Are cartoons the real cause of the onions face?

Are cartoons the real cause of the onions face?

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Cartoons always did that. One of the causes of basedboyism is conflating reality with fantasy. You always see it with sjws: the comparisons of Trump to Voldemort and Hilary to Daenarys. They're so indulged in their world of fiction that they end up believing excessive sharing is caring, that everybody will get along, that you can be a kid forever, and we're all human in the end no matter if you're Joe Everyman or the imam who believes that infidels should be dead.

>conflating reality with fantasy.
Hmm.. That would make sense. Especially since i've seen some sjw types repeat the old 'violent video games make you violent' rhetoric unironically.

Just posting the oldie but goodie.

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No, weak men trying to emulate women is the cause

Fuck yourself goy boy

Bitches need some Bionicle

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I was never able to fully grasp exactly what they were thinking with that particular generation.

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If cartoons could influence behavior like that then we'd be seeing more people running like Naruto in real life.

You do, but it's the more outlier type of autist that does that. Especially to lunch in high school.

Mario doesn't deserve to be there

>Teenagers beat Voldemort by disarming him
Thats not even how it happened.

Mostly yes

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How many times has he gone to extreme lengths, overcome insurmountable obstacles and faced unspeakable dangers just to rescue his waifu?

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And yet he never actually gets any action from her because he's just a white knight soiboi, and Peach is too busy thinking about the next time Bowser will "kidnap" her so she can enjoy that big koopa cock.

He got some from Pauline.

spongebob is based

Pauline's a tranny

I actually want to strangle this soft mass of gormless blubber.

These bug-eyed freaks are literally flaring up latent psychopathy in me.

That sounds like an awful lot of projection on your part, mate.

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His daughter is going to star in porn and get paid fuck all.

Shit, you caught me. I actually can't get enough koopa kock myself.

He'd probably forgive everyone involved in that.

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He'd probably fucking encourage her to do it.
He'd probably encourage the black dude who fucks his wife to be the male lead.

Of course he would, the future is female after all.

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>read the hunger games and 1984
>both take place in a distopian world where people can't own guns
>want to take everybody's guns anyway
Ether they missed the point of what happens when to take the power to revolt from the people or they want it to become real

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>cartoons the real cause of
Correct. Cartoons are the cause of the majority of deviant issues with people. Humans love to emulate cartoons. All art should be modestly moderated.

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They like fantasy so much because the modern fictional characters are able to dominate amongst others without putting in any other effort or factoring in the truth that there are differences in genetics that makes groups better at certain things at other.

Remember, women are able to beat entire militaries because she was blessed by "God" aka the writer of said propaganda. It's also why these faggots think they're hot shit.

based american bro

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why arent people talking about the googly eye crazy stare trend getting pushed by fags.
Its noticable on asmr videos. .they are even satirising it.

its basically wide eyed usually dark eyed and photoshopped crazy stare thumbnails.
Its like oddball behaviour is deliberately being encouraged.

The Piraka are Anti-Toa essentially, a bigger badder group of villains for the "new" Toa to fight.

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its caused by submission user

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