CIA niggas better stay out my thread

You can only post in this thread if you are at this powerlevel

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repent for you have sinned against mother earth. a plague on your houses for your coldhearted attrition.

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snownigger fantasies from a british mongrel that will undoubtedly never actually materialize them, so he settles with living vicariously via his made up delusions.

Your women are loose, your country is in shambles, your daughters are getting gangraped by pakistanis and your government is actively working towards eradicating you and your kin.

Keep larping as a traditional man. Without a loyal wife. Without an estate. Without recognition. Without prospects. Without freedom. Without children. Without basic fucking cognizance.

i love the traditional culture of europe, but i hate this name Trad. its a belittling marketization of what was once just being. its now just another identity marker among the sea of other consumer choices.

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>CIA niggas better stay out my thread
kek. I can draw them in. What is the best way to dispose of nuclear waste? Call it DU, put it in infantry rounds, and deformed iraqis don't exist.

Ill be the first to admit im not at that god tier level but this thread is meant to be for those people. I am a pan european mutt, though i had blonde hair as a boy, and my cousins are totally blonde. for me it is a fantasy; but it is realisable, and im closer than you would imagine, you dumb greek fag. i wanted to sit in the glory of the based bois, but i got you instead.

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guess what guys, you dont have to be white/nordic to support their multiplication as a gift to this earth! who knew!

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An amalgemation of a dozen ethnicities, none of which are over 1000 years old, has the gall to preach to a pureblooded greek. A larper that most likely can only speak his own language, terribly at that, has the audacity to lecture anyone whatsoever about anything.

Keep masturbating to your aryan fantasies, monrgrel.

how do i know youre not mi5

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dude shut the fuck up im levels above you and you dont even know it. im beyond nationality and now seek to inspire unlimited multiplicity by spreading the good word of the exponent. the world can be beautiful, but we must steer its course faithfully else it land in stormy seas and we all drown.

im not but they probably want me.

(((they))) got terry. now they dont have anything stopping them. youll be next


Don't tell me what to do; we gang-banged mother May.

Are you sill planning to Blow up the White house and kill Trump, right?



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basic memes for subverted teens

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we must teach the young to be strong

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what do leftie retards think of these memes I wonder


all these things are so basic. it is so upsetting to see all this worldview erased from the conciousness

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so this is my challenge to you: live in defiance of the status quo, as an aristocrat of the soul. never falter, and create an exemplary legacy for the new generations.

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they arent lucky enough to stumble upon them

Speak of the devil....

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Cianigger alert

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I want a blonde Lithuanian girl to marry but i'm not going to find one :(

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>implying you're of the same stock as the ancient Greeks from millenia ago
Realize your country is choked with crippling debt and niggers are invading your nearly non-existent borders by the hundreds. Half your people have been mixed with shitskins centuries ago. There are few pure Mediterranean Greeks left and the likelyhood of you being one of them is low, considering you seem to salivate at the mere thought of the accomplishments of "your" people.

If you really gave a damn about your country, you'd be working to fix it, not masturbate to your "pure" Greek blood.

It's beautiful. Wholesome existence.

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Good evening Glowing One

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post dick on desk if legit you dum phaggot

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this looks nice
this looks tacky

No can do’sville. Ever since the Mormons took over the agency, you have to check your weanus penis at the start of the shift and can only pick it up after carding out. You can ama me anything, though

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Can you imagine?

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O p s e c


So many bodies and mind of one purpose- a People

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I am like to weep
It’s pronounced “Rumpelstiltskin”

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such a fantastic and sublime mode of existence. the feeling of unity is something i feel empty for lacking. really there can be no me without us, or rather what it means to be me would be rendered pointless should us cease to be.

I don't care much for gold, asshole.

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