Is this reddit? Do we now unironically believe that voting matters?
Isaac Ramirez
>the left can't meme
Jordan Rodriguez
Trump is old guy >you will never be President you wont even win a state i doubt it >you will never build a wall and Mexico will never pay for it i doubt it >the markets will crash under your leadership and you cant just end nafta i doubt it >you cant just grab women by the pussy you go to jail for that i doubt it
William Long
>2016 election just didn't happen You have to go back.
Caleb Ramirez
Being a little bit sensitive over a metaphor aren't you?
Half naked homosexual trailer park losers are now Jow Forums's two idols after they willing chose to wander around in an ally that isn't theirs armed with guns and murdered a person. For shame.
Cooper Sanchez
It's probably going to be really easy for any half competent defense team to get them out of this.
The video evidence will play a huge part in it.
Even if you say they were on public property, it's still legal to have a gun on you for self defense in every goddamn state.
With this in mind, consider also that the two men repeatedly gave warnings and didn't try to get closer to him. A case can be made for standing your ground. You don't turn your fucking back to an armed assailant and run away. He could attack you then, retard.
Meanwhile, the orange shirt retard repeatedly threatened to kill them and approached them with a baseball bat.
Not their responsibility. They tried to deescalate the situation with repeated, unambiguous warnings. They are entitled to preserve their lives if they feel threatened. This isn't fucking Europe where you have to let someone beat you up and wait for the police to arrive.
With that all said, these hicks look like inbred retards so I almost want them to go to prison. I just don't want this to sent a 2A precedent.
Take a good look folks, this is how fucking desperate the left is. >HURR THE ORANGE GUY IS BLRUMPF AND HE GOT KILLED SO THAT MEANS WE WILL WIN Goddamn that's fucking pathetic.