Now I swear I saw this on here before he tweeted it? Can anyone confirm?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes we made it but that doesn't mean he got it from here
Still nice to see the good work that is done here gets around :-)
** Woods** not Wood.
He's retweeted tons of right-wing people, I'm sure he gets the memes from them.
Or maybe he comes here, he's got shit else to do since Hollywood blacklisted him.
He's a goy boy
Yes Mr Journo. The meme came from here.
No we can't tell you where he ultimately got it from: here; facebook; DM; email
But you'll just print what you like anyway, won't you?
stop spamming zionist garbage
>shriveled up old fuck on 4Chins
Seriously no one cares.
You right now. Pic related
cry more faggot
1.7 million twatter followers. Someone cares.
Why WOULDN'T he be here? He's intelligent after all.
Scott Adams said that meme is an absolute killer and could have a real effect on the midterms
no he didn't take it from here
Christ man, why with the pics.. Im no fap day 12..
no fap is a meme, you're only hurting yourself
Oh Yes, I did ! #INSTABLOCK
Nah, nothing is hurting.. Im still making love to my wife regularly. Just not fapping to porn. It's positive.
jfkdasl;jfkldj;sfod;ajfioejwfeiwjfefjdkkcn,njkdfnjdakfa no
40 More here too:
40 more here too:
Blank to make your own.
I fucking love that man's voice, or maybe it's the way he presents it.
Hades as this really powerful, but highly strung maniac was great. So was the CIA agent in San Andreas.
absolute genius teir
Bro you gotta get over that bullshit. If no fap is so hard for you that a pic on a screen sets you off then your doing it all wrong. Have some will power and stop being a triggered little basedboy faggot.
is OP james woods?
Every day, guarantee it. I’ve seen him fire off pissed off tweets that mirrored my level of irritation on days when this board was being raided by shareblue and the like, and Hollywood user said there are a whole bunch of high profile actors that are all but addicted to this place.
Dude is one of us, through and through. Wish we had a hundred more just like him, but being outspoken on that level is a death sentence if you’re a functioning actor. Most of them are likely just too scared to say anything.
That bitch is ugly
James Woods is an T_D poster
nice plausible deniability, james
nice, it looks so good because the democrats would use a mutt like that too
His account got locked.
OP is a liberal journalist trying to get us to do opposition research for her
he's old and washed up so he'll fit in here just right
Funny how that tweet sounds nothing like him. Funny how it sounds exactly like a jew, too.
It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart to see him tweet the picture of the socialist woman making the "ok" hand sign along with the caption of "Oops" like I did when I reposted it here.
go away cernokike
I got that photo from Twitter; however I do love you gentlemen, I visit often.
Does seth pay you or is he bankrupt and injecting meth?
>Now I swear I saw this on here before he tweeted it?
Good oc percolates out through the internet. Much like Kevin bacon, we are always less then 7 degrees of separation from everyone on earthing having that meme.
I don't know what the fuck I was spelling there, but I apologize.
I think James Woods needs to make a s o i bo y Meme. Someone send him a N64 Classic system so he can pose with it. They can't ban that lol.
(Mini N64 coming this Winter)
Good larp. Not.
>Can anyone confirm?
Are you Jewish?
Does he know that he's been knighted on Jow Forums?
Please respect his title, it's Sir James.
>shriveled up old fuck
Did you enjoy that recent film about men in tights, faggot?
Trump curse back fired
James Woods watches Anime and participates in /ptg/ threads daily