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How the fuck did these old ass grandpas even learn about this autistic LARP? How tdo these crusty dinosaurs even know how to use the internet to access the information?
why the fuck is q shit catnip to boomers?
Erin? ERIN??!! NOOOOOooo!!!!!
papa miller is Q
We're way beyond peak normie
At least they have the sense to own merch celebrating the greatest LARP of all time.
Naw, he was out of breath. Needed that sugary Starbucks drink for energy to fight the great storm, I was not going to interfere.
>The ABSOLUTE state of the right
Aaaa... Aaron?
i laughed for a solid 5 minutes idk why but seeing geezers with pol related stuff is top stuff
My eyes, so much glow
A strong delusion
Anyone got anymore Q pics? need to add them to my collection
gonna dump the ones I have at least
.416 Rigby
They are senile
Daww, even moms are getting involved. Makes me want to phone my mom and get her to join this autistic shit show of a site.
>a-aaron!? aaron?!?
Jesus christ someone buy this man a new hat
this is the worst one because they literally printed out Jow Forums posts and then put them on their car
the rash on his body is from eating too much hog...
I'm 55 and a grandfather
I bet I know more about tech than 99% of you newfags.
last one i got
He's dead user
based and redpilled
holy shit this is cringy af
This is the work of the blathering bugman.
I saw a Q sticker on the back of a car a few months ago.
how the hell did boomers get hooked to Q? seems like an obscure online thing, how do retirees find out about it, then buy into it?
Why are Q followers always disgusting obsolete rural white trash? What do we do with these people? They are obviously useless in the modern economy.
I'm almost sure that the Q thing is a psyop being run by military intelligence. It might even be a person with a high clearance writing the posts (even though much of it is total nonsense, like the "Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter" or whatever). It's probably psychological preparation for a military coup, I am sure the military can see the writing on the wall as to what will happen if a Democratic administration gets power again.
It probably got shilled on one of those boomer talk radio shows or forums.
Q fags are the new neo-cons
or rather the same old boomer evangelical retards
I'm getting my car wrapped in efg now to prove what an old homosexual I am.
Because a deep state conspiracy to ruin the country absolves them of all guilt for voting this country into a shithole.
They know about Q because of this retard
I remember reading the first q user threads and just thought it was a larp, but it got huge and even were telling stories they heard from other people about this, even though I never talked about q user. How did this larp get so far outside of 4can? Lol
Because this kind of trash are the only people stupid enough to publicly advertise that they follow Q.
It's hilarious to see this shit, because the only thing in Canada we have are hats that say "make justin Trudeau a drama teacher again". There is never anything political anywhere ever. Sometimes i wish there was more alienation towards each side of the spectrum.
I always thought Qanon was based on Q from Star Trek. I can't believe people actually believe this shit.
>this is what blumpftards look like IRL
Meanwhile antifa gets all the fashion models and rock stars.
>TFW President Trumps ghosts you.
Why didn't I get a text?
This Q stuff is getting out of hand. I volunteer for the GOP and the party is completed infested with Qcumbers at the grassroots level.
It’s goddamn silly how ironic it is will also confirm that there have been tens of thousands of sealed indictments for years in this country. It goes up a little bit every year. That has been the general trend, anyway.
The idea that somehow all of Donald Trumps political enemies are going to end up in prison is caca-thought.
What did you just say to me, you little bitch?
I have manually gone through and confirmed that the indictments have indeed been filed. Did you miss the part where it says SINCE THAT DATE?
Look up the Elizabeth Holmes arrest when you get a chance!
So what do these people think Q is?
No, I didn't miss that part. That's nearly a year ago. Do you know how many indictments were filed the year before Manaforts indictment? Over 50k. Know how many the year before that? Also over 50k.
See what I'm saying? Q-user is asking you to believe that for some reason, all of the usual ~50k or more indictments for ordinary people didn't happen this year, and that all 50k are democrats and hollywood people and shit.
It's ludicrous.
Some NSA nigger whose a plant by his own choice, most likely some old faggot who ran out of Tom Clancy novels to jack off to
holy shit lmao hahaha
Fuck this is cringy. Fuck these retards.
This is why user is important, the more this faggotry goes on, the less weight revelations made here have. Fuck these jackasses.
He's literally standing next to a bag of nuts
nice compression socks
Is that a pleather captain's chair?
>I guess space communism is as shitty as modern communism
>that thumbnail
Love the LARP
What the FUCK. How does some guy typing shit on Jow Forums get this deep into real life? There are T-Shirts of him. WTF. These people have never even visited Jow Forums so
Q somehow became like a god to these people. They actually think he is some kind of savior who is going to appear and save them somehow.
glowing post
"Where We Go One We Go All"
What is this shit? Q never even said this quote right? Dude I'm so confused lmao
This board has never been more complete shit than since you fucking kikes started this whole "HOW DO OLD PEOPLE INTERNET" JIDF D&C shit. Just kill yourself already. Right now. Get started. Jam that paper clip into your jugular.
Go on pacer and look for yourself, then. Or just continue to write off anything you don't want to hear.
Q user was a shill project.
VIP patriot. Fucking based.
Qanon is a brilliant psyop. People were starting to come her after the user warned about the LV shooting, now they all follow Q instead.
Based conspiracy milfs
I guarantee every one of them votes, and I guarantee every one of them is going to vote for Trump.
Does their presence diminish Trump support?
For me, that's the only thing that's really debatable about the whole thing.
does that look like a fucking jew, leaf?
I think you meant to say Jew.
Gonna need a source for that, Chaim
If these Q user people can't even tell a Juden when they see one, they're hopeless.
trump is a kike
he hired kushner, sessions, and bolton
he also bombs syria for israel
also he loves israel and his jewish kids