically

jesusu christu
it's literally heath food already...

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You should shave and put a wig on.

Dad we don't drink that anymore
(the yellow one of these is the best tasting energy drink on the planet)

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Fuck you and fuck Aaron Howard

Drink it, it's good for you boy.
Nothing melts the panties off a woman like the sight of a man drinking a Monster™

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nice bro are those a special kind of braces they look neater than usual, i was looking at getting the gold ones but they're costly here

Realtalk. I used to sip 3 or 4 of those a day for many months, I felt progressively bad, tired, headaches, spinning head, etc. it was getting very bad.

At some point a friend of mine who sipped as much as me had a FUCKING STROKE at 30 years of age. It scared the fuck out fo me and I stopped sipping. Took a lot of willpower, but I was scared for my life.

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just drink it and get energy, faggot. are leafs afraid of winning?

stop hanging out with pussies and drink more sips problem solved

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>350mg of caffeine
Without 200mg+ of l-theanine, this might as well be water.
Listen you dickheads. If you want energy, do speed. If you REALLY want energy, do meth. Also with l-theanine. And magnesium too.

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>that 600% b12
is it even adsorbed?
its really not that bad. there is junk food that is way worse. and stuff like wonder bread is twice as bad because its just as chemical but people dont think of it as junk food.

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i'll never drink that shit.
but break down the wrongness as if i was about to.

What part of that have you determined to be unhealthy and how?

There's actually a lot of different type of braces noawadays depending on what's fucked up with your teeth. I'm wearing them to fix crowding and a cross bite. One year in about 6 months left. The top set is currently trying to push my upper teeth back into my mouth to fix a gap that formed in between my two front teeth.

The weird spikes are for the bands which are to fix bite problems.

t. B12let

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Never had to wear that shit and I have a colgate tier smile
What your life could have been if you had better genes

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Post teeth or gtfo

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Dude what the fuck

The official drink of faggot liberals.

who the fuck would drink this shit?

Those hands are huge

NPCs don't have agency

hahahahahahahahahaha good meme


>real polsters
hmmm. back you go

You're asking too many questions boomer goyim

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>I drink 4 monsters and 2-4L of soda a day
degenerate. you need Jow Forums

I bet you feel wonderful, never bloated and have no depression or weight issues. kek. thats not fucking healthy at all. Diet soda is no better for you than the regular shit thanks to substitute sweeteners and chemicals.

Yes (Japanese Monster cans are 355ml / 35cl.)

are you obese?

Damn he a manlet

Then it's a self-correcting problem.

Nope. I have never had a problem gaining or losing weight either

Some of those ingredients sound like rocket fuel or something...yikes!


Yes goy spend 6 dollars on a cup of coffee that will make you fat and gay with 3 times the amount of caffefine and all the profit goes to israel

>Dude, chemicals I don't recognise are bad for you
So woke

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Caffeine doesn't make you poop. Its the other ingredients in coffee

You can get ephedrine in the US. It's in Bronkaid

How's that bad?

wow, you're lucky. though i wouldn't want to risk it happening at 40-50.

Man, look at all that vitamin content.
I may start drinking this instead of taking my multivitamin.

The real question is why is any substance illegal to ingest? Fuck off out of my personal decisions, faggot.

You kids just dont know it. The taste of a Monster beverage is like a sugarfree Coors. It's like drinking a liquid 401k plan. It will put hair on your chest.

Whatever is takes, right babe?

I recommend Emergen-C immune+. Drink it with a nice functional stimulant and you can't go wrong.

>brown hand

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ikr bleach isn't illegal to consume so neither should anything else

boomers are immune to its effects

zoomers? not so much, but they're invulnerable to onions and smoothies

You thought "sips" were just a meme? If you want to drink this stuff all the time and not die, you gotta sip on it to drag a can out for longer.

and it fizzes...

A root canal is in your near future. It’s like a suppository, but in your mouth. I won’t be gentle.

This so fucking much, just like literally everything else sold that is bad for you.

we got free monster and red bull at work, i love them