Whatever Bernie wants

How do you go from this

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...to this?

Thoughts on Bernie Geotz

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he saved western culture for a decade or more.

He was made an example of, so no one dare follow in his footsteps.

quick rundown without making me jewgle?
redpill me on this guy

Goetz is the blueprint for Falling Down.
Got sick of being hassled and robbed by niggers on the train, so one day he stopped them, and it was fucking GLORIOUS.
Bernard Goetz is worth your time to Ixquick or DDG.
Never Jewgle, user.

can someone tell me what happened with this guy i know he shot 4 teenagers in the subway in jew York in the 80s that's about it

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Daily reminder that Goetz's actions drew so much national attention to how dangerous New York City's subways were that the city invested millions of dollars to clean up the criminal element, making it a fairly safe system. The only reason the NYC subway is now ridable by normal humans is because of Bernie Goetz.

Also, Bernie got raped in civil court. Jewish lawyers on all sides.

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He was a fucking scared basement dwelling incel before it was hip. Jumps 10 feet in the air at the THOUGHT of seeing a black person, so he goes out and shoots 4 teenagers. Fuck that dude. Doesn’t he like try and raise pigeons or squirrels now or something? Shockingly, his personality seems to clash even with those in the animal rescue community. Gee who ever saw that one coming?

just read the wiki


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sounds like /one of you/ for sure

lmao the guy has a website and ran for "public advocate" in 2005

I guess that's when he got indoctrinate into the weird left


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the dude has pet squirrels

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user, we’re talking about Bernie Geotz not Bernie Sanders. Try to keep up

>Niggers should be able to harass and rob random people without consequences.

kill all blacks

>incel basement dwellers should be able to roam the streets and murder people at their own discretion

The thing about the Bernie Geotz story is literally nobody involved was right. Not him, not the kids. It doesn’t have a “good guy” or “bad guy”, it’s just sad. It’s remnicient of the recent Texas mattress shooting that’s been posted about here for days. Everybody involved was bad. But then again he was still an incel loser, so fuck that guy

>you don’t look so bad
>here’s another

Nothing bad about protecting your family from a bat wielding, meth smoking litterbug.

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>But then again he was still an incel loser, so fuck that guy

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standing up against injustice and violence then
standing up against injustice and violence now
vegetarianism/veganism is the logical consequence of having a value system that isn't totally fucked up

This article needs to be fixed.

>After shooting at four young unarmed black men on a Manhatten subway train last December, Bernhard H. Goetz a white man said to one of them, "you don't look so bad, here's another," and shot the young unarmed black man again, according to a police report made public yesterday.
>The report, a summary of statements Mr. Goetz, a white man, made to the police in Concord, NH, when he returned there Dec 31, said that after he had fired a shot at the four young unarmed black men, he "checked" their condition. The first three unarmed young black men who were shot were lying on the floor of the subway train.
>He say the forth unarmed young black man "half sitting, half on a bench." the report said

Would attest to his intentions