>be a white nationalist
>have black friends
Anyone else know that feel?
>be a white nationalist
>have black friends
Anyone else know that feel?
It means you have a blacked porn fetish and want you nigger friends to fuck your oneitis in front of you.
>have black friends
Yes actually. He hates blacks more then I do. Thomas Sowell type of black. Raised his kids correctly, and now both of them are based. He is still married to his wife of 35-40 years. Both of his kids are married STILL and they take care of their own kids. They are great people. His nickname is Jimbo for fucks sake.
It is pretty much the situation that Jow Forums says is impossible.
I have never met any other black like him, though Sowell or Tommy Sotomayor seem similar in disposition.
nothing wrong with that. Jews hate the idea of us being friends.
I hope you keep your retardation to yourself user and if you are a white nationalist how the fuck did you get black friends
tfw Hapa with white friends
>It means you have a blacked porn fetish and want you nigger friends to fuck you
having a black friend is identical to letting him breed your wife. don't be a cuck, drop the niggers from your life.
nope. they have grating personalities and are often very rude. not good people generally.
>have black friends
>have friends
You don't have black friends, you idiot. You are a victim in waiting.
Men dont need friends, fuck off soiboi
Redpill your black friends against zog nazifag
I know that feel user! Even if I'm not WN just fascist and against race mix.
>tfw i hate nogs and have black friends
>Inb4 muh Brazilian mutt
>anyone else?
I've tried being open to making black friends, and I always get pissed at their niggerishness even if they're educated, hard working, decent people. They still let the nigger slip out of them sometimes.
No, I don't. Because I don't associate with the lower classes.
>frequents weeb NEET pedophile website
I do not associate with niggurs
>Ein reich, Ein Volk, Ein Absenden
Who says you can't have friends of different ethnicities and be a nationalist?
You don't know what it means to be nationalist do you?
how old are you to be in this petulant place you glowing nigger, this is miserable, even for intel, get a real life
>be american white nationalist
>american white nationalist
>american white
ethnic nationalism doesn’t exist in america you mutt
Sulla with a nose?
Pffft only loosers have friends.
This 10000%
I would have to be a massive asshole to not have black "friends".
Have to admit it only strengthened my racism.
>how old are you to be in this petulant place you glowing nigger, this is miserable, even for intel, get a real life
Jewish canadian Shill detected, but No, I am not a glow in the dark nigger at all. I am just telling you what I witnessed one time. He bought the home across the street from my parents as a retirement home. He is a great neighbor, and a great person. It is the only time I have ever met one like that.
How old am I is irrelevant also. I am older then most but am just a Gen-X if that is a good point of reference. I myself have 20 years of marriage under my belt, and a number of kids....some who may be older then you.
>He bought the home across the street from my parents as a retirement home.
Have/had black/mix-race co-workers. The fact they are childish, irresponsible and psycothic kinda prevents me from forming any meaningful bonds. Then again my experience with friends that turned out to be gay is worse. They invariably show how leftist and degenerate they are.
I have come to seriously hate gays. They are fucking degenerate. One even admitted to being attracted to a friend's 10 year old daughter despite being gay. They all seem to have serious mental and emotional issues.
>He bought the home across the street from my parents as a retirement home.
It was a 300k home with top notch gardens.
The black people with whom I am even remotely willing to interact are normal people that are privy to nigger culture and actively abstain from it. That said, I still naturally prefer white friends.
Ethnic nationalism is far less retarded than any kind of cultural nationalism. Cultural nationalism is basically no different from civic. There’s not much of a difference between different European ethnicities. As long as you’re 100% European that’s what matters more than anything else
>implying most """whites""" in my country has 100% European genes