Who would win?
Which is the lesser evil?
What do we do?
Jews vs Muslims
china will win while the west tears itself apart. Fucking kikes.
>Who would win?
>Which is the lesser evil?
>What do we do?
Join with jews and kill all muslims
Jews lose if they fight alone. But they won't considering their nature.
can we trust them not to backstab us
muslims are tolerable if you civilize them
Fuck off, kike. You know that Muslims would butcher the kikes and don't have the IQ to subvert us. We took over their countries almost the entirety of the 19th and 20th century.
chinks are dumb. control the dynasty and you control the people.
muslims are messianic talmudic jews, what jews used to be like thousands of years ago as the Sea Peoples union
Depends what muslims or jews you are talking about.
Israel vs Syria --> Israel wins
Israel vs Turkey --> Turkey wins
Israel vs Iran --> Iran wins
Israel vs Iraq --> Israel wins
Israel vs Egypt --> Israel wins
Israel vs Paki/Turkmeni/kurdi/whatever-stan --> Israel wins
tf happened
t. Donlad Drumpf
>civilize them
more or less
hahahaha you never definitely lived in a muslim majority area
that's why you make sure they don't form ghettos
More like Jews and Muslims against Christcuckery
It happened
They both won and the rest of the sain world lost
it's not over till the fat lady sings
>unironically willing to die for the talmud
Except they were in the past, before (((Islam))) took over
>t. Egypt in the 1950s
the commies too
or is there even a difference?
bump because this is just getting interesting
No, (((Communism))) was a cancer from its inception from the anus of (((Mordechai)))
>Who would win?
Jews if the Muslims don't stamp them out fast enough
>Which is the lesser evil?
Usually it's been Jews, but the kikes have become so insufferable lately that I wouldn't mind teaming up with muzzies
>What do we do?
jews kind of already won (israel)
jews are allied with the greatest evil (satan)
Already settled.
Do not be surprised when i send he who is worrse than you to destroy you.
how much damage can a few merchants really do?
I think Israel has a weapon. A virus that'll kill all darkies.
But first they have to get rid of us true whites.
can the jews be civilized at all is the question
woah hold on there Netanyahu
I miss the days when jews and muslims stood together to humble the christian pagans
> christian pagans
>Saint worship
>The Trinity
Keep telling yourselves that you're not polytheists lmao
I have. There is two towns I know in America that are Muslim majority. One is in Iowa and the other in Missouri. I happen to be a Muslim in one of these cities and its perfectly fine. The other one its white Bosniak Muslims living alongside the African Americans and all the Bosniak Muslims I met there dont trust the Blacks.
Bosniak Muslims are white European Muslims and civilized.
As a Muslim my answer is clearly going to be fuck Jews and Muslims are perfectly fine but the whole migrant surge into Europe needs to fucking stop as its just a plot by Jews to turn Europe against Muslims distracting them from the real enemy.
Jow Forums needs to stop falling for the Jew's tricks and stop hating on Muslims long enough to destroy Jews.
they're all supposed to be aspects of or servants of god, not independent gods lol
pagan was what christians called dem polytheists
which (((muslims)))?
Most Bosniaks are non denominal. Most Bosniaks also despise Wahhabi Islam which is pretty much radical Islam.
Within my family its kinda optional to pray 5 times a day but its preferred if you pray as often as you can and just believe at most. We focus more on getting by and on family.
In other words I dont understand what you mean by "which (((muslims)))?"
> this
Idf literally wears diapers because they are so afraid of combat. They can't do anything without the US. Jews completely lack testosterone they are a beta race.
Disagree, Muslims are the lesser evil
A tiger is also more vicious than a Jew but a tiger isn't evil. It's simply following its animal nature.
Jews might have a standing military but alone they face hordes of guerrilla nationalists waging a holy war. If the threat of western retribution didn't linger over the pedophile worshippers the false synagogue of satan would eventually be overrun.
id rather be raped by ahmed than to be dick cut by a kikel
oh wait...
As if kikes dislike them.
Muslims are all talk but every muslim majority, kosovo, bosnia and albania, have their economies based on prostitution, money laundering and drugs.
is that because of the muslims or the kikes tho?
kinda like niggers, vicious but not necessarily out of ideology
>who would win
not realizing these are two sides of the sand nigger coin...
>>Which is the lesser evil?
Islam is only a problem because of the jews+us
In the 70's almost all of the middle east was on the way to becoming secular/liberal. go look at some photos of Iran/egypt/afghanistan etc before the kikes+ their american dogs fucked everything up
>Anonymous (ID: CLeVk96M) 09/22/18(Sat)22:30:13 No.186635388▶
>"true white"